Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 2005, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 03, 2005 - 29 s - * s : :Index: Real Estate 100-135 la Business 140-169 S *~ Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 - Fax: 905-876-2354 Email: ctassitied@miltoncanadianchampion.COM Merchandise 300-385 a Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com *Srie 0-9 o ICUAINci:958854 Ad submîsîon by mail or in person The Canadien Champion, 875 Main St. E., Milton, ON [91 3Z3 Deadles: Mon., 11 a.m., for Tuey. publication, Thurs, 1l a on , for Pri publication. Special Featere & Hvliday deaines may vary. PaymenI: We accept cash, cheqee, lnterac. Visa, MasterCard, Amerîcan Express. Business accoonts cao Se opened wîtb an opproved credît application available troon yoer Sales Cvnsultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIAST DAY IT RUNS tn ensere the informatin s correct. Contact yoer Sales Consultant aithîn 24-Hours tf an error appears. An error in a Fri, publication mest be repvrted no later than Mon., 1l a.m. BIRTHDAY Mary £Ovev 2-BEDROOM epart- DOWNTOWN MILTON monts Georgetown / Ac- Mîtîcide Towers ion. Choose yoer Oms 82 Milîside Drive. p aint colours! Available Attractive quiet building. J une l. No smok- Spacioes brîght dlean ers/pets. $8901movthý 1&2 bedroom unîto wîth 905-702-3301. laendry facility soi social room on site. 2-BEDROOM loti apart- Regelar resîdent avents ment, Oowntown Open 7 days & evenîngs Georgetown in historîc Call 905-76-1249 building. Heat, parking, www.renlstar.ca water iscludai. A/C and Hydro extra. First/tast. GEORGETOWN i -bed- $950/mosth. Anaitabte room lumished spacîvus Juse lot. No umok- basemest apartment. ers/dlogs. Cait 905-877- Single, non-smoker, no 5495 alter 5:OOpm. pets. $750/mosth sn- cledes utilities. Reter- 3-BEDROON bungalow esces. 905-873-9584. Oowntown Milton, renot- nated, 6-appliances, GEORGETOWN 2-bed- A/C, nuits retired/profes- room, lirst/iast. sional couple. No $gSO/month allitncte- pets/smoking. First/tast, sive. Availabte May lot. reterences. May 1 st. Reterences. Cati 905- $1 ,300/month plus utit- 873-3377. ities. 905-876-3738. _____________ GEORGETOWN spa- ACTON Apartmests. 1- clous, 2-bedroom apart- bedroom apartmens ment, ctose to Higb avaitabte. May 1Ist. Sohool. Apptiances, Fridge & stone, lausdry great neighhors. No tacîlities. No dogs 519- pets/smoking $980/mtb 853-4374. Open 7 ait inclusive. Anaîlable days/week. Same day February lut. 905-873- appronal. www.reat- 1174. star.ca Georgetown. l-bedroom ACTON large 2-bedroom newty resonated brîght apartment, 900usd tevel, apartment. Fenced yard, $800/mosth ptus. Also parking & taundry in- l-hedroom apt. cludeit. 5750/month. $600/mosth plus. Cati Avait. Aprit lst. Cali 519- 519-853-5080 or 519- 856-9994 853-5352. --_______ RENTAIS APARTMENTS 2-bed- 1 -bedmoom suites in bis- romsites in Actos toric building in Rock- $800 and $850/mosth. wood utartîsg at Pitate yards. Oas heat. $700/mosth. 3-bedroom Anailabie immediatey. townhouse in George- Cai Liz Doati, Johnson town, $1 ,200/month plus Ausociates Reattor 905- utilities. Cati Elizabeth 877-5165 Doett, Johnson Asso- -_claIes Plealtor 905-877- MILTON. Avaitable Julp 5165. isi, Suitable lot working couple. Relerences. No MILTON Neights. 1- pets. 9-foot ceilings. 2- bedroore apartment. Fe- bedmoom. Main floot of maie preterrad. Utilfties houce. Basement latin- included. Avable im- dry iacIIy. SltDDl0monIh m.dately. 05-878- + euSe. 9ffl-8.2737 M06. GLEN EDEN COURT APART- MENTS 122 Bronte Street South, - Milton We are nom cccept- lng applications for: -1 bdrm For more Informe- tion acdor10me an appointment, Pleace Ccl: 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leonard & Penny MAIN tivor 1 -bedroom country apartment. Avaitabte Juiy 15th.* Own entrance, lots xl windows. $850/mosth inclusive. Suited tor 1-workmng temnato. tirst/last/reterences te- qeired. Cati 905-873- 4426 or 905-691-6730. Milton 1 & 2 bedroom anailabie. Prom $845. Clean and quiet build- ing. Cali Jass 416-723- 4801 Avaîtable April lost. MILTON basement I- bdrm bachetxr, sbared entrance, shared taun- dry, cable/interset, air. Thompson/Steeles $350/biweeky. Cail (289)242-2525 MILTON. Country bach- etor apt. Kitchenette, easy commute 10 Oak- villeBlprtington. No amokinglpets. Includas utilitie $60OImo. Aval- aSie ioM edlay. 905- 693-9074 . TRAFALGAR Roxd, Ballinatad newly ren00 vatei 2-bedroxm spart- ment, îmmediateiy; 3- bedroom, immediaiey Fitge/siove, laendry fa- cîlîties, parking, etîlîties ail inclusive $950/monib. Firsi/lasi. 416-248-1105. 2 bdrmn rural tarm house i4th Lise) large lot tc maintais, availabie May 1 st. $1200/mth + util- ibies. 905-691-3934. BEAUTIFUL new 4 bei- roont, 3 balhroom bouse in Mi8on. June is. For tull details and ix ar- range nisit please cail 905-276-4805 press 1. MAIN levei ot 3-bed- room bungalow in Olde Milton. 3-appliances. $1250/month ulilities on- cluded. 905-878-9888 MILTON 3-bdrm bouse, epper floor, 5 appli- ances, big yard, great location, $1100/mth + utilities, availabie June 1. Cati 416-801-9012. MILTON 3-bdom, C/A, 5-appliances natural guu barbeque. Freshiy decorated. $1 300/mth + utilities. Avaîlable im- medialely. No pets. May ist 905-875-0178. Hoes& Crafts - & bes& Crans S Craft Show Ç V / Qulfed Exhbitors Wanted Apr 8-10.M.& Nov. l1-32m t4 -6,20 RHispuCoen BmëvçwuAm Mar.542 &Oct. 22-23,2005 id 164I7,2W5 For more dnormaùion cal 905-426-4676 ext.222 or visit www.thiehearofcountry.com Mâ-hs - Br BARNETIMCDUFFE: Big sîster Jacobi, xlong with Daddy & Mommy Jett & Jodi very proudly anounce the arrivai ot Brias Jochua "Josh., weigtnng 8 Ibs 14 oz on April 25, 2005 at Mttiov District Hospital. Thanks to ver nurses, Marilyn. Leanne & June and Or. Rataoingharnjnr his sale delivery, love ami care. Lnving grandparents Ju & Ron and great grancipurents Jean & Arnold McDutfe. TV hast a new baby brothert Evan Ryan Bon- sali was bomn on April 211h at 6:47 arn at Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga weighing 7lbs., liozs. Proud parents are Bryan and Olone are doîng tise. MM or Rec ACTON townhouse, 3- bdrm, 5 appimasces, available July 1 st. $1180/mth + utilities. No pots 519-853-0710. MILTON. 3-bedroom townhouse, tînished rec room, garage. $1300/month v utilities. Availabie May 1 st/OS 905-876-4499 OAKVILLE -2, 3&4 bedrxom townhouses availahie immediately tbrough June 4, appli- Townhousas ares. Lakeshore Mas- FrRani agement 905-876-3336. 4-BEOROOM bouse to rent in Actos, quiet neighbourhOo nar, o o Lake. 5-appliances, M Reai & Wantad non-smokers, nlo pets. Fivstltasrelerences. FURNISHED roomnt eat Si ,35G/month plus sut- Miflon Mai, poring, Mes, Avalabia immadi- lcundry etc. $100meek. atelly. Cai 519-053- Pieac cai 0-878- 525 - 0DM2 LARGE room in new home. Derry/Thompsos $ 4 4 5/ m o n t Cable/internet inciuded. Female preterred. 416- 731-8333 uSter 5 pm. MILTON busement & upper floor room Bronte St. area. Use of kitchen, own bathroom, und taundry tacilities. eill 905-876-5151 CH-ILD & youth worker, lirut uid/CPR, iearnîng ennîrosment, meals pro- vided, spaces availabie immediatly. Shelley 0905-693-921 7 LOTS of tus, learning, and lovin9 care. Firsl Aid/CPR. Non-smoking. Police/C.AS. checks. Excellent ralerences. Nome ispections by NaIIhlFire Depart- mante. Laudae 0-875- 2262. CM ncemects Aýnceet W Ancoumnts Something old, something new, something bo- *c 0't Pluis T'onto's Formo ridai EVMt - -~BRIDAL SHO~W C- September 9-11, 2005E International Centre, Mississauga -D o Ln -0 Name o-) (O Addressor 4- City ____________Postal Code E Phone ________________ SWedding Date_______ _____________ wFax ______ 0__ _ o-t i g Send t0: National Brida Shows I S I c/O Premier Consumer Shows 4. 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON UD W " L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5570 :3 E ( 0 A DIVISION OF METeOLAND PRINSN PUOLISHING & OiSTRIOUVING o DON'T FORGET TO PICK UP YQUR 0 oCOPY 0F WEDDINGBELLS MAGAZINE 6uILtlawoS -anlq 6u!Lilawos pamoinoq 6uiqi? HossFor Sale usmuY Fo ae acr RAINBOW VILLAGE THIS 3 year-old Milton home has approx. DAYCARE lu accepting of bautuI ivin spce, registration tor children 3800 sq. fto euel iigsae 18 months to 5 years. including 2 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms and 2 French clasu and eary learning programmes. 4-pc.and 2 2-pc. bathrooms. Clean home 905-878-7552 on a quiet street within walking distance f0 GO, downtown and schools. Prof. fin. basement, massive eat-in kitchen, backing onfo pond. CAC, CVAC, etc.. $434,900 www.ontadolistings.ca 905-693-8958 CngEngens ongEngent COUNTRY HEARTS 9 S 26 Main St. E Unit A, Milton S 905-864-6861 - OPEN HOUSE" qp S Registration for S2005 Summer Session 19 9 of Painting Classes SFri May 6th llam-9pm 19 Sat. May 7th lamn-5pmn S Corne choose the 9 ip classes you would like Sto sign up for from the V Svariety of samples on qudisplay. We carry a S good selection of Scrafting & painting 9 S supplies including 9 paints. brushes, S books & wood 9< FArSle $$$$$ WANTED- Ail China, Sîlver, Crysta, Tea Cupu, Royal Doul- ton, Swarovski, Giasu. Jewellery old tops, col- tectibles estates. Cai John/ Tracey 905-331 - 2477 A dining room, cherry- wood, double pedesta table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, donelail construc- tion. New sti11 in boxes. Coul $11000. Sacritice $2600. 905-567-9459. A King Pillowtop Mat- treus Set. New in plas- tic. Cosi $1600. si tor $450. 915-567-9459. ABOVE grounit 16 Ni pool, new pump, needs tiser $250. Cuit 416- 881-9898. UEO, Amazing barguin, quees orttiopedlic pillow- top sel, new in plastic, warranty $150 905-567- 4042 will deliner. BEDROOM Cherry- wood, Bed. ouest. dreaser, 2 nightstanda. Dovatai Consctruction. Nvr openai toM S,. Sedilc À î à

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