The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 3, 2005-23 î XXa y GREWAL GARDENS -Wholesale & Retail- OPENS THIS WED-NEDSDAY MAY 4TH ]FROM 8AM-8PM Stop By For' Some Great Gardenïng Deals For Mom. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Mon-Sat 8am-8pm * Sun 8am-7pm 666Tag ar Rod Hor The Grad Chlet Restaurant & Banquet Hall Join usfor/414ýeJ qe Brunch Il Grande Italian Buffet! * Antipasti's e Carved Roasi Beet & Por * Gourmet Salads a Seafood 0 Italien Postas e Large Selection e Veal & Chichen of Desserts Sunday, May 8th Reserve for)1 of 2 sittings - 11:30 arn & 1:3Oprn Also availablew.47urWPd e1Yl Dinner Sunda, May 8th - S:OOpm A suggested Menu will be offered. BUFFET $J9 ONL $259 Chdldren under 12 Yrr hafpre,, Under 3 yrs Free <pLus LUxS & ISIuJLIE) Reserraions Oni 1 0 AML ILft Corne in and enjoy our.. (Hicken& (Hmp Conmol THE5 SWISS CHALET WAY 1 RoLuene Qwiler (hSkkn 9rsm,-nm ~r&L~ne andLioed omigoes 1 Cnisy'Vrsn ROBi 1 (lualt Dimik* SuSc ody $ 999* Ii ,) HV1Vý D AW ýR ý1:) IJXC NEN PIA * Il )R gRIK , Serenity I $140-00 j Theraputc Pedicure Srs ae (Wtt poraffin wax trealmmnt, Stes E a>S lu Manicure, 1/2 Hour Aromatheripy (with =aafnwax trealmnt), Il Massage, Shampoo & Finished 1/2 haur armatherapy bock massage, * I Style Warmrlng matcr o*1 bock I13 00 ( Ž99=Oa »Lt IPamper mom on Modues Day wihasgt rfct DOwntow Milo * 05-81-811 THURS FRI.. 9-9, SAT ..9-3 s \\e Jch~k ~ h p-10101 r A Day at the Spa Manucure, Therapeutc pedicure <lnctudlng paraffIn wax treolment), European facial, Aromatherapy steam room session, aromnatherapy back massa e, Shompoo &fin1shed styl Signature Body Retreait Begin ta relax wlth a eucalyplus steamn room session. Fotiw wlth a peppermint or cihrus body Kai exteiliation li Wrap, Finish 1111 h.aveny t«realent wlt a 1 hour aKMmothepy body massage incluides FREE829 liersIbey 5S s uQS & %cissesGS 2 + tax 276 Main St., Milton (905) 878-4171 M d