16-The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, May 3, 2005 Da telin e 6uppI Connon Nurseries Sales and Production Yard ,IYFr on Robson Road is open to the public. We've doubled aur parking and enhanced our sales area just for you. There's no better place for plant selection, quality, price, and prof essional expertise anywhere! CONNON NURSERI ES C. B. VANDERKRUK HOLDINGS LTD. Production Yard 5e~cNC ~ mORS Tel.: 905.689.7433 "OMFU 656 Robson Road, Waterdown, ON HOURS Mon-Fn. Baim-8pm E FAMW ST.Sat. tamn-Spa N Closed Sundayo I ~www.couuuii.cad Tuesday Mlay 3 - 7 The Milton Mayors Youth Advisory Council and the Town of Milton invites youths aged 13 to 24 to celebrate Youth Week 2005 sith a band show, an audio car show, a pool party. a dance, a drop- in night and a youth versus police hockey game. For a full calen- dar of events, caîl (905) 878-7252. ext. 2754 or e-mail recre- ation@ miltonca. TIuesday May 3 - 8 The Milton District Hospital Gift Shop holds is Mothers Day promotion throughoui the week, and also Lis a seIectio i'(fgi ideas for new hahies. Wednesday May 4 The Halion hranci o) the Canadian Mental Health Association starts ils four-week Stress Management workshop lrom 7 to 9 p.m. in Milton. Topics include stress and work, coping with change and halancing work and famnily. The cost is $80. To regis- ter or for more information. caîl (905) 693-4270. To recogilize Mental I-ealth Week. Halton I-eathcare Services and the Canadian Mental Health Association are presenting a free seminar entitled 'Understanding Depression' at 7 p.m. at the 707 Galaxy Banquet Hall in Oakville. To reserve a seat, caîl (905) 338- 4379 or e-mail elittleCahalonhealthcare.on.ca. Thursday May 5 The Milton Mayors Youth Advisory Council hosts a communi- ty forum from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. lu celehrate National Youth Week at the Milton Lions Cluh, 77 Thompson Rd.. upstairs at Memorial Arena. Lunch is provided. To reserve a spot, cal Jennifer Sutton at (905)>878-7252, ext. 2754 or e-mail jennifersut- ton(îumilton.ca. The Halton Outdoor Cluh holds an information night ahout its summer activities from 7:3010o 10 p.mn. at the Continental Austrian Cluh, 664 Spring Gardens Rd., in Burlington. For more informa- tion, cal905) 634-2012. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a cer- tified lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.mi. For more information or tu make an appointment. caîl Jean Gallen at (905) 878-2383. ext. 7030. The Fine Arts Society of Miltons Evening Group of Artists meets from 7 to101) p.m. 'Me informaI environmeni provides artisîs sith an oppo-rtunity to exercise their drasving skills. lFor more information. caîl Janis at (905) 854-5753. The Womens Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale MaIl at Rehecca Street and Third Line. in Oakville holds uts Women's Caring and Sharing Circle from I to 3 p.m. For more information. caîl (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. 500 Childs Dr., holds a foot care cii from I to 4 p.m. with a VON nurse. The cost is $22. For more information or to make an appointment. caîl (905) 875- 1681. The Canadian Federation of University Women. Milton and district, meets at Hugh Foster Hall at 7:30 p.m. with John Mct.ean spealdng ahout 'Camp X - Training Canadas Warriors.' For more information, cali (905) 878-2421 or (905) 876-4524. see more DATELINE on page 34 (=O~PTICAL LARGE SELECTION 0F FRAME5 AVAILABLE! Saie Ends May 31/05. JAI KUJ Carrage Square 15 Martin St., Milton Garden Centre Tel.: 905.689.4631 383 Dundas St. E, Waterdown, ON HOURS Mon-Fri. 8am-9Pm Sat 8am-5pm Closed SundaYs 5PAM Rt R