k 12-The Caniadian Champion, Tuesday, May 3, 2005 "TGP 1SHOO r"Vlnu A lli AJWlvvâ IJAI ii He wvM have less than a second te make a decidon, Prepare for the road ahead mith Young Drivers' Collisionfree! Approach to DrivingT5! Its the oniy driver training program to offer threshold and ABS emergency braking, smerving techniques, reur crash und head-on collision uvoidance. Cail us or visi www.youngdrivers.coml for more details. The genuine YD progruu is flot avuilabie in any bigb senool. 905«87540480 YOUNG DRIVERS9of canada SYour licence to survive. ISO 9001:2000 wwvlw.youngurivers.com Regîsîered MTO APPROVED BEGINNE IDRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER "6MUSTANG MESSENUER" Belinda Aizaer Ashley Clerici Julia Pyper MILTFON DISTRICT 1191 SCIGOL This week at Milton District was tires bien" as the Canadian bistory students would say, althougb they wouldn't be the only ones. The badminton, basebali, and soccer teams can also say that it bas been a good week. Unlike tbe weatber things are getting pretty bot around MD with ail tbe sizzling spring activities. Speaking of sizzling, the Canadian bistory class bad a pot of stew cooking away over an open fire on Tbursday. Tbey were reliving tbe lives of French set- tiers, quite accurately mind you, as tbey buddle near tbe fire to keep warm in tbe rainy weatber. However if you ask tbe students they will surely agree that il svas a fun day despite tbe unpleasant conditions. Wbat's not fun about bearing traditional Frencb-Canadian stories wbile delighiing in iraditional French-Canadian cui- sine. The badminton team bas donc reaily well, so well that tbey quaiified t0 compete ai GHAC on Wednesday. A big congratulations goes to ail players, especially to Alisha Turner for ber outstanding performance wbicb landed ber a 4tb place in girls singles. Tbe boys' base- bail team bad an equally great Wl*ednesday as tbey dom- inated Aldersbot Higb Sebool witb a win 4 to 0. Tbe boys' soccer team played really weli tbis week aiso. and was leading tbeir game 2-i againsi Oakville Trafalgar. Unfortunately in tbe second baif tbey dropped to 3-2. Stili ail tbe teams worked great in tbis cbilly weatber, keep putting on tbe beat guys! Now to tbe arts side of tbings wbere tbe tbeatre per- formance and band trip are on tbe borizon. On May 5tb, 6tb, and 7tb a man will be on top a seven-story building deciding wbetber or not to jump. Tbis is of course tbe bilarious Canadian comedy "7 stories", for wbicb you can stili buy tickets. Simply contact an MD student actor, or buy ai tbe door on performance nigbts. It is also exciting tbat tbe concert band, jazz band, and cboir are taking off to Cleveland on May I 3tb. Tbere are stili students selling cbocolate bars so if you bave a ebocolate craving track down a music student and sup- port tbe music departient. So tbe spring temperatures are flot exactly desirable, but tbe spring activities ai MD are bot bot bot! Good iuck f0 ail teams and groups as tbey compete, performi, and set oui on new adventures. "DBATELINE DRIJRY"9 Kim Hester Kai ogy Praishant Naiukwedi E.C. DRURY MIGM SCMGOL Aswehed m te onh fMay h Drn prasaebuirta vr The Datln Drory wiesdcddtaka rolthrog h ,ce Bayt ic the eniing events that wer-ehappenintg alor-ound theirshoîl. Katie r-tas very happy with last ruer'St talent show. "Dtd you guys ser- the Talent Shom'? i thought eeryStoy was amerorne The competton was qough, so there ended or, Seing aie. Kate Lo)ngley, who sang and ptayed the gattar. and Meg Boland. who had an arnaztng acrobatie dance routine, suere the two wmnnes,- Katie sidý -hat r-r-tnnds me. the Dr-aua ai Drory ai.iors perfsr-rnd wonderfulty ai the Sear--Draai.Fesial last werk, esrn though they didn't movr-onlto the et roound! They pro rnany long hours inteo'Angelique an they represnted or school well,*"Kim cortnrnted. -Aiso, shent1m.tr-gongoitforunch estrday.l1heardthe and payngfr "MusicMonday-, hchs aatonaeenthre schitrtroirrst he country per-irn the sanie saong ai the saine tinta. said Pr-arhat excitedly. -Woss 'bat sound- great. Are you gayr- gantucpatîng r- the 301 ltour Fainitre. mhs.h is comtr-gap on May 13-14 -Katie asked. tlant! ltr gingltotbcaesoie. We'regoing tiîhave a hugereakfas-tfor.al] the participants- ai 9191 in the iior-ing. and dieu tier an the attern. me'rr gorng tc, play aîl sotr1ýoitieaîtt Suitlng gante- oatside and in the Spior-s Building. Thon, oiorse ther-'r-the sieeprîser-.sthch nciadesntmore .rctsrtiest nludingtnoir- andI sir-o gantms' osi.iaimed Prmrrhant. -Ycah, it'sr-cei-se the whiier-i.hoxiigetitg iiisîiisadCut forite Cre is aise cotning ag on May 1l. and it r-eins like the participauts ssho ssti Se gettitie their haads shased hase air-e.dy r-.rtred o ot itt ptedge niuey for the- Canadian Cancer Soiety. .'id Kiin -Ther-ehave Sean a tetot signs abioti aio these tondraiing osetr-a Drary. lite in the Sparts Building. Its reraiiy bar-y rser tSar-e, as the saccer. bar-eali. rugby, and no tennis toron ar-o gr-ttittg r-r-.dy lor their r-rguar soaarn goures. Intramrraiiscr-salsorinrhngpanl'ni huîkrng irward totheonet sotf which is rumoared toSe Ulintate Frisbee"'said Karie wtth a sie "Oh. an-d the Cr-alt Sale lasi weekeud was once again a sor.cess. Wa r-hoid thank ait the siionîeers oho helped out. they did a gr-eot jaS." added Kîtît. "Weilgays,.Foir-eaiytisikingiirwsar-d ilthe upcoiting eenr-ttt May' MaySe we %Sioid gat toîcass nîow - Prashant sadashecr-ai uiforhis neut.iass Also,.aserr-speciarimoinentfr Drury icorredi.irt eei.ssSeniourseryiisn Katre Bangay r-rcersed the i.C. Drory irtodataof ExcellenceAmard at asery întpr-erssecer-eruay ai Nelsonr Htgh Sshosii Conugratrulatis Katie As a cosingunote, Mr Keane acis or- ihaitihera ar-e r-titi soutie syrîts let in the .C. Drnry euniiu olftToruaieut Mayl7ai raiteRde- ifiurestedr..ii Mr Keane (519921 1552). And nom for ibis wer-k' gor-ut for *WHERE ARE THEY NOW?, Sandi Barbeti. Yr-ars Cà Drury: 1984-1987 Foliowing Drury: 1987-1991: Unirtsity ai Western Honursi Fr-ench & Rssian. 1991-1992: Commer-cial Sales; 1992-1993: For-aigri Pr-esr- Bur-au r-oati a; 1493-1995: Commercial Saler-; 1995 Marnied. 1997-1998: son. daughter hurr. 1999: B.Es AilSau-e Crîllage UJniver-sity ofi Western Ontarrio; 2001 -Prescrit:teacStug Curr-niiy: E'irmentar-y French.Slear.her-tfor-LondoînDisrict 5.hsoiiBosar-dawating hirth oîf 3r-d chiid Favorite Drory Mernori-ru the Gr-eat Gatrsby Par-ty, hrgh sihiotl douces. socciaiig in he Lcker Bay,tie( paperrug Mr.-Keane's trucks Hont Did Drury Preprare Your Drury taoght me ta taie r-tskr aud Ioi thîîrk oiai sîde the Ses tii push ntyseii Seyand what i thîîught mere nty limnttatioîns Sumrn Nal Siobhan Desroches S me ovin'had me a bls.Summar lovin' happenaed so, fast! That's right! lu light of BR's production of Greasa lasi weak, ibis article is going to writtan by the stars, Danny Zuko and Sandy Oison. Dauny: Hey avarybody! Walcoma to tha Royal Report! It's hys- tamatic... ultra-matic... batiar than GREASED LIGHTENIN'! Sandy: Ha Ha oh Danny... lai's gai domu 10 the news okay? Danny: Okay Sandy. The track and field tearu did a great job ai Lion's Park in Brantford lasi Wadnasday. Sandy: Tait rua about il stud. Danny: Firsi placa finishars mare Patryk Bugaj in the midget 100 and 40t0, Derek Malona in junior long jump. and Miek Songirogno in senior shirt put and javalin. Sacond place finîshars mare the jun- ior girls 4x100 relay of Krista Ward, Lindsay Warnham, Diana Beduarz and Sarah Mitchell- the senior girls 4x(X) of Sabrina Dicîntio, Danielle Clarke, Christine Brennaustuhl and Julie Gagnon- and midgei boys 2,000 mater madlay of Mati Karmîn, Marshall Vince, Wayne Bannai and Miich Aspinmall. Good job tearti Sandy: Wom the ieam raally did great! Danny: Yeah 1 wîsh 1 mas a good runner. I*m nol ver good ai sports. Sandy: Wall Danny. you baiter shape up! 'Causa 1 need a man, and 10 my heari 1 must ha grue!! Danuy: Can you jusi. nol sing for oua minute'?! Sandy: Sorry. The BR danca tearu also dîd a great job ai Eastwood Collegiate in.Kitchener lasi eekand. where 30 of our dancars danced for ovar 12 bours! Nom thai must have beau tiring! Great job dancers! l)auny: Thai's cool baby. you knom how il is. rockin' n'roilin' and what not. That*s mhat the BR dance taam does. Saudy: So doas the badminton doublas who ment to St. Mary's for GHAC- a tournament for greater Halton and Hamilton areas. Justine Hall and Sea Mathe placed 7tb oui of fr4 iaams in the golden horsar-hoe araa. Also, Jamie Greenfiald and Lîndsay Furik came lu second place and advanced 10 OFSAA in King City. They ara the second teau in BR hisiory 10 make il 10 OFSAA tor bad- minton doubles!! Way lo go girls!!! Danny: Wom' Jamie and Liudsay must go logethar lîke ramma lamima lamma ka digat da dinga dong!! Ha ha! Well that's ail the lime mc have for ibis waek. wre jusi wrant 10 end off with a big con- gratulations t0 a job mail doue 10 ail casi members of Grease! Your bard mork cerlainly paid off! Especiaiiy you. .. Max Fincharu! Sandy: Oh Danny, is this the end'? Danny: No Sandy. its only the bagiuuiug.