Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Apr 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, F.riday, April 29, 2005 *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E.. The Canadian Champion, publiseed euery luesday and Friday ai 191 Mitocn. Ont. 1_9T 4N9 Main Si E, Milien, Oct. LTt 4N9 (Box 248)> s one et The Meiroland Pining, Publishing & Disiiibuing Lil. group of seebîjban compactes which 3 1 inciodes Aax/Pickering News Adueriser, Hlision Herald/Coureei Barrie (905)8 8 2 4 Aduaiece, Bolton Enierprise. Brampton Guardian Burlingion Post, Burlingien Shopping News, City Parent, City et Yorke Guardian. Coiliiigwood/Wasaga Con1neciion, Euse York Mîrror, Erin AduocaiefCounfiry Rouies, Efobicoke Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Guarian, Fiamiiorough Heotew, Fîrever Young, Georgetown Adverlising ~ ~ f Fa:958626 idependenilHcion Fiee Press Haiton Business limes, Huronia Business Advetisig Fa: 90-8762364 Tlmes, Lindsay This Week, Maîkham Econoneisi & Sun, Midiand'Peceiang- Clasifte: 90-8753300 ucciene Miîroi, Miltoe Shopping News, Motssissauga Business Times, Clasifie: 90 -8753300 Mîssîssauta News, Napacce Guide, Nassataweya News, Newmarkei/Aurora Circulation: 905-878-5947 Etu-Baneer, Norihumberlanid Neau, Nocif lutte Minier, lakuilie Beaven, Sakueite Shiopping News. Otatîmees Hockey News, Irangevtile Buener, Oritui Ian Oliver Publisher Today, luirawaîWtby/Ciaiingion/Pori Perry This Werk, Peterborough This Week, Pîcton Couciy Guide, Richîmond Hiiiflhoiniîtiaughae Lieai, Scan- Neil Oliver Assoifate Piablishier borough Mentor, Siouttviifl/rbnbidge Tinbune Eer-rCre! Aduertiinq is accrpted on tie conittion lthain te e uef of a typo- Jîli Davis dt -iChe giaphica erron. triai portion of the aduentiig space occupied by tire erno- Karen Smith Maoeîgîng F2dîeor neous item, toeeifer write a reasocabe afiowaece for signatur., miii net be ctiained tor, but trie balance 0f tee advertsemeet wiii be panlrd loal trie appi- Wiendy MeNab Adr'ereisirrg Dîrecor cable rte, The pubhtîsher restions thritghi te curegeîîîe aduerisemenis or Tim Coles Podirctionr Manaege,. dectine Edîtoia and aduerisng content et 1he Cacadian Champion is pioeted Charlene Hall Drnttibtateec Manrer b y copyright. dnauiherized use is pneiied. Tnt-i Casas Offit-e Manager mhe Milton Canadian Chramprnis ia %cpclable Pîoduet i IWI4ERE IT'& GOING, ANDMIL 1 Not getting message ZI e Contra-y to wbat somne motoristr migbt yield and driver inattention are tbe main believe. our toriv streets and bighways don't exist to entet-tain those drivers wbo possess a heavy rigbt foot and very little common sense. Within a five-day spant this montb two types of driver et-rot-s that lead to scriouri but preventable accidents. At extremely bigb speedr. a driver bas lesir time to reset, needs far more space to bring bis or ber vebicle to a safe stop and * Our Readers Write (presumnably licensed) Halton drivers bas far less roomn for et-tor. r weecaugbt allegedly raing tbeir respec- Society iln afford to bc toer ot H-elp sho wn for hurt woman offered prime tive vebicles at more than 100 km/b clver tbe posted speed limit, in one case dlock- ing in at nearly 200 km/b. Fortunately, in botb cases, no one was burt -this time. Mont disturbing about one of the inci- dents was tbat tbe i 8-year-oid Burlington driver beld the lives of tbree passengers literally in bis bands as be allegedly sped 199 km/b along the Lincoln Alexander Parkway in Hamilton. In the other caLse a 20-year-old man from Betbany. Ont.. was nabbed allegedly driving tbree times the posted 50-km/b limit along buriy Burlingean streets. We know tl could (and docri> bappen in Milton. According to tbe Ontario Ministry of Transportaticon, driver error is the leading factor linked to moto- vebicle fatalities. Speeding, follosving too closely. failing to speeders'disregard for public safety. Wbile our traffie lawis sbould ensure speeding motorisxs; are punisbed finan- cially for tbeir careless bebaviou-. wie believe beavy fines, possible suspension of driving privileges and increased insur- ance rates isn't providing enougb of a deterrent. Unfortunately, our young people are taugbt early on that it's cool to drive fast. Somne automobile advertisements, televi- sion programir and tIse motion picture indust-y glorify driving at extremne speeds, but rarely illustrate tbe aftermatb wben miotorists lose control wbile speed- ing. Wbile graduated lîcensing was sup- posed to improve tbe quality of drivers our systemi produces, tberie trio recent examples would indicate that sotie young drivers riimply aren't getting tbe message. exam pie of communîty's ongoîng kîndness Dear Editor: Last Friday sftemnoon wbile driv- ing around tbe corner of Ontario and Pine streets, I noticed an eider- ly lady suddenly faIl to tbe ground and strike ber bead. By tbe lime I got around the next corner and manage 10 stop my car. a group of about eigbt people were thet-e riitb ber. One lady uscd lier cell pbone to caîl 911, wbile anotb- et- woman beld the wornan -Mary being lier tiame. A youtsg man even removed bis shirt to, use as a compress on Mary's face to belp stop the bleeding. and anotbe- mas went lt tbe bospital with Mary so that she wouldn't be alone. This outpouring of kindocirs wias great to sec in a tosvn groriing as fast as Milton tir. If's clear that we're still banging onto our rimaîlltoriv values. and people are stili con- cemed for one anotber. Nobody wialked past Mary and ignored ber. Many people ritoppcd to sec if tbey could belp, and ail were concemed for ber welfare. To Mary, I wish you a speedy recovcry. And to those who stopped and belpcd in one form or asother let me say tbank you for reminding me that Milton is a great town to ltve in. Atid let rose sa> thanks on bhaîf of Mary. \vo 1 knoir ,vas extremne- ly grateful for ail the kindncss she rias irboris. You could sec tl in ber face atid in ber smile. Joice Schofielci Campbellville Be sure ta include your name, address and telepDhone number when submitting a letter ta the editor for publication. Second it takes to buckle up could save your life tf tîsere wras sometbing you could do t0 sarie your life tbat riould lake about, oh, a second. riould you do tl? 0f course you rirould. Who wouldn't riorbîS loiri about your cbildren. If tbere crias somne lbmng you could do tbat riould take about tbre seconds fot- eacb child, riould you say that riras too mucb lime out of your day Certainly not. And ycl. cbances arc at lcast a feri of you rcad- et-s at-cnt punting those potentially life-saving seconds to good use. Because there arc at lcast a couple of you out there wbo arcn't bucling your- selves or your cbildren in wben you go for a drive. Seat belta. Police bave been warning us for years of the dangers of not wearing them,. And for the moisit part, it seema we get it. But there at-e atili sonne people cboosing to take chances. Wbat part of 'Seatbelts save lives' don't tbey get? Tbe Halton Regional Police Service bas juril releascd the resulis of ils spt-ing ireathelt cam- pargn, rivich ran from April 16 10 Sunday. In Milton, 1,963 vebicles wrivte cbeckcd and 34 were cbarged wiîb a seat bell infraction. Tbat metans juirî under 1550 per cent of cars pulcd over wrie cbargcd. 'bat may 001 sound like mucb. but using that figure and given this paper's circulation - and asrauming trio people in eacb bouse read tbe pape - I'm nori spcaking 10 juin under 700 of you Miltonians who don't wear your scaîbelts. Seems like a lot now, doesn't it? How many of you 700 adults are tt-ansporting ebjîdren wbo aluo are witbout a seatbelt? Earlie- tbis montb, an Oakville mas was cbarged witb not properly buckling in a tht-ce- year-old and a flve-year-old, presurnsably bis chil- dren. An officer saw one of the kids standing in the back seat of the car holding onto the beard rests of the fr-ont seats. The second child was lying on the back seat, also flot buckled ini. In the car was a car seat that wasn't being used. The man didn't have any valid reason as to why the kido weren't strapped in, police said. Then there was the case a couple of montbs ago in Milton ririen aî tltrce-year-rld girl \vraus tbrown trom a car tbrougb the rear window when a pick- up truck t-unning a rcd light smasbcd into the car she was in. The child bad heen siîrng, unbuckled, witb ber grandmoîber in the back seat of tbe car. The-e's a real ]lie example to show tbat sayîng -Il's only a short distance, II drive extra carefl docio't make irenire, since you can't control thc actions of other driverr. Another tbing -young drivers transporting friendr would do wcll to remembe thei driver is responsible to ensure ail passengers uandier the age of 16 are properly resta-ained. Whilc it migbt not he "cool" bo remind tbemn to strap tbemnselves in, it's thc law. If you value buman life - if noit yours, tben those of your loved onles - buekie up. That's aIl dico-e is toi say. I

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