The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 29, 2005-B15 ilditO uS ccontwork yard a fresh look for spring m Fo Wlth warmer tem- peratures an theiry way, many Canadians wlll be heading autdoors f0 wark an their yard. Yard wark con be lime con- suming and diffi- cuit If yau don't knaw where ta start, Sa the Iawn and garden team af Canadian Tire has the fallawing tips ta paint yau in the right directian this seasan. *Test yaur trimmer ta make sure it is warklng praperly SM and daoesn't need any new parts. If - Vts time ta trade in the aid trimmer, Aysm$ 8 cansider the fai- 'Y lawing be ar investing in a new ane: *The size af the Bi htFa ec trimmed. 88~?tPas *If the trimming 6pc area has heavy ar $ e.99 lighf grass and brush caverage. EeadAsre * The versatlityà yau will need tram CdrEoyu trimmer attach- 4I.2cl ments. - Befare uslng the lawnmawer far the first time this Spring,$9 989 check the fallaw- ing: o - The blades far 4~ for $100 . o sharpness andLitwh damage. DafPrri - Make sure the urlgno cuftlng deck s Gloe Spruceou bck clear af aid debris.BleSrc2 . *That the pull Standard 4 cards are In gaad warklng canditian. os - The spark plugs, Spark plugs shauldbi-Ou be checked annu- R.fmu ally ta make sure bron that yaur lawn- aktJs mawer wlll flot mis- 4" Ground Ceaa ots ui g -2i fire. Cvr uc - The ail levais. A h sero2cu . Tisw b lawnmawer shauld Plx if,4 be given an ail oifsw B or 1"bg t. change annually. ahfdammbc - Start yaur garden $u Ëm NnSo aut rlght by ilIing u the sali, The mini ptbc Bgna tiller by Tray-Bllt is or__ the perfect size far 5fr$00 HSWE small and medium ëef cSn Dortv sized gardens. $ 9 *Rid yaur eave- MiLa straughs af letaver leaves and debris 37 LRe.111911 that have bult up il"w f/ thraugh the fal rmtl.1 F and winter. This will21141911 help melting snaw. aM tne Ice and ralnwater eS run fteely. $99 aS I1 . Check garden hases far leaks and H stare hase neatly in* an accessible place. Ta help * * * 0* * * * make the chare aof winding the hase easier, use a self- * * * * ,* winding reel. - News Canada 0