4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 29, 2005 Eriors ts.Lnred nit ain article in I nesday's paper about Connections 4 Christians. The article implied churches must pay to be included on the Web site when, in fact, it's only businesses that are required to, pay. Also, the article erroneously stated that Ken Quiggan owns Our Father's Farm, when he doesn't. The Champion apologizes for the errors and any inconvenience they may have caused. Blaze rips through two townhouses \ilihn resid.iîiu, airc belli- aie alout iecillet B i~ lassard said e the dangers of halogen bulbs after a senious tire swept through a townhouse complex Tuesday evening. Firefighters were ealled te, the cumplex at the northwest corner of Woodward Avenue and Wilson Drive at about 8:45 p.m. When they arrived they found tire venting out the second floor and roof of a unit, which then spread to the attic of the attached unit. made an aggressive interior attack under heavy tire conditions. The blaze was contained within minutes, but firefighters remained on the scene for several hours. 'Me tire started when breeze from an open second-floor window caused curtains to be blown over a very hot, open-topped halogen lump stand, said a spokesperson froni the Milton Fire Department. 1 i bcn culiin [iee aîndi li ouito aî diai below, and soon the roomn was engulfed in flames. Residents are being cautioned that halogen bulbs boni extremely bot and shouldn't be placed next 10 anything combustible. Residents of the îwo units weren't home at the tîme of the blaze. Damage is pegged at about $60.000. Milton Online ww.tnca 1NOTICE 0F PASSIN O0F BY.LAW MAIN STREET EAST& THOMPSON ROAD SOUTH OPA GRADE SEPARATIONS CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The Canadian Pacifie Raîlway (CPR) has fwo level crossings within the urban area of Milton. One is located on Main Street Est, immediately est of Ontario Street. The ofher is located on Thompson Road South, south otf Main Street East. These level crossings presenly impact the operation of bof h roadways and the surrounding road network. Grade separaions are warranled at bof h locations based on rail and road f raffic volumes. Therefore, the Town of Milton is carrying ouf a sfudy of Main Street Est & Thompson Road South CPR Grade Separafions, in accordance wifh the Municipal Clasa Environmenfal Assessment (Class EA) process, which is approved under the Ontario Environimenfal Assessmenf Acf. McCormick Rankin Corporation has been retained tri iassiaf in carrying ouf the study. The study areas for bofh crossings are shown below. In 2001, the Town completed an Environmenfal Study Report (ESR) recommending the widening of Thompson Road Iti 4 lanes from Derry Road f0 Steeles Avenue. As a grade separafion is now warranfed, the Town is considering combining these projeets. A Public Information Centre bas been arranged for: j Data: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 Time: 6:00 p.m. - Open House (Drop-in centre) 7:00 p.m. - Presenlaion followed by question period Place:ý Milton Sports Centre, Banquet Room 605 Santa Maria Boulevard, Milfon The purpose of the informafion centre is two-fold: 1) Thompson Road South: to review the alfernatives and the preliminary plan for the preferred alternative for the proposed CPR grade separafion. Thereaffer, the preferred alternative wîll be reviewed in light of comments received and an Addendum 10, the 2001 ESR is proposed f0 be tlled in June 2005 for public review. 2) Main Street East: 10 review the altemnatives for the proposed CPR grade separaion. Thereafter, the preferred altemnative will be defermined and a second information centre twill be held in fal 2005. if you cannot attend and would like t0 provide comments, please forward fhem by May 20, 2005 ta one otf the following: TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Milton passed By-law Number 047-2005 on the 25th day of April 2005 under Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person or agency may appeal to The Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Milton, flot later than the 19ith day of May 2005 a Notice of Appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection and must be accompanied with a cheque of $125.00 payable to the Minister of Finance required by The Ontario Municipal Board. Only Individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeai a zonIng by-Iaw to The Ontario Municipal Board. A Notice of AppeaU may not b. flied by an unincorporated association or group. However, a Notice of Appeal may b. fli.d In the name of an Individuel who la a member of the association or the group on its behaif. Please contact the Planning & Development Department for inquiries regarding By-law Number 047-2005 at (905) 878-7252 ext. 2398. EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F THE BY-LAW By-law No. 047-2005 amends the Town of Milton Comprehensive Zoning By-law 144-2003, as amended. The purpose of By-law No. 047-2005 is: To implement more specific definitions relating te veterinary clinic and veferinary hospilal uses and te differentiate between Velerinary Clinic - Small Animal, Veterinary Clinic- Large Animal, jVeterinary Hospital- Small Animal and Veterinary Hospital-Large Animal; *To permit the Veterinary Clinic-Large Animal and Veterinary Hospital - Large Animal uses in the Rural (A2) and Agricultural (Ai) Zones; *To permit the Veterinary Clinic - Large Animal use in the Secondary Commercial (Cl -B), Commercial/Office Node (Cl -D), Office Node (Cl -E), Mixed Use (Cl -F), Secondary Mixed Use Commercial (C2), Local Commercial (C3), Hamiet Commercial (C4), Business Commercial (C6) tEmployment (EMP), Business Park (Ml) and Industrial (M2) Zones; and, *To revise aIl terminology in the zoning by-law relating f0 velerinary clinics and veterinary hospitals t0 be consistent with the new references and definitions. If should be noted that whiîe implementing more specific terminology with respect te veterinary clinics and veterinary hospitals, these uses wîll continue to be permitted in the zones where they were permitted prior t0 the adoption of the By-law. LOCATION 0F THE LANDS AFFECTED tBy-law No. 047-2005 affects aIl lands within the Town of Milton regulated by Comprehensive Zoning By-law 144-2003 and therefore, no key map has been provided. DATED ai the Town otf Milton, this 29th day of April 2005 T. McHarg, Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Milton 43 Brown Street Milton, Ontaio, L9T 5H42 DWELUNOS FOR S11ALE AND RELOCATIO Request for Proposais tThe Town of Milton is accepting proposais for the purchase a.nd relocation otf heritage dwellngs located on properties known as: 155 Mary tl 167 Mary Street These Mary Street properties will be considered for some aspect otf the future Town Hall Expansion project. To support 1he Towns goal otf preserving it's h.ritage, Milton Council la desirous of seiling these dweilings for relocation preferably within the urban boundaries otf Milton. intereuted purchaésers may view this Request for Proposais on the Town 0f Mlltn's webslte ai wwwj,ilton.ca or pick up a copy of the document at the Tomn Hall, 43 Brown Stree, 2nd Floor. fProposais in wrllln wll b. accepted until May 11, 2005. Forw msore Information about tul relocaflon sfra.g, please contact: Jenndfa Reynolds at i 90678-7262, exctenion 2180. Ms. Cathy Robertson, P.Eng., PTOE Manager, Infrastructure Engineering Services Department Town of Milton 43 Brotwn Street Milton, ON, L9T 5H2 Phione: (905) 878-7252, ext. 2516 Fax: (905) 876-502 e-mail: cafyrtson@miltn.ca Thtis Notice &Mr isued on Aprl 29, 2005. _ .__ - - -, - - - - - - - - ý. - 1. M MLI[[ Ti ou rý MS. Leslie Scott McConnick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, ON, LSK 2P8 Phone: (905)823450 Fax: (905) 823450 e-mal: Iscott@mrc.ca