The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 29 2005-3 Deirry Road widening likelv to start in Julv 1 By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Ground could break as soon as July for tise $20-million Derry Road reconstruction project sisatîIl double tise widtis of the busy stretch froru Bronte Street to James Snow Parkway. Tisat's what dozens of local residenta learned as a public information open bouse isostod by Halton Region Tuesday evening in Milton. Bronda Kingsmill, design supervisor witis the Region, said work on Derry Road * was supposod to ges undorway last year but due to issues surrounding property acquisi- sion and approvals from varions agoncies, like Transport Canada, tisat didn't happen. "We bave tentatively set the end of July to start construction," she said, noting it's * xpected to be finished by fali, 2006. lIn addition to widening tise road from two lantes to four, traffic ligis will be pus in place at every intersection excopt for Fourts Lino and Farmstead Drive, and a concrete median will also be installed, wisicis will be landscaped witis trees is some parts. Residents want noise barrier Ms Kingsmill said tise response fromn tbe public on tbe road design has been presty good, but noted some are concerned! with extra noise increased traffic will croate. Sbe noted tise current plan doesn't include a noise barrier. Halton Design Services Manager Josephs Cisoi said be received a petition from a group of residents Tuesday evening in sup- port of a noise bamrer for a section of Derry Road. He wasn't able so confsrmn if it was from tise samne group of residents tisas peti- tioned the Region for tbe wall a couple years ago, nosing he strill bas to, assess tise document. He said wben tise project went tisrougis the environental assessment stage, tise noise level and its impact on residents was examined. Tise assessment concluded tise increased noise level won't be isigis enougs to require a fence or barrier. But, Mr. Cisoi said tisere is a retrofit pol- icy tisas could be user! if tisere are enougis isomeowners in support of inssalling a sound barnier. It would also bave to be approved by Regional committee and council. Tisese homeowners would have to, pay 25 per cent of tise cost for tise wall, whicis Mr. Cisoi said could be paid as a lump sumn to tise Region or financed over 10 years on tiseir tax bills. Pathway popular Tisere were somte residenta as tise meet- ing tisas iad stme positive tisougis on the Derry Road project, particularly about tise aspisalt multi-use patis tisas will mun almost tise full lengts of tie road between James Snow Parkway and Bronte, except for tise sonts side between Santa Maria Boulevard and Bronte, wisicis Ms Kingsmill said iv a future project. Existing sidewalks will be replaced. "Rigist now it's nos safe to walk on Derry, so tise patisways will be nice," said Porter Way resident Lynne Gatzke. But, Ms Gatzke also isad concerus with tise lengtis of time tise road will be under construction, noting vse uses Derry Road sometimes to go to work. "Is'll be a mess for a long time," sise said. Ms Kingsmill said tise Region isopes to keep Denry Road open during construction but said tisere will be some detours set up. Ms Gatzke said sise realizes once con- struction is done, tise road will be mucis improved and safer. Cisapman Crescent resident - Ligaya Laporte sisared similar sentiments. Witis ber tisree cisildren crossing tise busy road to gos to Guardian Angols achool every day, she and ber isusband Dale agreed tise soon- or more traffic ligisss are pus in tise botter. "It's very busy as a couple of the inter- sections tisas don't isave any ligists s0 wo're looking forward to tisas," sise said. Mr. Laporte noted, "We can't wait until ating lefs tom lanes as every intersection, oxceps for Fourts Lino, leaving breaks in tise centre median for access to businesses and inssalling more strect ligists. Milton and Regional Councillor Barry Lee, wiso also came ont to tise information centre, noted tise turn lases will be a isuge asset to tise road. "I think wisen its (construction) coin- pleted it's going to be a isuge improve- ment," ise said. "Tisis iv going toise tise main street of tise new town." traffic is slowed down." Melanie Hennessey can be reached at drive everysse in theî.r Other aspects of the project include cre- group homne safey. Now's your chance to let ber be the pampered one. Show ber how much she Us appreciated wlth a Mother's Day Gift Certificate for somne pure luxuryl SPA PACKAGES e FACIALS e PEDUCURES e MANUCURES GIFT CERTIFUCATES AVAILABLE FULASERVIIE CE 9050693e7943 42 Bronte St. S. www.vid« Corne and Visit us at May 5, 6&72005 BOOTH -#25-.6 CONSTITUENCY OFFICE 14 Martin St., Milton Tel: 905-693-0166 Fax: 905-693-0704 Email: OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri: 8:30-4:3Opm, Sat: 1O-3pm www. g aryc arr.c a CANADA -zzz-