c - ()- ji i>p - orr,, "'Ln - i 28 - The Canadien Champion, Friday April 29, 2005 * * - A e * s : :Index- Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 a Community 2402 - Fax: 905876-236 Emai: classifed@miltoncanadianchaMPIOn-COM Merchandise 300-385 ci Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 - Mon. ta Fd. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classffied ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com: * Serices 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Adt submission by mail or in pet-oa: The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Deaillnes: Mon., il arn., fon Tua,. publication, Thora, 1l a.m., for Fni. publication. Special Fualare & Holiday deadlines may vary. Payaient: Wu accupt cash, chuque, lnlurac, Vina, MasturCard, American Express. Businuns accoonita cao bu opened with an approoud credil application anailable tram your Salua Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT HUNS ta enauru thu information la corruct. Contact your Salua Consultant within 24-Hours il an error appeara. An error in a Fri. publication mont bu reparled o 101er thon Mon., 11 a.m. I ij ,1 ENGAGEMENT BIRTHDAY Happy 9Oth Birthday Christî4' (Kt rceer Once upon a rime a wttireoind romace O capt-ured r-iva yng heurto Heather and Jîm Ley are pteased S ta anuouce the engagemsent of their eldest daghter Alliîon Faye ta hier Poince Charmîng Ce!ebration ta bu held Christopher Slubbs May lIt ait gsonuo afi rcia Todd alMissîssauga ant 40 Ontario St. l an Stubbo oIA/ymec Thme couple wît/ml &Fied tise happîly ever aller when thyae g wed on Aprm29 of12 p-4 BIRTHDAY \ ENGAGEMENT Happy SOth Birthdïy Doris Smillie (Coxe) Maou Collins (Milton) and Kat Gligorijemec (Toronto) are pleased to announce Ope Hnaae- My 8h~ 005heir engagensent OeaHue- Afyk, 20 Weddùng Io îeoke place in Hugh Fosler Hall Milton on May I 6th, 2005 Dent Wlasheî Onl3i C FREE Onit-k OVER-TH-E-NET Home Evaluatn ewwV.haftonhomoeti.uam HOUSE Ion sale - Mit- ton, nere Greeopank semi-dletached 1600 sq. 9t., 3-bdnn, 2 1/2 batha, 5 appliancen, C/A, gar- age wîth entrant-o. Clone ta schoots, shop- ping. Wnot lanst Cati Rit-k or Fnant-en @ 905- 854-3435. MILTON 2 storey, 3- bierma, bouse. liruptacu, dut-k, garage, 1 1/2 washrnoma, flt base- ment $237,900. 905- 878-9586. E Hc or Sae a eeFor Sal 30 gara, 601 xg201Par*Uke lo w, I Pemial gareie, laripe edock, Maintenance I feador.Custom Showcaae1 ktcenI IanIdhaft-y. anat- Ao.uai, 0 »,MOO Mtrsadupipradea. COiUB411H u1 r OPEN HOUSE Sat and Sun 2-4 pm, 1601 Evans Ternace Hawthomne Village North 3 bd-m nemi an 1 at-ru camer lai. Cali 416-839-6644 fer lno. RETAIL Business Op- porlunity avaitablu ta an uaistîng exorcise stodio. Lnoking fan reiated pro- oct tinouliduas tor busi- ness expansion. n05- 876-2838 PROMOTE yoar huai- anas oppartondty ta anar 4 million aduh readura in South Central Ontanio. Book yoOt- advurtine- ment in anar eo Metro- land cammunity nuwo- papiers wdth onu phone caîl. 0011 laday for ilnfo- mation an wuukly word ad packages (iternel listings included) 416- 493-1300 ual. 288; www.metroland.com nisoton Oî9tam anur irln anindusr js rew stn.rd Ow an piv ai rei ea. Lofesins $$Manuy$$ 100% lot, 2nd and 3rd Morigagua. Bad credit 0K. Caei On- lario Wide 1-888-307- 7799. A 5-yr @ 4.55%-. Alan equity mortgagu pra- grama rugardleno aI in- came or crudit. Cali Chnia @ 1-800-328- 7887 or niait un ai ww.snclaircockbum.com 1-BEDROOM basement apaniment. $750/monlh + 1/4 aI otililiea. Anail- able Jane let. Uae oI garage/backyard. Cai aller 5 pm 905-873- 4680 2 levai, 3 bedroom apartment in Oowntawn Milton. $tOOO/monlh + otilillua. Oeil 905-875- 4201. 2-BEI3ROOM apart- munla Georgetown / At- tan. Choosu yor own paint t-atou-a! Available Jane Ont. No amok- ena/pela. $890/month. 905-702-3301. 3-BEOROOM bungalow Oowntown Milton, rnna natud, e-appîiancus, A/C, sudte mbtred/prolea- nianal couple. No pets/smoking. Firstjlaat, releruncea. May lut. $1 ,300/monlh plan uil- ien. 905-87e-3736. ACTON 1 -budroom apariment. Avoilabie im- mediately. Pluase caîl ahter 7OO0pm 519-853- 4953. ACTON 2 large bed- t-nom spi., Avait. May lai. $700/month plan hydro. Returuncua. Oeil (416)663-7756 ACTON Apanimunto. I - budroom apariments anailablu. May lot. Fridge & atone, laondny lacililien. No dogo 519- 853-4374. Open 7 dlaya/wuuk. Somu day appt-anal. www.rua- atar.ca Acton largo 2-bedroom apatlmuni, ground lunul, $800/mooth plus. Alan 1-budroom opa. S000/month plan. Cati 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352. Aton large 3-bedroom apartmuot, $850/monlh plan. Alan a 1 -budroom apatment, $550/month pion. Cai 019-803-5080 or 519-853-5352. ACTON tuaory apar- ments, two 2-budroomn anuts left, in renonatud building downtown. A/C, taundry, maptu kit-huas, oak floo-a and lge atoragu marna. From $1000/month. May lait occopancy. Cat 416-888-8164. ACTON, 2, t-bedroom, $790/month and t, 2- bedroom, 890/monlh al inclosivu. Avoulable Apail lai. Oeil 519-853-3309 or 519-853-0719. At-ton. 2, 1-bedroom $79Olmonlh and t, 2- bedroom, $890/monlh ail incluaivu. Avaiuable Aprit lut. Cai 519-853- 3309 or 519-853-0719 APARIMENTS 2-bud- room suites on At-ton $800 and $850/month. Prinale yards, Gaa huai. Avoulable îmmudiatly. Cai Liz Douti, Johnson Aauociatea Ruahaor 905- 877-5105 DOWNTOWN MILTON Millside Tomers 82 Miliaide Drive. Attrat-tive quiet building. Spactoun bnight cluan 1&2 bedt-oom unita with ioundry lot-iity and social t-nom on alto. Regutar ronident evonta Opus 7 daye à evninge Ciii 905-876-1249 www.reiletar.ca GEORGETOWN 1-bed- room upartmunt. $750/mth ail inclusive. Frîdgu and atone, 1-parking. Runovalud. 905-565-0033, GEORGETOWN t-bud- t-nom tumîahud apaciaun banument aporamunt. Single, non-smaker, no peau. $750/manth in- cludea ulilitien. Reut- encan. 905-873-9564. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- roam, tirai/lant. $950/month ait lot-lu- sivu. Avattabu May lnt. Relut-ont-en. Cati 905- 873-337T GEORGETOWN opa- cos , 2-budrnom apai- ment, clone ta 1-0gh Ochool. Appliancus, gruat nuîghbora. No pets/smoking $980/mlh ail inclusine. Availablu Fubrua-y lai. 905-873- 1174. Georgetown. 1 -budroom nuwy runovaled brîght opartmunt. Funt-ed yard, parking & laundry la- ciudud. $750/monlh. Aveu.' Aprl lai. Cai 519- 856-9994 GLEN EDEN COURT APART- MENTS 122 Branle Strsit Southl, Mllon We are now accep- lng applications for: -1 bdrmi For more informa- lion andlor la maie an appointamen, Pleae Caii: 905-878-5375 Building Managr Leonird & Penny Milaon 1 & 2 bedroom anaitabte. Prom $840. Cluan and quiet build- ing. Cala Jasa 416-723- 4801 Anaitabie April 1lot. MILTON quiet 2-bdr-m api. anailabu Jane fnt. S900/mth, hydro ln- ciuded. Cai 905-878- 8862. MILTON. Anailabie July lt. Suitabu lot woduing couple. Relut-ont-un. Na pela. 9-tant cuitinga. 2- bedroom. Main flonr aI hoou. 8asemeni launi- dry laciity. $1100/month + utlities. 905-878-2737 MILTON. Country bat- utor api. Kitchenette, oaay commute ta Oak- viiie/Buriogton. No smoking/pets. tnt-loden utîlîties $000/mo. Anail- abte immodiatuiy. 905- 693-9074. MILTON. Spottusa lu- ninhed 1 -bedroom apariment. Sharud en- tranco in quiet home clone au Milton Moul, kitchenette, 3-pieco bath, laundry, large lin- îngroom, pt-vole park- ing, lîrepiace, cabte. Avoulable immudîatey. No nmoklng/puts/chi- drun. 5750/manth. Rel- uren-en. 905-875-0838 TRAFALGAR Raad, Baliinalad nowy t-ena- oatod 2-budrnom ayant- ment, îmmudiatuiy; 3- bodroom, immediatey Fnidge/atovu, laundry la- cîlitien, parking, otilities ai incluive $950/month. Firtailant. 416-248-1105. Nouis BEAUTIFUL 00w 4 bod- t-nom, 3 bathrnom hoouu ln Milton. Jane lot. For ful details and la ar- range visit pleasu coul 905-276-4805 pt-uns 1. CAMPBELLVILLEIRE. STORED atone cottage on 81 at-rua ai lanniand. $1 500/mth + utitities. 905-854-0152. MAIN lonut ai 3-bud- t-nom bungalow mn Oldo Milton. 3-appliances. $1250/monlh atitition ln- ciudud. 905-878-90888 MILTON 3-bdrm houe, oppur Iloor, 5 appli- ont-en, big yard, great location, $1100/mth + otititien, available Juae 1. Cai 416-801-9012. For Rani 4-BEDROOM houne ta t-un in At-ton, quiet nuighbourhood nuar Lake. 5-appliancua, non-amokera, no pets. Firslastlrulurencus. $1 ,350/month plan uil- laies. Anailable immedi- atuiy. Cati 519-853- 5251. MILTON 2-lunul, 4-bud- t-nom townhouse. 5-appliancon, C/A, 1 112 batha. Garage, pt-laie lunced yard with dut-k. Available May loet. $1.409 /mnth plan ahil- iden. Cai 519-853-9495 or 905-870-5045. MILTON 3-budroom lownhoau, 2 bath, fin- ishud basumunt, ldidgu, atone, dishwashor. Rel- urencun, no pela, Firt-aiLant, $1200/manth + utititien. Anaitabu Junu tnt. 905-334-4478 MILTON. 3-bedraom toanhouse, linishud t-oc t-nom, garage. $1 300/month + utîilien. Available May 1 st/OS 905-870-4499 MILTON. Nicuiy dut- ratud tnwnhouae, gar- age, lînîshud banement, A/C, nuw lnidgu/stnnu, nowur waohun/dryut-. Waik ta, dnwntown or mail. Option ta buy. Ref- ent-en. $1285/mnnth + otilitien. 410-998-5908. OAKVILLE -2, 3&4 bedroom tnwnhoanea anailable îmmediatuty thraugh Jane 4, appli. ont-un. Hopedatu Mai arua. Lakenhore Man- agement 905-876-333. For LARGE t-n mn new home. Dut-ty/Ttompson. $ 44 5 /mon t h Cablo/intemnea included. Femate prolerred. 4160 731-8333 oSter 5 ym. PRosFor MILTON baement & uppur flonr t-n Bt-afin St. area. Une aI k/t-hon, own baîhroom, and iaundry lacilîtien. 0011 905-870-0151 Acmodain MILTON beaul/al Saune ta ahane wdth 2 pt-alun sinal men, bedraom with nuparate affice & atconss ta taveiy ba- yard. 905-876-3182. *PCràHbbe is&c Rockwood Lions 4th Annual Spring Fair June 24, 25, & 26, 2005 Vendors Needed (one nI a kind avent) (519) 853-1776 or (519) 827-91488 M ~ --