Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ,1n character Danny and Sandy (at centre) - played by Eric LaSorda and Elizabeth Hughea - are sur- rounded by the other four 'Pink Ladies' and 'T-birds' in a scene tram Bishop Redlng Secondary School's production of Grease, which wll take the stage this Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. ImmVCRAPOOK PAR\ADIWE 43malllL The Canadian ChamDion. Tuesdav. Aoril 26. 2005-9 IL 547 Main St E. MILTON 818m0931 PAD ERNO Spnng Jizto> SA&L E THURSDAY TO SUNDAY, APRIL 28 - MAY 1 DIG SAVINGS ON THE COOKWARE YOUUI LOVE FOR LIFETIME. PADERNO. Pots for Elernity. Savings se good on this quai ty stain- less steel cookware that yen Il want to replace every pot in the kitchen (eecept the Paderno, of course). Every one ot our more thao 100 dittereot cookware iterne s on sale, ncluding saucepans, casseroles, stock pots. t y pans & more. Great savings, ncredible durability, eutstanding ceeking pertormance, 25 year warranty. The lt freasens te bey Paderne is long, bel the lime te bey is net. Pot for Eternel, Sale ends Sunpday. SAE 40-74% OFF LIST! Dear ala oera: 1-800-A*NEW*POT (1-M00263-9768) or FMILTON mmUOM omerdware 385 Steeles Ave. E, (905) 878-9222 Over 100 sale items, including these specials 74%0 f -W $39.991 4 litre neecepan with assent hendie and cever. Li $r156 Sale $39.99. 5O .A ny 3pc staes xin g bowls List $39.99, Sale 19.99. 6,0 L Casserole with cever 4 List $254,00, Sale $127.00. cenipiete Spc spicn setý Lisr $229, Sale $11.50. 4,0 L Saute wîth Lever Lier $t64,00, Sale $82.00. N'of '11 'P",, g PADERNO Pets for Etemiev J __________________________ 1 '1 ý R111111