Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 2005, p. 6

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j 6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprîl 26, 2005 Selling kids smokes simply flot acceptable Numbers recently put forward by the Halton Region Health Department indicate it's definitely lime 10 crack down on tobacco retailers willing to seil cigarettes to minors. More specifically, it seems gas stations and convenience stores throughout Halton are the most willing to contravene the Tobacco Control Act and seli to those under 19. Las t year, 15 per cent of gas bars that were checked for compliance sold tobacco to minors, up from six per cent in 2003. At convenience stores that were checked, 10 per cent xvere ready to seil] cigarettes to youths, while only three per cent fell in this category in 2003. In a lime when awareness of the negative effects of smoking is so high. it's alarming 10 see more people are willing t0 put youîths' health oit rîsk. While in previous years, the health department hasn't perfornmed compliance checks on every tobacco-selling establishment, il plans to do so this year. Let's hope the increased presehice of test shoppers and inspectors wilI deliver a strong message to, those who work in gas sta- tions and convenience stores - selling tobacco 10 minors isn't accept- able and is against the Iaw. *Our Readers Write Upsettlng toi see people fishing at Miii Pond Criticism valîd in lînght of poor planning lI1fiuc SCUii1 (uer*7I 1 KiUi urntn prii ou Dear Editor: I was surprised and disappointed toi see several people fisbing in and arouerd Milton and at the MilI Pond April 17, inciuding a couple of gentlemen who probably abouid bave known better. As tempting aa il may bave been dur- ing that warmn speil, ail responaible angiera know that trout season doeon't begin until lte iaat Saturday in April. The Ministty. of Natural Resources is qwte clear on til malter, stating: "Poacbing la a serioua and costly crime. It robts ethical angiers and huniers of gaine and fisil, and roba ail citizens of our valuabie wildlife resources. Poacbing can be reduced if concernied citizens report the signs of suspected ille- gai activity." "A polacher lis a criminai - eaul Crime Stoppero ati 1-800-222-TIPS. (Cash rewards are availabie and your anonymi- ty is guaranteed.)" t urge everyone to respect te iaw, pro- tect our fisheries and report poachers when you see thein. Adam Smith Commercial Street *The Canadian Chtampion Box 248. 191 Mais St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adventisisg Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Aaocaiate Publia/wr ll Davis Edmeorin-Cmief Karen Smith Managing Edinor Wendy McNab Adnertising Director Timi Coles Proucion Manager Charlene Hall Distribution Manager Teri Casas Office Manauger The Cainadien Ciampin, published neney Tuesdav and Friday al 191 Main SI. E_ Milton, Ont_ L9T 4N9 (tox 248, is one of The Meiroland Prniing. Publshint & Distributing tdi gronofn suburbain comparuns which includes: Aian/Picknning Nnws Odvnntisnî Olliston Hinald/Courien. ta ni Advaîcn, Billon Eninîpeise, Brampton Guaniian, tonlinîton Post, tanlînglîni Shopping Nnws. City Panent, City of York Guandian, Collingwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yonk Mirron. Crin Adocate/Couîtny Routes. Etobicîke Guandian, Fiamtoouaî Rnuiew, Fureven Young, Georgetown Indenenudentsctun Pen Press, Halton Business Trnes, Horonia Business imes, Lindsay This Weeii. Maniiham Ecunomist & Sun, Midiald/Penetant- uishene Mmnnon, Miltun Shopping News, Mississauga Business imes, Mississaula News, Napanne Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmarket/Aurura Cra-Banner, Northumberland News. NoudS Yonk Mirrer, Oakoilie Beaser, Oakville Shopping News. Giniimers Hockey News, Onangeuille Banner, Orîllia Tîday, OshaaTNitby/Claringion/Pont Perry This Week, Peterborough This Wnek, Pecton County Guide. Richmond HiiI/ThurnhiIt/Sautsan Libenal, Scar- borough Mînror, Stufinole/Onbridte Tribune. Aduentising is acceninni on the condition filai, in the nuent ut a typo- graphicai ernur, thut portion ut tOn adoertising space uccupied ity the erro- neous dtem, tugether wiuS a neasunabie alinrance ion signatue, wii net be changeni for. but the balance ut the aduertiiement wîii On paid for ut thn appli- cabie nain. The publîsher resenves thn rîgOt ru categunize adundîisements un dec ine. Edîtonai and adunniisiug content ut The Canadian Champion is pnutncted by cupynight. Unuuthorîued use is prohîbted., M err Mdie Canadien Chamion os a Betmist Pem5,it F1 Dear Editor: l'in truly sorry that Barbie Taylor is ted up vs ith the complaints froni Loso ospeople about current condi- flouls in towl. I avree vvdlî bei ilat Milton is a great place to live. as our famnily bas grown ap here as wvell over the last 2-0 years. Unfortunately -in the short terni anywvay -we're hostages of a nigbtmarish disaster of planning. In my opinion, our local and. regional politicians have shosvn absolutely no conapetence whaisoever in deal- ing svith growth. We've added roughly 20.000 people tsi our tosvn -and a hearty vvelcoine to thein -but the only road growth bas been svidening of Main Street froru T1hoinpson Road to James Snow Parkway and a couple of intersec- tion improvements along Derry Road. To top il aIl off, tbey bave ntade the deciston to close a section uit rroîd connecting James Serosu Parksvay to the neos subdivision. dtverttng aIl the trattic to lhotnpson Road. This îsjust asking for trouble. On my vvay to svork oiue day lasi week. as I vvaited to turu south on Tboînpson Road froîn Laurier Avenue, a 40 liiot truck caine bar- reliiig dosvn Thoinpson Road baltvvay on to the shoulder because a cai vvas ssaitîng to turn lefi into tlic tievo construction area. A tesv minutes later. Mvien I was beading east on Derry Road, I vvatched a GO bus traveling wevt swerve onto the shoulder svhile try- ing to gel around a car waitine' io turn south. Neither vebiicle sbovved atîy sigît of slowing dosvn. Needless io say. an accident is just svaiîîog to bappen. Where are ihie road îtnprove- inents? Hosv can you alloo 20,(X<1( peoeple tinove into ait area, and not improve tbe main arteries of' road? Does it take roctet scientisîs to real- tee that you catît close a msain road vv ithout having a viable alternative? Thorupson Road should bave been svidened to tour lanes by rî(nsv ai the very leasi. especially il it vvas expected to bandle aIl this detour traffic. Ms Taylor rnay îlot like tbe coin- ptainuts, but i tbînk our politicians deserve an cartul. Just svhat is it tbey're doingl Edward Brooks Hayward Crescent Be sure ta include your name and telep.hone number when submitting a letter ta the editor for publication Pud by Steve Nease d ýR_1;1ý'1 ý

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