Housing strategv is being developed By MELANIE ENS Y The Champion Create homeless shelters that allow for a longer stay, build more units for single res- idents with limited financial resources and more universally-accessible dwelliîogs these were jusi a fevy of the suggestions taoade t a consultation session Wednesday ot a lton's housiog sirate-y. Haleioiis human services adi sory coin- tmiltees, alongý %vith ReLtotial siait and coonicillors. gathered ai the Haltis Rearional Centre fto hrainstorm on local housing issues and provide input for the coîmprehensive housiriog strategy that's cur- rently being developed. Each comrnittee ait the meeting had five moinutes 10 make a presentation svith ils suggestions for the strategy. Helen Fergusot. representing the Supportive Comtoounities Partnership Initiative comtunoito ,îds sorv cormoiiee. took the floor firsi. Site eîmphasized the orgency to address housing aeeds of honte- less individuals aind tailiies. people svith mental ilîness. disabîlities and/or losv incoîne. Thsegroops esperience a host xof barriers in secoritig housiaio she said. Roblert Baranieckî iiithe Halton Reiton Yxoulh Adsisors Commiiiiiee raid looxISille oiptixons iUsi be pros idedto loxiiaeless yîIuias'. -Eîmereiicy hioiin,iiad shelier shiiuld be pi osided txio vouiuibt s, easý Io access. yet aIloirulable ai îoe -sanixe iiiae." He said secxuiod-siure sîselters are iteces- sýary iii proivide lonteiet hrusîiip lui vxoiths durîng the îtraiasiiiioal period ixwsard itodepeoident li "a.In additioîn, HRYAC teels ihiat shelter should be locat- cd in sirategic locatixons ihrxîughoui tlîe tegixon to pros ide accessibility for yooîhis fromn aIl the municipalities.- Elizabeth Cartoichael proîs ded inaput frotu the Halton Dîversity Adsisory Corimittee (HDAC ). North Halxton Cultural Awareness Cxîuncil (NHCAC) atnd also shared her osin thoughis on hous- ing needs. She said it's corne to the anten- tion of the HDAC thai nmore consistent and accurate informatixon on the application process for subsidized loosing and eligi- bility needs 10 be provided and should be translated into different languages. As chairperson of the NHCAC, she said the lack of affordable housîng in north Halion seems t0 be ai a more critical level (han in the south. "Isolation of the diverse coîmîmonity and lack of knowledge xof available services could be the reasons.- She eîoophasized the îaeed fior more affotdable laousing. ielling orf the fitoancial difliculiies and stress she's faced svith each mnoti nhem i cxîîaes tIa deciding, svhther Io pay rent. boy food. pay utilities. etc. Laîng Meittat and Carole Ward of the Elderly Services Advisory Ccîtmmittee stresscd the importance of having conmi- nîties \vith ao mix of housing. such as apart- mienis. fanoily homes. retirement villages and special needs hoosing. Andt wvih one in every nîne Halton resi- dents heing oser 65. Mr. MoToit saîd. "A vtîneîy of housîng options are meeded tf ihese seniîots are lxi reioaito in the cxitmmu- nîîy as they retire and age. Trio taaty develxapmenis are beiîag huili for cime denoxographic.- Halton Housing Ads isory Comtmnittee Chair Arum Paîhtik stiid ttkey hxiusing issue is Io icci itîdîsiaI meeds. suIch tis tikiiag ito cxîîsidertiot sixbi of' a d olîiru its ticcessibîlitv liii- distihled Oisiiot s. \tccessîhilîs, .\ds iris (inutiîiice citi ziî ccpiesetiiais [eiTx fiaIieý cpi, îscd sîîaoîlter poits- îixing flic lîîîîîed as aitîhil- it oîl ,iccessile lttustmtxiix otios ta the Maotrket. i(' Vieied txii clcoora-e ris te boîlders tir huild accessible homîies," she stiid. Re-iotîtl Chatir Jotyce Stioxline pxiiaecl xout ite îîeed liir pxîoîacrslips \s it oîiher levels oil goivet atooctt sihen il cornoes to liousing. Vie îaeed the federtîl tind prosît- cial goseminento ii s'rk xx îh us," shne stressed. Folloxo îîg tlie coinsultation phase fxor the sîraicgy froîm tiow untîl Juiae, the dxocu- ment will he developcd xîver the sutatîmer and presented to cxîuîîcil ini thîe laîl. uieloîîix' Heîîtesx'u xoîî be reaxchexd oit itîx'itiix'se.x'g@iiii/tîii îiiilîiî. oittei. 0111t. DRIVE Jemp4'4è~* ~*~~ NeCLEAN For the Air k~ ~ I 6*a 0pW We Breathe 1II xF il#ix The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, ApnIl 26, 2005-5 -oq qw4 uq w">ç Aq M h 905-878-2393 HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., M ILTON 2005 Cobalt Sedan 2.2 L ECOTEC dtual a erheaut cam 4-cylinder ergine, 4-speed aiiiomaic. air catiditioning. AM/FM sierxo, miii CD player, t5" mfleels, ti steering columo, diver Seat heîghi adjuster, frort drioer ard rîght passenger doal-stage air bago, & much more. 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