Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 2005, p. 4

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4-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 26, 2005 /Housing strategy work plan endorsed by council [cc ns n k planl todesa de n e/p a niiC liensîve housing siraiegy l'or f/a/ton. The initiative %viii inelurporate al continuumn mof hiiusing types for a/I incornes and stages oîf lfé, from ernergency she/ters and govenîent-assist- ed /tousing bo prîvaîe seîuur a/luurdab/e bosin. The steering coinnitiee is eîuiprised of tour Reeîuuîtail euiicilliirs -iiîî liîîînîn Cosinitîlloi Rie!, Ciasen. ()aks lie Connei/iloi Mike I aisduss i. Ha/îîuî 1/ills Couuîicillor Clark Soîiners i/le anid M i/ton Couînci//îur Ron Feirik. Seîioi s/ai I and /a/nsHusiîiî !\(ds soi)ý Committee cii chair Maria Robhinson aie also active participants on flie conumittee. "Cieatitig, a eîuînprehensive housing stratesîy is al nesv aine! e\eiiincg s entre lor Ha/iîuii. said Ms, Savsu/ine. "Our su aîegy liiencses oin suie mint piineiple -tsi allîss ialîin resie/enis so ieitaiîî iin î/îeî o\ni cmuintiy. T/t inneains ci eaiinii a su/p/yý oft houising. /tioteting fin su/t/ty aild elissrilie il linieis the indixidia/ îneeds o! oîeîî cnLgine- [fsneau is 10 eniors and eveiyone in betwýeei." To deselop fic straiegy, a collaborative and brmxid-hased participator) puiblic andi stakehiolder approach fnil! bc îindertiken usine' a \\ ide sar-ietsf of, tonus. Key actis lies inelude coînsuiltaion xx lh Ha/toit s Inuint sers ces adrbisorsý conmilitees. 55 hiclh happeied Wednese/av, as 55 e!! as pleseulia- lionis lii local îîînepl iie. housing s isioning .session May 17, a public ksick o/i evenl ilune 14 fl addlitioni. lpssîs -Reîd. aî îiaioiî.lly-teinoîsned Canadian public opinion resvarch lion ssii bc condeictîneg a selles out i andonily selecied ee phîmne intri sien s ss ith f/altun residets iii dIc nulle a haSeline 01d publie Opinliuns aîîd atitUdes, ahut h luîin 1i Ialsut. This researl ns Il be Cîndl)(112eel tluuîîî -t iday lii Max 16, ssii/i flie lîndîîîes bein repînlel to the steeliliie coiuîniitiee and Restîsitaiýl cosîtîcîl, ,loilL, ssii/i teSUlistt 1'01 tel CfIInSsLtiî e el lIO TH *OROATO OFs Milton TETWOFMILTON Mine e Retepayers of the Town of Milton are reminded that the 2nd instalment of the 2005 interim tex bill is due on Fridey, April 29, 2005. Iif you require information about taxes, pipease contact the Corporete Services, Tax Division at 905-878-7252 ext. 2193, 8:30a.m. to 4:30 pi.m. Monday to Friday. jTex payments must be receîvsd in the Corporate Services Office on or before the due date to, avoid penalty. A late payment charge of 1 1/4 % will be charged on the first day of default and on the first day of each caiendar month in which mhedefoulit continues. I s the responsiblity of the ratepayer toi ensure that the taxes are paid by the due date, even in the event that the bill s not received as mald Taxes may be païd: a) By mail: Corporete Services, Tex Division, 43 Brown St., Milton ON L9T 5H2 Cheques post-dated te the due date are acceptable and encouraged. b) Telephone or Internet banking (check with your financia institution for details) c> By using the mail deposit box to the liait of the glass doors at Town Hall (ail hours) d) Between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. aitme-Corporate Services, Tex Division, Town Hall, 43 Brown St., Milton. (Chaque or montel order la preferred, ramher mhan cash). Direct Debit aiso eccepted. e) Pleese contact our office for details regardlng mhe Pre-Authorized Tex Payment Program. DWELLINOS3- FOR. SALE AND RILOCATION Relqu.st for. Proposais The Town of Milton is acceptlng proposais for the purchase and relocation of heritage dwellings located on properties known as: 155 Mary Str"e 167 Mary ftre These Mary Street propertlee wUhlbe consldered for some aspect of mhe future Town Hall Expansion project. To support mhe Towns goal of preservlng t heritage. Milton CounoilI lacesirous of seling tiiese clwelllngs for relocetion preferably withln mhe uirlan botançiedes of Milton. Interested purchasers may view this Rqetfor Proposais on ie Town of Mifton's webslls et www.milton.ça or pick up a copy ef die dou et mte Town Hall, 43 Browni Street, 2nd Floor. Proposais In wrling wllI ble accepta utû Ma~y 11, 2005. For more Information about dgs re*ic$en stragy. pleas. contact Jennier ReynoWs et 905678-7252, extension 2180. - NEW! Be vol IIybII C>o nq.d Leagu. In Milton A/i gamles are p/ayed outdoors ai the Mil/ton Sports Centre Recreational and Competitive Leagues (18 years and Up) Registration (season starts June 14) Saturday, April 30 10 a.rn. - 2 p.m. Monday, May 9 &6:30 -9 p.m. Costs Tuesday Recreational Loqgue $375fteam of 8 (individul- $50) Milton Sports Centre Milton Leisure Centre «XptiveLau I605 Santa Maria Blvd 1100 Main St. East $30049m of 6 (indiMkual: $60) For mre inormaion, leas cai 0-7-22 x.25 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CREW PERSON Il The Department of Engineering Services requires a Full lime Crew Person Il. This is e replacement union position reporting directy to Operations Crew Supervisors. Work Scheduie: 40 hours per week, some overtime hours and winter shift work required Major job responslblhities " Work as part of e crew to meintein parks, roadways and open space. Wor< is performed according to estabiished procedures and practices. " Ensure that proper safety procedures are followed et ail times " Perform manuel labour requiring lifting over 60 ibs. " Quaified to operete vehicles inciuding trectors, pickup trucks, 1 ton dump trucks, 6 ton single exie dumps with and without snowplow " Employee mey be requîred to direct ectivities of one or mor. e pert-time workers Education and experlence " Grade 12 Dipiome " Must posss a valid DZ Drivers Licence " Mechanica aptitude, knowiedge of the Occupationai Health and Safety Act " First Aid, CPR training " Preferred two years minimum previous experience in a municipal environment invoMvng parkshitorticutural maintenance and roads maintenance inciuding snowpowlng operations. Hourly Rate: $18.74 Interestod applicaints should submit a resume by May 7, 2005 toi: Town of Milton, Department of Corporate SerVices, 43 Brown St., Milton, Onitario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resources Fax: (905) 878-4231 E-mil: humanresources@mlton.ca ln accordance with the Freedom of Informadmo and Privacyleglsaon, applicant information ls collecte under the autho4i of &he Munlcial Adtand' sil be used YortL W9- ay7 2005N The ilonMaors ot AdvU " Peauri an di Town o Hockley, tomitP lb el vrto001 jrpi h a ydo9ftIo to 2m Pao l iWliacy SIcle wht y yigup'np wu m u Mne et hi lm 1

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