84-The Canadtart Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 26, 2005 Gorman has lost most weight this month I - ~ . Photo by GRAHAM PAINE From left, Dianna Wlggleeworth, Colleen Gorman and Lori Frechette are feeling good atter enjoying succesaful weight losa thia mionth. And they're off! The eight contestants in The Champion's Weight Loss Challenge are moving full steam ahead in a bid to reach their personal goals. Although if's always encouraging te0 sc the numbers drop- ping on the scale. many of the contestants this month agree that if's more about how they look and feel thon jf je about the number of pounds they've lost. Sean Miller Sean Miller said he's loving the progrese he's making so far at Pur Health, 3037 Derry Rd. He's now down a total of 17 poundo - seven poundu this past month - but hie progreus is even more impressive considering heus been doing a lot of weighf training, and muscle weighs more thon fat. Hie progresu is more accurately reflected in hie four per cent decrease in body fat since the challenge began. Sport ing a new, leaner pair of drese ponts - a size 34, rather thon the previous 38 - Mr. Miller said he couldn't feel better these days. Although he admitted if can be tough gefting into a work-out routine, Mr. Miller eaid he's now disappointed when he can't make if ouf to the gym. He usually visifs Pur Health three or four fimes each week for one-and-a-half fe, fwo hours. He added he's leaming the importance of not focusing sole- ly on the scale. "'The scale doesrtt always tell the true ufory," he said. "People need to understand ifs not always the numbers, if's how you look and feel." Joice Schofield Joice Schofteld said her resultu this month haven't been as positive as fhey could've been, but she's still pleased wifh ber progrees af Inches Away Fitness and Toning Studio, 42 Bronte st. S. 1I haven't gouten there as much as 1 should," Ms Schofield said, adding Inches Away recommends visifing three fimes each week, but she's been going only once or fwice a week. The studio uses nine different exercice fables, each focusing on a particular area of the body. The customer simply lies on the bed and relaxes, Ms Schofield said. see FRECHETTE on page B5 Join a Winner! Be a Winner! j,,,aboutMy resuit!" INWoodife memberIU FREESUNDOG SUNGLASSES Whenf you jo«* Choose frem 2 slls..Sport or Clasulo valua Of $115. Offer expires Apnil 30/05 *Seo club for feul details GoodL i fe (905) 876-IFITS3 409 Main Str..t Women OnIy to put your inches on the table at INCHES AWAY Fitness & Toninq Studio 42 Bronte St. S. Unit 11905-876-2838 *"dd SPRING SPECIAL NO INITIATION FEE NO CONTRACTS nue si2tes PAY AS YOU GO! Our beds are sulfable for bafh men & women of ail ages & iRdcef' abltties. Beneficial faf clienlts wifh Stess!4 diabees, high blaod pressure, Uf flbramyalgia, artlfs asteopara- Ls sis and ofher conditions P rhse 2 eo ts - ei e e t fe,- MA NAGOEM EN T - Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff - [ose weight eating real food . Boost metabolism, feel healfhy and energized . Personalized plan, f~ customîized for yuur unique goals, lîtestyle and eeeds. *Maintenante prograrns WE ALSO OFFR - Electro-muscle toning treattuents - Vascusage cellulite - treatrnent *Non surgînal fate lift 905.75-2889 905-878-7946 1100 ma i ri st. E. vvvvw. mi ton.ca V(41 (,(It c VC i, ýp1 Ic ýc ic!