52-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 26, 2005 7'\ ~PITCH IN CANADA The Milton- Farm- CRAF SHOW Ovr120 juried crafts people In the Great Gambrel Barn, Th brol onHall and Individual Exhibitor lents * Handnade quality * Superior worknanship * Great gifi ideas for Mom * Country decorating at if's besi * Live entertainment * Debit machine on site * Food Available Satudy &~ Suy 9 a.m., 4 P.m Aduit, $4.00 £hidnae Under U2 ME Faffd FME COUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8.560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Cali 90650878.,8151I /~cp s ~o~ -J/~U'c4~'Li W1 (variety of cold cuts, cheeses, gnhlled vegetables & other appetizers) served with vegetables & roasted potatoes e.*'&'aa, nena .9/~k~ Sr. 9 Tickets now on Sale Cail 905 878-6527 to RSVP 3090 Steeles Avenue West, Milton .,More than a trade show 81Ud u mor tham i t ide Mmo, showcSm MAUtn witH talm» cene m #tmh Mlton Sport Cente May 9; to 8. Plctrsd hors are Jut some of #h. exhibitos for #he upconln avent thati fssk wvrytlng foat motive aid Irn ad gadon car ta tae md"md leauectvls, home dscor and film oprWnltdsa Photo by GRA4HAM PAINE Bins thu IdetSnýi ie' LJISJm U*Ino k' i ienc h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s t 1«$50* ~~ fe $dat 100 I* ý *-47a Y~osano w iessor motor tW~ffq~1953, 2GB Main St E. MI=to SO5. 875. 0232. NO".t iLe-W 104, Thff 1@.r pehl1O6. sa10-0 l i