The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Aprit 26, 2005 - 23 TUR DEPARTMEfor T SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST s Lokig fr uRequired in Georgetown requîred tu wurh GARDENER. Fuli-Tirne and Part-Tirne. Will Train. Salurdy pu:00 am - 5:00pa Sume espenience os necessarp and Sondupu 11 :00 am -4:00 pm cai59-53-82 ax: 51-5310 Cali: 905-951-3225 In aur Milton Real Estute Office Call 51-853382 Fax 51"53-404 r 1Must have guod typing skîllo and jRequires Fullor Part.rîne Cleaners S Pieuase 'Cali: 905-877-8883 I lrFx eume: 905-877-5881 j STOE CTTR TEDsi Wiil train àb- sdw b Position available at Local Dayca re IPIease cai:I Sa Place Your Ad Taday! Coul 905-878-2341 Monday ta Friday 9 arn - 5 prn classified@miltoncanadianchampion.carn ffÀofflÀuÉ7fÀ Laidliaw Education services DRI VERS STILL NEEDED Free Training School Bus Drisers Wanted Cati 905-877-4448 Luidaw a orn equa opporiuisiy Comp Needed ELECTROSTATIC PAINTER Wîllîng to train the night applicant. Esperience pretenred. Fax reoume t0: 905-702-2759 PERMANENT PART TOME IIELP WAT6TED Wiii provide training, Tuesday days and Thuraday nights Ekeai fax ivue o Zen O 905-864-4271 Relief Supertntendent for Hlghrlo Condominium In Mitan. Part-time position, aiternate weekends and consecutive weeks vacation coverage tor tait lime personnel. Expedience preterred bat ii provide training for the right indivduat. Position wouid sait responsibte, active retiree. Fax reume ta the attention of: R. Balley (905)540-4480 Excetionl oportuityfor qualified idvda oassume responsibility with- insur Special Services division working ~exclusively withIlong-term, esablished~ 11j1 accounsffi For confidential interview cail J. Espenes 1-888-918-5045 À AUTOPiARK MITSUBISHI AUTOPARK MITSUBISHI IN BURLINGION IS LOOKING FOR: EXPERIENCED CAR DETAILERS LICENSED TECHNICIANS P/T EVENING RECEPTION WE OFFER: *Grswing csmpasy -Great wurking ensirsnmenl *Campetîîive compensation isclsdisg faull benetits package Please fax resumne attention of: Fraser MilI1111-0perations Manager Fax: 905-331-6839 Fastes! Geowing Auto R>u Maker in The World Georgetown KIA has spenings fsr Lîcensed Me- chanc. Gssd knowledge in generai, electrical, new and ued settîcies. Oealeruhîp 1 year aid and grswîng rapidly. '.Becume part ut the Fautesl Grswing Dealership sn Hallon Hills.' Fax resumne lu. Carmsn Widdesu, General Manager John Bals, Pîned Operatnu Manager 905-877-3401 Or email: ibala@gIeoraetownkiacm 1 Become a LICenSed GaIs Fitter In OnIy A FeW Weeks L mitedl seatnrg, remains in Our Courses begmnning next month. Leurn Io instail/îsrvice turnaces. lîreplaces and olher raturai gas ard propane appliarces, Laurch o nea corser wilh the help ot Niagara ard Hailorl Skilsd Trades Acadumies 1-877-685-9393 Locations la OakvIIIe & St. Catharinevs i reursLICENSED TECINICIAN oa 3rd, 4th year APPRENTICE IRapd growîng dealer, very busy shop Toyota experîence an asset. Fa eun nconfidence 10: Ooug Dockstader Fax: (905)877-4619 rops iM Lnscpr A i isrvie ctont rio fîr U has i o Derivefrs Lcneamust Plasexndtu resue ltro siio 1 pp90 ed773rM9 416-908-942 dmo Real Esisie experiencu lu preferred. Pieuse fax resume to: 905-877-5154 Attention: Lina Rafuue-Culp Or emal: Accounting Assistant Oakville based national leasing company requires an individual wvith excellent apreaduheet abilities and a tirm underutanding of accounting and present salue concepts, Excellent communication ukillu are requîred. Apply by email ta Stuart Farbes, CA ai: BOOKKEEPER Part-Time Must be experienced lu ail aspects of accounting., A/R, AIP, G/L & financial stutementu. A atrong accounting background w/excellent computer ukilîs & ability 10 work unuuperviaed required. Please fax resumne 10 905-338-0412 (Oakville) "Office HeIp Wanted: temporary part- lime summer position. Available May 'I t. Customer service and Iight office duties. Fax resumne to: 905-693-0158 or email:" TIA DO ADDOKSYT0 SMature, responuible person for smail office.1 Fluent Englîsh, telemarketng, clenîcal, compter iterte. CCPA a lus. Fax: 905-454-4643 befsre 5:00 pm Bookkeeper/Receptionist Po9sitive, cheerful & friendly persan required for bosy Milton accountîng firm. Succesatul applicant must have strong bookkeeping skills & be proficient with Ooîck Books & computerized payroîl. Please fax bo resurne 905-876-4209 SALES COUNSELORS LA Weight Loue is the fsleil groaîng companp rn lie ight 1000 tield ails more thon 650 centres worldide Ws are ekîng enlhuîîuoiic saies prossionas iookîîg toi mois tris insur cameer. If you' like lu make a dittereicu AND s living, anuse il lhs oppotuii ai any one ut Our nec Toronto aiea centrees iocaled in MISSISSAUGA, SCAI1BOROUCH, MARKNAM, THORNHILL, BURLINCTON, NEWMARKET, RICHMOND MLL, OSH0AW, DOWNSVIEW, ETOBICOKE, WOODBRIDGE, OAKVILLE & BRAMPTON! Wu ctter a fon & gîuîtpîyng woikiig ulmosphere, îppoîîunîtp for adoancemeni & greul earnîng poleniol Tuke the ui îiep lovai/i pour nea caneri Cali 1-866-691-4690, Fax 1-800-899-1591, Email FOF 19 ICOMPY$fS4 A dtvisio of Thoamsooido Lkntet SALES ASSISTANT We hase un immediate upening tor an eoperienced Sales Assistant, The nîght indîvîdual wlI hase the floiuwîg qualiticatios: " Struong rgunîzatîunal & cummu okîlîs " Guod judgmnnet & a prutessiunal demeanur " Attention lu detail " MS Word, Excel/Quattr, PowerPoint, and Database applications If pou are intereuted in the aboya position, please torward your resume 10: Donna Main: Managr, Humn fleaierces T-G Air Syetemu Division of Thomson-Gordon 3225 Malnway Burllngten, Ontario L7M 146 E-mail: Fax: 905-335-1440 RETAIL/ INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Looking for energetic, confident hard morker for INSIDE SALES POSITION Moust hase excellent computer ukilîs. Mondap-Fridap 8-5. Benef ifs. Please fax resumne toi: 905-338-0412 Fax4àj reuumec tsas 905-877-7770 t Fxresume@clsue0"77-7ca Orriy qiuaiied applecants wrii be contacisd NSVILNOT asimdaesuions for Health Prof essionals of aIl 53 mîJEIP TRETNRA disciplines & Receptionists j2aerlîmoshucs5 isdîuwas7 (Physîs, OCus, RHP, RMT, ND, DAc, DCh, DPsd, RST, Call 905-702-77Fx950214 PTA, Kin, full/ psrt-fime receptissistu, etc. requîred for tws multi-disciplinary clinica. New gradu welcume. Rates are negstiable (% splît or flst rent dependng on a esperrence and needu. Send resemne te 905-633-7357 C/O Dr Filiion or Wednesdey April 27th thru Iota 1healtiiîîink@COeCO . Ca Saturday April »0t, 2M0 Frorn 10:00 arn - 8:00 prn FS ING FOR A MONTANA'S le Now Hirtng SERVERS, LINE/PREP COOKS, C. TD U£??! DISHWASHERS, HOSTS and BARTENDERS For aur NEW location in MILTON - COOKHOUSE' L00K IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! Located at: 1230 Steeles Avenue EaSt, Milton Apptp with Resume tu MontanansTrailer on site. Sales Hl4pT Sales 14£eID Hospital Metýdi int j i~I6 AN IVAUA~ft flnt 21 Receptionisi gnoup praclîce requires a sit aoîored, esp. appoinimeoil coordinalor 4 dupo/wk I 8-5m, no eoenirgs, Mal position lu stiîl Send renome tu: Dr. Ken Hune 1540 N. Service Rd. West, Unit 5&6, Gakville 16M 4A1 Fax: 905-844-23111 BARBERS/ STYLISTS Needed FT/PT for high profile salon in Oakville Call9OS-71 9-1506 HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST nee/5d fur genera maintenance & renusalions inciudîng dryeall rupaîrs. Truck or van necesîary, Police check required. Year round wurk. Beneft s & urîtormo prosidnd, Fao 905-689-09 HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST needed lot geserul maintenarce & renlosalions îocludîog drywail repairo Truck or var necssarp. Police check rsquired. Yuai round work. Beseftîl & onîlormo provided. Fax: 905-689-6098 WANTED Auto Mechanie Lîcensed or 4th or Bih peur. Mont hase own toolu, au well au knowledge in general mechanical. Cati John 905-878-4765 HeayyEuint Minimum 3 yeurs Euperience, DZ Licence a moust A2 Licence preferred, Local Eucassting Company. Cail Mike @ 416-771-4213 Floor Clanmng $10.50/hour to utart Dapa Only 901 Steeles Ave. Milton Send resurne to: PO. Box 1024 Puelich, Ontario NOS 2J0 NOW HIRM EX".fMEU SAM For SMO S«Mh 0"y M am SM rf&«** to Sox*yý AW«kfttoly 24a hoîtft %ase fax resurne 10: 9ffl7sffl