Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 2005, p. 20

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20 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday April 26, 2005 ~1tIILL MW S A *s : :Index: Real Estate 100-135 eBusiness 140-169 ___________________ eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-2 o - Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com eMerchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fn.9amn-5pmn BONUS! Ail classnied ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.comý a Servhices 700-795 For CIRCULATION oeail: 95-878-5947 i d submission by mail or in persn: The Canadian Champion, 191 Main S. E., Milon, ON L9T 4N9 Deadles: Mon., il a.m., for Tes. publication, Thurs, 1l s.m., for Fri. pblication. Special Featre & Holiday deadins Map ary. aymssnt: We accept cash, cheque, Iinterac, Visa, ManterCard, American Express. Busness accosots can be opened wilsoan approoed credif application anaitabie frsm yosr Sales Consaltan. CHECK YDUR AD THEt FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta esore lte information ns correct. Contact pour Sales Consaltant within 24-Hauro il an error appears. An error in a Fnl. pubication must be reported no later ltan Mon., il ar. BIRTHDAY OMSIONS ý p IM(Hi 40 Lu H0«1(Mý Si, Ho M âHHOUH(IMZHH7SSý IN VOUP (OMMUMITY BIRTHDAY Happy 9Oth Birthday Christine (Kit) Archer CeIebration to be held Il May 3lst ai 40OtroSt. Il Famiy& Friends ~ç2pm4pm ENGAGEMENT FREE Qsack OVER-THE-NET - ROOE or busi- ness opportanity to ooer Hom sEctain 4 million aduit readers in Visit.,iivSoath Centrai Ontario. www.haltonhomesirifo.com Book your adverfîse- Rex cocoEsat Centre ment in over 60 Metro- land commonify news- I ~ papers with one phone HOlISE for nain Mil- - cati. Cai today for infor- tonnew reenarkmation on weefriy word ton nw renprkad packages (interner semi-detached f600 sq. listings inciaded) 416- fi. 3-drm 21/2bats,493-1300 ext. 288, 8., 3bdrm 1/2 a 3h 1 SuBdroons, 2 fuît eal Centrai air. www.metroland.com 5 appiianceo, C/A, gar- 30 garage, 60' x I 20'Park Uke lot wl age wif h enfrance. %e-e-loi gardons, large deck, Maintenance RETAIL Business Op- portunify anaîtabie in an Close f0 sohoots, shop- free exterior, Cuetomt "Showca»e kitcheii eoîsting exercioe studio. ping. Wonit fast! Cati and hailway. $32lo' onê Looking for reiated prod- Manymoreféatres -.@a Là43"' uct ie/icdeao for busi- Rick or Frances @ 905- Ma,'nosfaua~ness expansion, 905- andu y rades. 876-2838.1 854-3435. i9bit Canabian Ctampion has the perfect solution for your $$Money$$ 00 ioot business fromri our Retal to Who does it to Classifmeds 2nd and 3rd Morigages: a right fit for your new or existing business needs. Bad credt OK. Cai On- tario Wide 1-888-307- 7799. Thies are hrgn -apdl 4slwym geIn. is setth ne nart 04 a exuiv meorg pro gnrams reardess gof je- cornve oredit. ati 787 r vîsnin usa at profesio alsokb. n o Umte 1/ lIaîltiesAa afie M piMd 583 eoer ma bedrinie Miion 5104not gabtgaries at 905- 2-BEOROOM bapret apment $eorgetontAc paint4cof trts! Aat- able Jlt. No e so er/peo. 890/montS. 90er5-702 903301. eptm ti buoatwnPark nM/to. 1 20/ront Janelot. Cati 905-872 401. apaErtment $76/mot Avaitab Georetowi/Ac-f 200. Churchit oado apaeint.ls Anaiabe- mueiatei. PNeas cat aler/es 7:Op 9-853t 90573301 ACTON 2 large bed- rosm api., Avait. May 1sf . $700/monîh plus hydro. Reterences. Cai (416)883-7756 ACTON Apsnlmenf s. 1- bedroom aparfisents acaitabie. May 1 sf. Fridge & stoce, iaundry facififies. No dogs 519- 853-4374. Open 7 duays/week. Same day approca. www.rea- star.ca Acton large 2-bedroomn aparfmect, ground tece, $800/monfh plus. Amyo 1-bedroom apf. $600/monlh plus. Cai 519-853-5080 on 519- 853-5352. Acton large 3-bedroois apanfmenl, $850/isonlth plus. Alun a 1-hedrosis apartmenl, $550/isonlth pion. Cai 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352. ACTON tusury apart- ments, four 2-bedroom unîls teSt. in renooated building downfown. A'C, iaucdny, mapie kitchens, yak floors and large stnrage roomo. F romi $900 10 $1 ,200înîonfh. May 1sf occayanc. Cai 416- 888-9184. ACTON, 2, 1-bedroom, $790/monlh and f. 2- bedroom, 890/monfh ait inclusioe. Aoaîiable Aprt 1sf. Cai 519-853-3309 or 519-853-0719. Acton. 2, 1-bedroom $790/monlth and 1, 2- bedroom, $890/montt ait incissice. Acaitabie Aprit I. Cati 519-853- 33090or 519-853-0719 APARTMENT5 2-bed- rosis suifes in Acton $800 and $850/monfh, Focvale yards. Gan Seat. Available immedîafeiy, Cai Lîz Doeit, Johnson Associaies Reafor 905- 877-51655 DOWNTOWN MILTON Mllside Towers 82 Miliside Drive, Attractive quiet building. Spacîsus brîgitt dlean 1&2 bedroom unit s wîf h iaundry faciliy and social room on site. Regutar resîdent avants Open 7 days & evenings Cati 905-876-1249 www.realstar.ca DOWNTOWN Milton. 1 - bedroom apanimeni in- ciodes frîdge/slooe. $800/moclth înciudîng utîfiies. Cati Scott B6 Prior' Re/Max Real Es- fate Centre Lld. 905- 878-7777 GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- room aparfiseef. $750/mfh ait inclusive, Frîdge and sInon, 1-parking. Renocated. 905-565-0033. GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- rsom apanlmenl. $750/mlh ai inclasive. Frîdge and stove, 1-parking. Renocafed. 905-565-0033. GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- room baisement, oeiy large living space, lots nI windows, immaculale condition, separafe en- fronce. Must be seen! $750/month, heaf/Sydro înciuded. 416-802-0894. GEORGETOWN base- ment bachelor ayant- ment, cery spacîsos and dlean In quiet neigit- bourhood, cear George- town Hospifal, No sisok- îog/pef s. Cai 905-873- 9868. GEORGETOWN new 1 - bedroom bachetoreffe aparlmenit Acaîtabie im- medîafey. $725/monfth inclusive. No pels/smok- îng. 1-parhîng. Cai 416- 716-7547. GEORGETOWN spa- cions, 2-bedroom apart- ment, close Io High Schooi. Appliacces, greai neîghbors. No pets/smoking $980/mfh ait inclusive. Avaîtabte Fnbruary lot. 905-873- 1174. Georgetown. 1-bedroom newiy renooaled bnîgt apariment. Fenced yard, parking & iaundry in- ciuded. $750/isonth. Avait. Apri ls. Cai 519- 856-9994 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENT5 122 Branle Street South, Million We are nos acceptlng applications for: -1 bdrm For more informa- tien andior to make an appealoliment, Please Cati: 9054878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny GUELPH Ln. N. of 40f, spacios, f bdîrm api. f rîdge, stoce, iaundry hook-up, parking, ns pets. $645/mIS + utl- fties. Colt 416-781-9410 or 416-787-1125. LARGE 2-bedroom basemeni. Prîvafe en- france. No smok- îng/pels. $850/monfth shared utlftîns. Avait- able Joby 1 sf. Cai 905- 702-0674. Milton 1 & 2 bedrosm acaitabte, From $845. Clean and quief build- ing. Cai Jass 416-723- 4801 Acailable April 1 sf. MILTON 2-bdrm base- ment aparlmieni, 4 appli- ances, parking, use of yard, $750/mIS (in- ciades utlities) acailable June 1. Cal 416-801 - 9012. MILTON. 3-bedroom bungalow, A/C, large fol, parking, 2-appliances Acaitabie Juce lot. S1200/month + utlities. 905-878-6795 MILTON. Acaitabie Juiy fls. Suifabie for workicg coopte. Referencen. No pets. 9-foot ceitiogo. 2- bedrosis. Maie itoor of house. Basemeotltaon- dry faciify. S1100/monh + uîilitîeo. 905-878-2737 MILTON. New bachetor apuntment. Ufiities, heafîng , sateite TV in- ciuded. $800/month. Avoulable May 1. 905- 864-4692 MILTON. Spofiens for- nînhed 1-bedrosis uparfment. Shared en- france in quiet home close iv Milion Mati. kitchenette, 3-piece bath, iuundry, large tic- îngroom. prîcafe park- ing, fîrepiace, cabte. Avaîtabie inmediaiey. No smoking/pefs/chi- drein. $750/monfh. Ref- ereoces. 905-875-0838 NEWLV renovafed 2- bedrosis apanfisent. $875/mon h. Asaifabie May ls ' Inctuden heaf/hydro/cabe. Park- ing eotra. Cai 905-873- 6284. CAMPBELLVILLEIRE- STORED stone cottage on 81 acres of farmrland. $1500/mlh + utilien. 905-854-0152. MILTON 3 bdrm, 2 bath, bungalow on forge 1 acre lot. Finished buse- ment, 2 car garage + wonkshoy, gas fîrepiace, C/A. Quiet coucny road, oniy minutes trois fown. May 1sf, $1400 + utîties. 905-899-0311, 905-876-0932 (Tony> emai for picture: mirnin- syectorl02@hotmail.cois MILTON 3-bdrm house apper floor, 5 appli- ances, big yard, greaf location, $1250/mfh+ uftities, acaitabie Jane f. Cai 416-801-9012. MILTON 2-lecel, 4-bed- room, lownhouse. 5-appliances, C/A, 1 1/2 bafhis. Garage, prîvafe fenced yard wilh deck. Asaitabie May 1 sf. $1,400 /moefh plus 0f il- lties. Cai 519-853-9495 or 905-876-5845. MILTON fownhouse. 3- bedrorom, 1 1/2 bafhs, garage, air, close f0 shopping. Avaitabte Juce 1sf. 51250/monfth + uîilitiev. Cui 905-770- 6731 or 4f16-435-4054. MILTON. 3-bedroom fownhouse, finîshed rec noom, garage. $1300/month +i uftifies. Avaîtabte May f nf/OS 905-876-4499 MILTON. Nîceiy deco- raled fownhouse, gar- age, fînished basement A/C, new fiîdge/stove, newer wusher/dryer. Walk 10 downfown or mail. Opfion iv boy. Ref- erences. $1285/monfh + utîlties. 416-998-5968. OAKVILLE -2, J&4 bedroom fownhouses avaîtabie îmmedîaiely fhrvugh Jane 4, appli- ances. Hopedate Mail aiea. Lakeshore Man- agement 905-876-3336. COUNTRY Campbell- ville home, Irg 1-bdrm, omo living-room bat h- room, shaned kîtchen, iaundry. Lots of parking $650/mfh. 416-771- 7737. MILTON basemeef & upper floor room Bront e SI. anna. Use nI kîfchen, own bafhroom, and iaundry facîlttîs. Cai 905-876-5151 MILTON beaustu houne lot share wîf h 2 protes- siona isen, bedroom wilh separafe office & accens f0 love/y back- yard. 905-876-3182. DUMP Sites wanfed for road building maferiai and/or dlean flii Wîi/ grade and levei. Cai 905-844-4330; 905-634- 2684 4-BEDROOM house f0 rent in Aclon, quiel eghbourhood near Lake. 5-appliances, DAYCARE space avait- non-smokers, nio pets. able. Park-ike seotiog Firsbflasl/references. north of Brsokcilie. il $1 ,350/msnlh plus ut il- pears esperience. fites. Acaitabie immedi- CPR/First Aid centitied. atey. Cai 519-853- Rnfnnences/receipts 5251. Prscided. 519-856-4376 Lordy Lordy Our Baby's 40 Happy Birthday Je nnifher Love fromn ail your fami!y The fanajiea of Mail CoUina (Milton) and Kat Gligorijevic t(Toro:nto) are pesdto announce thei- engagement. Wedding go take place in Milton on May 161h, 2005 __1

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