The Canadian Champion, Friday, ApnIl 22, 2005-7 Crîtîcîsm raîsed over Iack oIfitýy cîoc»,îng byiaw nere 'lime Capsules 'are gems of information extracred from past issues of The Champion and other publication in order ta provide a window int Milton 's past. Explanatorv comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in contexi. May 1905 Milton is bebind the times in baving no eariy closing by-law. There is no reason wby ber citizens like those of other îowns cannot do their shopping in the day tirne. 'Me rnercbanîs' employees sbould receive sorne consideration and shouid be given an opportunity for recreation and exercise during tht long evenings of the summuer. No reasonable person wdi object 10 an early closing by-law and tht town counicil sbould take action withoui delay. TMe oid office of the Bank of Hamilton bas been demoiisbed and workmen are now engaged on the founidation of a new one on the saine site. The office will be 23 by 65 feet and will be finisbed and equipped in the rnost modem style. (This bas been repiaced by the present CIBC building.) A deputation appointed by the îown counicil wenî to Toronto yesterday 10 oppose the bill to validate debentures for $20,000 of thetîown of Perth for a ioan 10 Arthur Winn, sboe manufacturer, of Milton, in consideration of bis proposed rernoval 10 Perth. The bill was 10 bave corne before the privat buis comiite of the Legisiature for consideration, but ils Perth promoters were not ready and did not appear. TMe bill will be considered next week. The open tesson for trout began on Monday and a great many Milton people were out. The weatber was coid and unfavourabie, but V. Cbitbolrn and J.T. Hannant madie a fine catch at Lawton't pond, Stewaritown, five of their fisb aver- aging about one pound eacb. E.R. Biggar and Rowley Brusb brougbt a fine lot of fisb fromn the Twelve Mile Creek, Nelson. Sorne nice baskets carne front tht Sixteen, wesî of Milton. Tuesday was the opening day of the Milton Fisb and Gamne Club ai their preserve near Carnpbellville. The following members turnet oui: Judge McGibbon, Brampton, Dr. Howitt, and Messrs. Gummer and Dickton, Guelph; T.D. Ross, St. Catharines and Win. Panton and J.B. Lawrence, Milton. , o Mtilton Milton stîli clîngîng to small-town charm Capsules There was a raw east wind, but a nice lot of trout were caught. The fine new office of the Metropolitan Bank (Bank of Nova Scotia) bas been occupied for sornie lime, but the directors have decided on a mansard roof. The brick work of the front of the second storey bas been rernoved, repiaced by the roof, whicb will siope backwards. This will make a great improvernent in the appearance of tbe building. Tbe construction of tht radial electric railway frorn Burlington to Oakville is under fuil swing and the piers ai Oakville over the Sixteen Mile Creek are cornpleted and ready for the iron work. This will be mucb tbe longeat bridge on the line, ibat over the Twelve ai Bronte coming nexi in lengtb and beight. Ail piers and abutrnents botb large and srnall are built entirely of cernent. The rigbî of way wbicb is altogether througb privat property bas ail been secured and paid for witb tbe exception of a few pieces wbich the company are expropriating. Tbe town bell is not rung as long as usual at present, on account of tbe serious ilinesa of Miss Petie at ber borne on Main Street near the town hall. She is in a very serious condition and tht bell disturbs ber greatly. (She subsequently died.) Mr. Atkins, of Toronto, electrical engi- neer, was in town yesîerday. He bas been ernployed 10 prepare plans and specifica- lions for the improvernent of the electrie iigbling plant wbicb bas been purcbased by tht corporation of Milton frornt tbe local cornpany. Work wili comtnence sborlly. The power-bouse will be erecled near tbe town hall, on ils norlh-eat side. New macbinery will be procured and die plant will be rnade ftrsî-ciass in every respect. This material it aaaembledl on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dills, who can be reached by e-mail a: Dear Editor: In response 10 Barbie Taylor's letter 10 the editor regarding tIhe negative commienta about Milton, t woutd tike 10 share my personal experiences as a new member of ibis community. My busband and t moved here from Elora and were attracted 10 Milton because of ils country cbarm. We have enjoyed visiting the Farmers' Market and area farms for seasonal produce and our annual Christmas tree-cbopping expedition. We bave found that the local businesses also refieci the country cbarm witb their personal service. id alto like 10 commend tht Milton business operators for ibeit exceptional customer service, wbicb is reminiscent of the 'olti days' in that the custorner is treated like an old friend and neigbbour. Milton Greenhouses provided the fiowers for our wedding and belped 10 make the sornewbaî bec- tic wedding planning a uitIle easier. We've continuedti 1 use tbemt for sending flowert and have found tbem 10 be outstanding. Another exampie of the pergonal attention and 'country cbarm' displayed by Milton business operators occurred recenîly wben my busband was oui of town, leaving me aI borne alone wiib my newborn son. t awoke one moming 10 find tIsai my car bad a fiat tire and so 1 calted the local Ford dealer for beip. I explalned my situation and tbey bad someone cornte oui witbin balf- an-bourto1 rernove the defective tire, drive il back to the dealertbip and fix il. Tbey returned the paîcbed tire witbin the bout and bold me 10 call ibem lter that day 10 arrange for paymenî. Wben t called 10 sente the bilt, tbey bad cbecked for any ouittanding recalis on my car and bold me that t sbould bring my car in on the weekend for a free service appoinîment 10 fix a recalied prob- lem that bad neyer been checked. Tbey told me that 1 could pay my bilt for the repaired tire wben 1 brougbl my car in on the weekend. I wtt so surprised in ibis day and age 10 deal wiîh a company ibai seemed 10 genuinety care about my personal situation and not just about the final bilt. Il seems 10 me that Milton is clinging on 10 ils smatt-town ways and 1 sincerely hope that the surge of deveiopmenî in the area doesn't change thai. Il's up 10 the new Mittonians 10 belp preserve Ibis town's ways by perhaps adopting a more positive perspective and 10 stop and say belto 10 your neigbbours and offer a band wben needeti. Rather than complaining, we need 10 look ai wbaî attracteti us 10 Ibis town in the firsi place and 10 make sure thai the growtb and developmnenî doetn'i change that. Melissa Pearson Milton Spring brin ging out the litterbugsç in rural Milton Dear Editor: The gtorious signs of spring bave reappeared in rural Milton. Spring wild fiowers are popping up and the birds and animals are active again. People are biking and biking in the countrytide and on the traits. Rural Milton contains many beautifut areas. t encourage everyone 10 corne oui and enjoy Ibis beauty. Nexvcomers 10 Milton in particular sbould spend lime 10 explore whaî's so close by -inctuding traits and conservation areas, especialty tht Bruce Trait. Unforiunately, the ugly signs of spring bave reap- peareti as weit. Spring cleaning alto brings oui the lit- terbugs 10 rural Milton. Many rural roads now bave piles of uteti tires, renovation rubble and bags and boxes of who knows wbat. t commend the hundreds of volunteers who spend Ibeir lime and energy 10 pick up afler these people. Several organizations are now planning bliiz days 10 pick up ibis trash. il would be nice if voiunteers didn't bave 10 pick up ibis stuif, but il seems that Ibis bas become a tpring chore -one that many of us take on 10 foilow behind the people who've dont their own spring cteaning by dumping trash along the country roads. By the way, tires cas be taken 10 the dump on Regional Road 25 tomorrow. The dump alto accepis renovation rubble. There's no valid reason for people 10 dump garbage along rural roada. Joe Yaworski Bell School Line Thanks to ail who made annual book sale a success Dear Editor: On behaif of tht Canadian Federation of University Womnen, Milton and District, I'd like 10 thank Tht Champion for ils contri- butions 10 tht succets of out 32nd annual book sale. Once again we had a very suc- cessful sale, which helpa enable us bo offer out scbolarsbips 10 gradu- ating students front Milton's thret bigb schools. This year we're once again offering themn 10 students who are going on 10 universiiy and for tht firt tlime 10 students wholi be antending community college as well. We're alto offering a matute woman award. We're vtîy pieastd with ail tht publicity given 10 us by Tht Champion. As usual, Graham Paine's photos wtrt excellent, and tht captions were attention-gting. We certainly have benefited from bis great photos over tht years. Alto, thanks 10 Sean Miller, who set up out advtrtisement about tht tcholarsbipt that we award. Thanksto1 Tht Champion and evttyone who heiped us make tht book tale so succetafut. Margaret Gray CFUW - Milton and District GET IT IN GEAR ... WITH A Mazda3 From Achilles! 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