Forever Young Lifestyle Show S A It's quality flnot Just quotntity - that caourlis asheo it clames 80 the lives of' Catoadiatix 5(0 and (aider these days. Feor the I 7tia year. the Fiorever Youn è Litèstyle Showv s beiiog pre- sented lu heip people in their goid- en years disceever xsays Io enrico thetr lives. The shoss, whichios beîttg pre- sented by the Toronto Star. xxiii be heid tacot Friday anod Api 3(0 ai thoe lInternational Centîre, in hall two, 181 690( Airpsit Rd. ta Mississauga. Visitors cai drop t andfytitooe t'ronm 108 a.i. io 6 pin. F-riday anod I(roas 10 to 5 inm. Satsirday. Adiss ion is juxt $2. The showx xvii ottet i ilaforgatiotli on heaithy alternatives. hsox 10 make the best of saviiigs, cisose-to- horooe and exotic travel destina- tisons. the safe use of' prescriptionis and mooore. As svell. shox gsoers xviii (md (lut more about the latesi producis and services available in the areas of' housin-. health care. lîtoance. tosuraîtie. travel and RV living. Eratertainomit anad itiloroat ive setuitars xviil be hield throsiglout flie weekend. Vile uf8er vîsitîîrs a8 reotlly giood tooîx -serionars svîtl cîotapeiîtg speakers, and quai ty producis vloico they can poirchase ai the show," soîîd Lyts Utaiderxsaood. siasix mranoager. -1t, s ideai loir tîsose svho are look- tn- l'or aitentatives -xsays lu impove their qUality of lit'e and ness xays 850 have l'un. Thinking about quitting? A psopular feature is 'The Retireoient (Joiomunity- Forum i' xshicla priasides ttsturnati(on oit the vast arroiy of' retiresoiat housing optilons lTrsa active aduli comou- nîties lu assisted living~ tacilities. Musical etoterlainiaient svill he pros îded hy the Ail Star Big Band, preseatiog a musical trihute tii the Yeltr ut the Vecierant. There'l iaisa he a talentt shows tea- iuritog 58) iliis togusîcians. ciroiedi- ans0 atd sther etotertainers. The Inoternoatioal Cetntre tecatures lrtee poirking anad is xxheeichair aîccessible. I-or tmoore infoniation, cli (95) 815-(X)17 ur 1-8W9(-265-3673. Fsar setootoar details. vîsît svsvxpre- toîercsansuioersos conig. The Canadian Champion, Frtday, Aprit 22, 2005-B13 lWe f11 believeil., I G I i i in CND helping. CA AD A&nwvnnà, MLAS (AL-L THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY'S 10LL FT SMOKERS' HEIPLINE 1-877-51 3-5333 i et iou \ ei c, Be .lar -o BTR AIL 2 1-3 pi, MU991u Lante, $319 999 tansKiag, Remai Real Estate Centre, §05-878-7777 2-4 p, 391 Rityt r., 279,00 Vere Ceorgan, Rya Ral EPage Cedaonte 905-878-8177 1-3 pri, 81 Ltant r, 968U0 BArKnreaRea l Sev teentikds re 05-878-7777 2-4 Iet, 3002 Merit Dr., 9219,00 Vre Tbank Royal LePage Madwaae ely95-878-8101 2-4 loet, 37 Hihids rive, 'f349,009 CAnadea Snt di, PR nal e 9atcr 0--101 2-4 pt, 1822 Mesit Lare, 24,9000 lecara Rkk Raya LePage aeaaowowne at 905-878-8101 2-4 finet.4741 Luige r ve, $39,00 Cnar D, anSath Raya Lepage Meadtwe 905-878-8101 Adr aa2-4 r , 1 r Cop r es., 1,0 Rin ayadyat LePage Meadrolone 058788101 2-4 , M tt St.$24,0 Alxaa akkeg Ryi LePage Meaaulune 905878-8101 2-4 fet, 514 ennerdy Chil Clata 9a cbn Rena Real Fsatae Centre, 905878-7777 Impro>ing your odds agaitnst Canada s #1 killer HEAR AND sTeOtiE FOIJNDATION 0F ONTARIO CORRECTION NOTICE LG2"LDHtPanelT 10OLORR 1005922T ThsE ardct arairresl yedvrtisean ý16o ora (ap 151 Cleas an HDTV IMoeowha arouaagCiMohp a ieatues APia PaelTeiRvo ith 4801 jor 8p nleu termay pjrcase Rhe 0G20" CDITV 20 R1 1004e03 gor athe Tosiba 20" LCIV 0074 0048601 ei the adverised pr eof S898.99 We elieey apooi o ar Onovlineti na ha sed on aale aisfrne Ta Siff vidiamu6ti8avlioevim fS a rwvvleeeeI c&jdu yo aveernla e ) atu-iiaveeI 15-21. 1 IP oduct Sony SRFM80 SRFM85 Sports WalkmanI Thi prduc des ot eatrea TV7tNeater Band 1Radio as advertsvdonp. 15oflou Apr 15t fyer andj iis aaaable in limied quan vtis due to ai manutacta ing dv ay OKU 10014248/18058382 153 Main Street East Milton, ON L9T-1N7 I 905-878-5529 Sales 1 Service 1 Accessories 1 Case Morts 1 PC Games Meliss L. COUlsOn Chartered Accountant A Professional Corporation Meis L. *OI n C.A 35 Hugli Street, Milton Ontario L9T 2C7 Tel: 905-816-4633 Fax: 905-876-2064 1011 Free: 1-877-289-2292 for lite PER MONIH MR 36 M0615 PER MONO-IFF0906 MONOR *SPORT SEATS W-TH LEATHER SEATING SURFACES *POWER DRIVER AND PASSENGER SEATS WITH MEMORY FOR DRIVER SEAT AND REAR-VIEW MIRRORS * 17"OTRERAALLOYWHEELS *INTERIOR MESH ALUMINUM INLAYS *5-SPEED AUTOMA11C WITH GEARTRONIC *FRONT FOG UGHTS *SPORT STEERING WHEEL *REAR SPOILER *EXTERIOR COLOURS (METALLIC): SILVER, BLACK SAPPHIRE, OR 11TANIUM GREY VOLVO 0F OAKVILLE 770 Pacîfic Road, Oakville (905) 825-8088 'MSRP fra 20060Se16T EN70 2.510Sa$490454801.195. l5v2005 0 2s0 SOOE slu ihnai qpîvleaapn R.1 naane sOva Lehn rofA,, OîSuh Pannsan Voalven aarsand oCa, Fi-îîa SaeeofCanada onapoi rei t n qnaJ reard civsvirns onli. Emaple lame fora 006 060 2.50 SEN700 2.51 SE: -697.161173 pear oe3 nnoilE vin, $01aS fna nol PvilieiOcvuni dvposa0don paynent iPrica ni ba adjusid to icesivo5 Cars of Canada USd and niladvi parteiiaionil. Mvin8i paireintsiola $17,924-761$1v89428 Fist noi's, pariiv euiig tes and vscly epi a rle vimedla torra iene Prcasavi ana oS lavisv for$26,97.t$28,615920. Pari y iifisl alias, uf ea vqwpovin (iavi has a 50,55 iedovivvvioenanhlo 15 159St0piis eveaSisL (vevavie INIAPR Fr#d adeteviyaol$,4, ami,, boom, ,vvuvase, PSkvand duWraecvvi dw" iayv9seli, extravl8pkS2S5Sivavlv 'I 1 0 0