1 MIN THE GARDEN By Colleen Moodie Proud Owner, oaisy Malds - Milton 0: Who are the Daisy Maids and what do they do? Daisy Maids - Milton is a wonderful teamn of avid lady gardeners who are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and most of ail love what we do. We are entering into our 4th season in business. The Daisy Maids provide excellent customer service in a caring and professional manner. Our servic- es include: spring and faîl garden cfeanups, edg- ing, pruning, planting, turning of the soif, design Colleeni Moocfle Horticultuist ,Prbud -?w'ner work, and regufar garden maintenance in Milton, Campbelfville and surrounding areas. Why not enjoy more of your summer and have the work done for you? Watch for this column this season which wilf discuss seasonaf garden tips. For a free estimate please cati (905)-878-4284. The Canadien Champion, Friday, April 22, 2005-5B9 0' O Whv did the r'hirkn 1 -e1sq___n Ouse Hot oeurceiu HALON OWE EQIPE..mTvu Pat ear o i 'g a ng ie - 0' aiS.u . lo 90-85-28 «Trp forTwo"to the Fitness I Wedght Lanscaping Proucts Home Décor Products Sondais Resort, Cuba Loss Program C500y0 .lvieuoy Courte2y of Sevgsoo Home, D.o, Ag. p t» for.t f«.. - -k Oý ..Y, F.0 Fn.,. PI. Me,..i,. VO.1 $~ Bejaminb Mo,.<. Couut.. of Tvmi ChoiceAvmkooa 6 -nk P,,n..Ton.g Pm. Product30 WI.M5g Nnn. PI., on î.n. Do. it-YourtelffPout .,,d ,mvoo,,n,, &20 SOn.. Cnovn.sy of 0010.. Weekend Prize Package Qj .fss- Cuonety of G.odLif Fft.oo Club Home Hadwr y,1- of $00 (n.. cnd.. apply) Vi.. of $2000 V.. of 500 Hours: Fr5., May 6 - 50:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. - Sot, May 7 - 50:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.L * Sun., May 8 - Noon - 5:00 P.M. Admission: just $2.00 1 persan * Famuly Pous $5 - KIds under 12 fiee (with adus> +0 ( b.2w.çy.!M'I toni Friday t udy- May 6 -8,2005 RESENTDitonS ports Centre f Santa Maria BIvd., <off Derry Road West of Ontario St.> PREENED 3YTHE MILTON CHAMB3ER 0F COMMERCE Sh2 Fui! Arenas of Exhibits and ShOP Over I1OO Exhibitors!!f Mayor's #Gck-Off Breakfast - Frlday Morning Free Seniors Day -Ail Day Friday Cali Chamber Office for Detaifs 905-878-0581 Seniors Over 60 Admitted FREE $2 Charity Professional Child Mmndlng Service Fun activities for klds to Hot Air Balloon Rides During Sat I Sun. noinurUd'me (weaffher permiting) (courtesy of GoodLife Fitness) no mnurKd'C ne EM.. EJootOoI s ~.-~-- *. Loob,,WII F - 1111111UN, 111U 9 Autil. 30ik 98M 7