Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 2005, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Friday Apil 22, 2005 - 29 re *ýý - me : Index: Real Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169 aRentais 170-196e* Leisure 200-239 e Community 2402gc. Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.Com fi Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e Heip Wanted 500 Mon. to Fri.9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com: le Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cati: 905-878-5947 Ad sobmission hy mail or in person: The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St. E., M/lton, ON L9T 4N9 Deadinels: Mon., il arn., for Tues, publication, Thurs, il a.m. ,for Fni. publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadlines may Payaient: We accept cash, cheque, lnOerac, Visa, MasterCard, Amnerîcan Express. Business accounto cao be opened with an approoed credit application available trom yoor Sales Consultant. CHECK VOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to enure the intormation io correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Cours if an error appearo. An error in a Fni publication moust be reported no ter than Mon., il a.m. Lloyd & Hermne Moore are thrilied Io announce the engagement of their daiaghier Aretha Moore to Fraser Brown Son of Graham & joan Brown of Georgetwn wqnovl Happy Birthday Jennifer Love from ail your family FOR Sale 3-bdrm Mat- lump semi-detacbed, poputar "Stanfurd" mod- et in Hawthorne Village, lbuusands in upgrades, CA, CVAC, gas tire- place, 1765 sq. fi., Irg corner lot w/punch oser- luukinig graenspace, Cati 416-839-6644 ton info. Timharlea tam py home on desirabIe s1 eal. Great for enlerfainingl 4 bed ons, 2 112 bathrooms, hardmuod in topar and tamil poom, pnotessîonuiip linishad basemant. Veny pnîvate huchpard ailE huge deck and POOL. C/A, CVAC, Oas Pireplace. Huge lot milS 76 frontage. 4sdine $385.000. caU 90014?a-5556 f.e cia. If..ua. u1u1,11801. 1130 Zimmerman Creacent - hree Bedruomo - Double Drîveway - Central Air Ceramîc Throuahut - Naturel Gas Fîrepiace -Large Fenced in Backyard - Upgraded Under Pad - ix funt suaker tub in ensuite - lone access lu major Hîghways *Frîendiy, sale neighbourhuod e 808,90 THIS 3 year-uld Milton huma han approa. 3800 sq. C of beautlut living space. inciuding 2 lireptaces, 5 bedrooms and 2 4-pc.and 2 2-po. bathruums. Clown home on a quiet streal wîthîn waling distance lu GO, downlowe and nchoois. Prof. lin. basement. massive ea-in kîlohen, backîng uno pond. CAC, CVAC, etc. $434,900 wmw wontariolislings.ou 905-693-8958 FREE Quick GVEC-THE-NET Home Evatuation Visît ww.aRxnhomesinfo.com FRE8 Oaick OVER-THE-NET Home Evaluiation Vli8 wwhafthoff«nt.com Re/Max Real Estale Centre PRIVATE Sale 661 Childs Drive. 3 bedrnom Ixanhoase $$$ spent in upgrades. Totatiy reno- vated, nery extra long drîneway, flexible clos- îng. $190,000.O0 Pieuse cuit 905-878- 7314. SELI pour borne tant tor Top dollar. Free Cepot raveais 27 stepu lu du beture pu tîsI pour borne ton sain. Toit Free Cecurdnd Message. 1- 877-617-1275 1083023 Pradenial Town Centre e- alty OPEN HO USE Sai Apr 23 - -4pîîî Sun Apn24 t pi 742 WilluwoAr. A Proven Money Muk- arll 6-figura potentiel trum borne, 1-800-537- 1931 www.serîouad- vuntage.com ADVERTISING reiatad sales uppurtunity fuit/part lime. For more information e-mail vibe- dintributing@uniilia.urg PROMOTE poan busi- ness opportanity lu over 4 million aduil readers in Soutb Centrai Ontario. Book pour advertine- ment in uner 60 Metro- land communily neas- papers aitb une phone cati. Cati tuday for infor- mation on weekly aurd ad packages (internet listings înciuded) 416- 493-1300 ext. 288; www.metroland.com $$Muney$S 100% lut, 2nd and 3rd Mortguges. Bad credît OK. Cuit On- taris Wîda 1-888-307- 7799. A 5-yr @ 4.5%. Aso aqaity murtgage pro- grurns ragardless ut on- coma or credît. Cuti Chrîs @ 1-800-328- 7887 or omîit us ut wwsiriclaircookbum. com *2BDOM doe OOWNTOWN MILTON to'A Milon A'l 1 Mittaide Towera MO(JrrlL!L1!rýflCJ "i(je 82 Millde Drine. decK ,y111f1tin klc- Attractive quiet building. en rsré* akn Spacioas bright clean secLrýt ýyýter NO 1&2 bedroom unîts wilS PES- 1rne laundry taciliiy and needd S95 moth + social rorn un site. *tlte C'Mist95 egular resident events - - Opee 7 days & enenings Cai 905-876-1249 3-BEDROOM upper les- ei bungalow. Park- îngilaundry. No smuh- ingipets, $1,2SOimonlh plus atîlîlies. Avaîlubie Jane lsl. Cuit 905-702- 0674. ACTON 1 -bedroom upartmest. 5760/munIS. Auiabie immediutey. 200 Churchill Coud, South. No pals. Cai 519-853-0087. Acton Apartments. t- bedruumn apurtments uvaîlubia. May 1 si. Fridge & stuve, iuundry tacitities. Nu dogs 519- 853-4374. Open 7 days/week. Sume day uppruval. www.rea- star.cu Aclon large 2-bedruum upariment, grud levai, $800/montb plus. Aso 1-bedroum api. 5600/montS plus. Cai 519-853-5080 or 519- 853-5352. Acton large 3-bedruum apartment, $850/muntb plus. Alsu a 1-bedroom upurtment, $550/munth plus. Cati 619-863-5080 or 519-853-5352. ACTON iuxury apurt- ments, tour 2-bedroum unîts lait, iv renovuted building duownowo. A/C, iaundry, maple kitchens, Oak tlours and large sturage ruums. Prom $800 lu $1 .200/montS. May loti uccupuncy. Cuit 416- 888-9164. ACTON, 2, 1-bedroom, 5790/montS and 1,- 2- hedroom, 890/montb aIl inclusive. Avaitabie Aprit let. Cati 519-853-3309 or 519-853-0719. Action. 2, 1 -hedroum $790/montb and t, 2- bedroom, $890/munth ait inclusive. Avaitabie Aprit ls. Cai 519-853- 3309 or 519-853-0719 APARTMENTS 2-bed- room suites in Actun $800 and $850/montS. Poivate yards. Oas Seat. Avaitable immedîatey. Cati Liz Dueli, Johnon Associates Reaitor 905- 877-5165 CAMPBELLVILLE 2- bdrm country upt. uo entrunce & driveway, nu iaundry tucîtîtias, $925/mth, atilîties on- ciadad. Serîsus inqoîr- ves onty 905-854-2033 Milton 1 & 2 bedroom availubla. Prom $845. Cieun and quiet buiild- in1g Cai Juss 416-723- 4801 Anaîtubin April lust. DOWNTOWN M/lton. t- bedroum aparimeot sn- cludes lnidgelstooe. $E0l/munth including utîlîties. Cai Scott B. Prior, Re/Muax Reai Es- tale Centre Lin. 905- 878-7777 GEORGETOWN I hed- room basement, u ery large living space, lots ot windows, immacutate condition, separute en- trance. Must be seenl $750/montE, Seat/hydro încluded. 416-802-0894. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- ruom upartmenit $900lmonth plus ahil- ilies. Parking, nu pets, raterences. Avaîtable May lot. 905-877-4465. GEORGETOWN base- ment bachetur apart- ment, very spacious and dlean. In quiet neîgh- bourbuud, near Geurge- tuwn Huspital. No smok- ing/pets. Cati 905-873- 9868. GEORGETOWN new t - bedroom bachetorente apartment. Avaitabie im- medîutep. $725/montS inclusive. No pets/smok- îng. 1-parking. Cuit 416- 716-7547. GEORGETOWN spa- clous, 2-bedroum apurt- ment, close lu Hign Schuul. Appliances, great neighbers. No pets/smoking $980/mtb aIl inclusive. Availahie Fehruary 1 st. 905-873- il174. Georgtown. 1-bedroom newip renovated bright apadtment. Fenced yard, parking & iaundry in- ciuded. $750/month. Avait. Apil tlt Cai 519- 856-9994 G3LEN EDEN COURT APART- MENTS 122 Branle Street South, Milton We are now accept- Ing applications for: -1 bdrm Fer more Informa- lion and/or fa make an apponimeof, Please Cali: 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leonard & Penny GUELPH Ln. N. ut 401, spucîuus, 1-bdrrn apt. trîdge, stova, iuundry Souk-up, parking, nu pais. $6451mih + ahil- lies. Cui 416-761-9410 un 416-767-1125. LARGE 2-bedrourn baisement Prîsate on- trance Nu soub ongipats. $85Olmuvth shured utîlities. Avail- able July lsti Cuti 905 702-0674. MILTON 1 -bedruurn (Large) basemnent apart- ment. Kitchen fll bath- ruom, tîvîngroum/iîre- piuceiA -C. Separute n- trance, parking, close lu amenîlies. No smok- ing/pets. First/tasi. $g75lmornth ait inclu- sive, shured cabte. Cai 905-878-0196. (Satura 1OAMiafter 5PM) MILTON quiet 2-bdrm apt. uaîtiabte Jane let. $900/mth, Sydr in- ciuded. Cati 905-878- 8862. MILTON. 3-bedruom bungaluw, A/C, large lot, parking, 2-appliancas. Availubie Jane 1 st $1200/muntb v utltîtîvu 905-876-6795 MILTON. Avaitable July Isl. Saîtabte for wurkîng couple. Ceterences. No pets. 9-tout caîtîngo. 2- bedroom. Main Ituor ut bouse Basement jeun- dry tacility. $11 00/mu nth + utilities. 905-878-2737 MILTON' New buchelur uparomant, Utlities, heuting ' satellite TV in- cluded ' 5800/montS Avaitable May 1. 905- 864-4692 NEWLY renovated 2- bedroom apurlment. $875/mnnth. Avaitabie May 1ist. Inctudes Seal/hydro/cable. Park- ing extra. Cai 905-873- 6284. QUIET. 2-bedroom country bungalow. Ail appliances including iaandry/cenitra air. $1 300/muntb + heat/bydro. Cai Jasper 905-466-3400 CAMPRELLVILLE/RE- STORED stonie cottage un 81 acres ut tarmiand. $1500/mth + utitities. 905-854-0152. GEORGETOWN large 3-badruum bouse, gar- age. $1,200/munth plus utîtîties. Avuilubla May lst. Firutitant. No pais. 905 877-3539ý MILTON. Tru- deauCark. New 4-bed- ruom vomi. 4-6 montS lease. $l400mtb + ahil lties. Cuit Khasbîd Yacoub 905-81 2-9000 tor mure intormation. MLTON 3 bdrm, 2 bath, LOST black cal oea- bungalow on large 1 tered, Milton Heigbts acre lot. Pînîsbed base- Cres. area, il sean cai ment, 2 car garage + 416-319-5096. wunksbup, gus fîrepluce, CIA. Quiet country îoad, sniy minutas tram 273- toas May isi, $1400 + utities. 905-699-0311, iiýý W te 905-876-0932 (Tony) NANNY/MOTHERIS ornai loi pîdtura: mîrnîn- Haiper. Irnredîualy spectort52@hotmnai.dom nvadad in Acton 3-5 _______________ dapswk. Assîst Morn SHORT tvrm renta wîtb 4 cbildren & on- MapiJave, suparb coun- rands. Contact 5t9 853- try property. $800/nth. 9517 4-BEDROOM bouse lu ranI in Acton, quiet neîgburhood near Lube. 5-appliances, non-smokers, nu pets. Firstltst/reterences. 51 ,3SOimontb plus ahil- dies. Availabla immedi- atey. Cuti 519-853- 5251. MILTON 2-levet, 4-bed- ruum, tuwnbuuse. 5-uppliances, C/A, 1 1/2 butbs. Garage, prîvata tencad yard ailS dack. Avaîlubie May 1st. $1 .400 irnunth plus ahil- lties. Cai 519g-853-9495 or 905-876-5645. MILTON towobouse. 3- bedroum, 1 1/2 batbs, garage, air, close lu sbopping. Avaîtubie Jane lst. $t250/muntb v utitities, Cat 905-770- 6731 or 416-435-4054. MILTON- avuilabie wm- medutely. brand oea 4- bdrms, 1741 sq. bt 5 ap- pliances, main ttuur burdwuud. $1450 + ahil lties. 647-220-8062. MILTON. 3-bedroo-m tuwnbouse, tîoîsbed rec ruom, garage. $1 300/month + utilities. Avuitubie May lust/OS 905-876-4499 OAKVILLE - 2, 3&4 hedroom teanhosses avaitable immediatli tbroagh Jane 4, appli- ances. Hopedate Mal area. Lakeobore Man- agement 905-876-3336. COUNTRY Campbell- ville bome, trg 1-hdrm, uo living-room bath- ruum, sbuîed kîtchen, iaandry. Lots ut parking $650/mtb. 416-771 - 7737. FURNISHED room neur Milton Mail, parking. iuundry etc. $lOOiweek. Pieuse cuit 905-878- 0882 DUMP Sites wanted for road building muarial and/or clean flii Wii grade and levol. Cuti 905-844-4330, 905-634- 2684 CHILDCARE prouider, (DSW & Educationa As- sistant) Part tîme spacas usaitabie. Haw- Ibome Village nutriioas meals & snacks, aduca- liona uctîvities & Selp. Ceterences. Judie 905- 878-3423. DAVCARE Avaîtubie in my home. Luvîng mutE- er ut une Sus tati & part- lime spacas uvuiluble. Receîpts & Ceterences. Cai Metissa 905-875- 3161 A dining ruom, cherry- wuud, double pedesta table, 8 chairs, buffet, Sutch, duvetai construc- tion. New stili n boues. Cunt $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905-567-9459. A King Pilixwtup Mat- tressi Set. Naw in plas- tic. Cus $1600. set for $450. 905-567-945. ATTENTION Rouf- ers: Cuiiigated gun nails suie - $23.80/skid ut 48. Cash & Carry witE Ibis ad. l3ibson Build- ing Supplies 8659 Holgale Cnes., Miltun. 905-875-4468 BED, Amazing bargain, queen erthopedic pitixa- top set, new in plastic, warranty $150 905-567- 4042 mili deive. BEDROOM Cherry- wood, Bed, chest, dresser, 2 nigbtslasds. Dovetail Construction. Neyer upenad CosI $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 BLUE Kitcben Table& Chairs $100.00, Creum Arbunte Hi Boy Dresser & Heudboard $200.00, Bang Cantan Console Tabla & Chairs $1 50.00, Sm Fine Desk & Chir $75.00, Assorted Lumps. 905-854-6161. CARPET 1 havea savara 1,000 yards. ut oea Stuiomasier & 100% ny- loncurpet, Wl do living- ruom & Sal ton $389. Indiades carpet, pud & installationî (30 yards) Steve, 905-633-8192 BIRTHDAY Lord' Lord' Our Baby's 40

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