lO-The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 22, 2005 rlrIT4lTM Pregnancy and mom fitness, yoga, personal training, birth services and more. Beginner to Athiete. OAKVILLE 416-821-7240 www.fitmomcanada.com RICHARDSON CHEVROLET Mir Hussain Sales & Leasing Advisor The staff & management of Richardson Chevrolet are pleased ta welcame Mir ta their sales staff Mir brings with him 5 years experience from the Toronto area and looks forward ta serving the Milton cammunity. M J GO station thief sought Halton Regional Police are investigat- ing an attempted theft from a car. Sometime beîween 10 arn. and 3:30 p.m. st Friday, a man smashed the win- dow of a car that was parked at the Milton GO station ai 780 Main St. The maIe antempted to steal the car stereo, but was unsuccessful. He fled the ares in a laie model, red Chevrolet. 'Me suspect is white, in bis mid-twen- ties, about five-foot- 10, svith long brown hair and a beard. He was wearing a black hooded sweater. The total darnage is pegged ai $6.000. 1f you have ans' information that leads Iota a rt-est iî itis or ans other marier, .vou ma ' vbe eligible for a cash reward. You will neyer have ta give vour naine or tesîîfy in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton does not subscribe ta call display. Piease cal! 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477) or check oui Crime Stoppers' Web site ai wvww.hialtoncrime.st(ppers.com. Corrections - Incorrect information appeared in a story in Tuesday's paper about drap- off locations for the Milton Salvation Army Food Bank. The article incor- rectly stated food can be dropped off ai the Milton Fire Department's Camphellville station on Reid Sideroad. The Carnpbellville drap-off location is actually Cristello's Village Market. - In a story about the local Canada Day festivities in the April 15 paper, the headline erroneously read '$000needed for parade. It should have read ' $20.000 needed for event.'" The Champion regrets the errors and any inconvenience they may have caused. Unique yet equal Section 15 of thc Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedams guarantees that everyone in Canada is equal under the law. Since April 1985, it bas protected each of us, and continues ta define the kind of country we want ta be. Thie Charter. It's Ours. Its Us. J 0hAnie r of Seto 15 of e e e..ia Charte o. Riht an -e.d ~*MGovemn duvCandan I .of Canada Guvenemen 1 800 O-Canada canada.gc.ca/section 15 Canad-11ï- . . . .. . . Shannon invites her chnts to vistt her at hér new location. If you are looking for that great new lookt book with our eà , &ÉLi 4 outdanding senior haitsMisb, or our young and croative junior haireMlet. sEtuw£l- -1,71iiidm &rtf 'Downtm... ... is here for you! Tues: 9-8prn, Wed: 9-7piii. Thurs: 9-8piii. Fri: 9-7pni, Sat: 8-3pm