Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Apr 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, April 19, 2005 Here we go again There appears to bc litîle disagreement that Canadians will be headed to the edec- tion polis sooner raîher than later. In fact, a spring election appears most likely svith one by the end of the year almost a cer- tainty. Ail you have to do is read today's front page to realize the blue machine is already in high gear. With the Liberals being hit with bad news froru the Gomery sponsorship inquiry on a daily basis, more bad news is the last thing Prime Minister Paul Martin needs, but certainly received last week. From the "with friends like these, who needs enemnies" departiment. Martin was blindsided by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty who suggested Martin has vir- tually ignored the people of Ontario. Keep in mic, it svas the Ontario vote that allowed Martin to stave off Stephen Harper and the Conservatives in the last election and leave the Liberals svith a shaky minority govemnment. Now, the Liberal premier of Ontario is slamrming bis fedieral bretbreu for refusing to even discuss the $23-billion gap that exists between what Ontario sends to Ottawa in taxes and receives in grants and services. 0f course. McGuinty is right to be miffed at Martin but the premier is clear- ly tiying to save his own political skin by forcefully pressing Ontario's case for equalization cash, hoping voters ignore bis failure to deal with the provincial deficit and a string of broken promises. Coupled with Adscam, McGuinîy's stinging criticism was a double body shot 10 Martin's team. This is probably why on Wednesday Martin opted to adopt the tiresomne strat- egy of any svounded politician .- create a sense of fear among the electorate. With ail the heat on the Liberals, Martin hinted the Conservatives would formi an alliance svith the Bloc Québécois and aid the separatisîs in their bid to frac- ture the country. It was a move that reeked of despera- tion and one that's not likely 10 scare vol- ers this time around. 140W FAR HAE FII L RFRALS 1* Our Readers Write School coundil members deserve praîse Proposed development belongs elsewhere Dear Editor: 'Mis is National Volunteer Week, and in honour of il I'd like 10 publicly thank the Brookville Public Sehool Council. In particular Ird like to, offer thanks tc the execulive members for ail of their bard work in belpiug toi make Brookville one of the best sebools in Ballon. Chair Donna Danielli provides stroug leadership. Last year she and vice-chair Karen Saîzauler creaîed a uew constitu- lion that fornts a solid plalforro from, which the currenl and future councilo eau act upon. Co-treasurers Elaine Traetto and Mîchelle Ewing also hardwork on the lunch bunch progîson soi tIsat on Box 248, 191 Main Si. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial F Advertising F Classifie Circulatio Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Tim Coles Charlene Hall Teri Casas ix: 905-878-4943 ax: 905-876-2364 td: 905-875-3300 un: 905-878-5947 Publisher Asnsenniate Publin/îa'r Ednnr-an-C/îicf Maeîaging Editor Advertising Direcanr Producteion Manager Dmotribution Manager Office Manager Wednesdays. 1 don't have 10 fix a corn- plete lunch for my lwo sons. Volunteer co-ordinator Alice Ritchie is in charge of the school closure phone cail pyrarnid aud in tbis year's spriug fair co-ordinator. These strong womnen do fiindraising. and more importantly, they acl as an advioiy group 10 the principal and her administration. Il's my hope that aIl prin- cipals make a big fuss about their sehool council members and other volunteers Ihis week. I say three cheers for our sehool counicils. Hip hip booray! Bip hip hooray! ip hip hooray! Stephanle Kimmere Moffat lThe Canadien Champion, puliîshed nonry Tuesday aid Frîday ai 191 Main i. E., Miltin, Ont., L9T 4Ng (lix 248), is oie il The Meiroland Printing, Po5iishing & tistributing Ltd. groop of suOurbar companues which inctuides: Ajax/Pickerngo News Advertiser, Ailistot Heîaid/Courîer larrie Sdvance, Blton Enterprîse, Brampton Guandian, luitingion Post, torlînîton Shopping News, Cily Paient, City ot lotk Guardian, Collingwood/Wasaga Conteciion. East lork Mîrrot riii Advocate/Couniry Rouies, Etobicoke Guardian, Flamboîough Review, Foinuer Young. Georgeton Iniiependent/Actnn Fiee Press, Raton Business Times, Huonni Business limes, Lindsay This Week, Maikham Ecunomisi & Sun, Midland/Pnnetang- u shene Mrair Miltin Shopping News, Mîssîssauîu Business Times, Mîssîssauga News ,Napanea Guide, Nasnagaweya News, Newmarketl5orora Ira-Ratet Northumberland News. Norts lotk Mirent, Oakvîlie Inaver, Routile Shopping News, Otdtîmets Rockey News, Otatnoîvln lainer, Irllia Toitay Oshawa/Whitby/Claington/Pot Peins This Week. Peterborough This Week, Picton County Guide, Richmond Ril/TiotthllNaughan Lîseta Scar- biooug Mitron, Siouiodle/Uxbridie Tibuane, Adveriinî is accepted on the condition that in the eveni nf a typo- grapsica errol, iRai portion oi lthe adneriinî seace occupîed by the erra- ennui item, togeleiset a neasonabie aitowance ton signature, euhl roi te changed ion, butlise balance ni the adiedîisemeni ai be laid tor ai lthe appli- cable raie. The pablîshea reseues tie nîlsi in categnnize advertisemenis or dectine. Ediinniai and adneitising content ni The Canadian Chamioon is pnniecied hp copyrigt Gnauiiboezed use is pnohibdfed. lTe MKelo Canacdîa Championa as a %cyale PlaîNuel Dear Editor: I'd like 10 address the issue ot the proposed apariment/tass uouse developmnent ai Fourth Une and Derry Reaad. l'i a Hawvthorne Village resident aîîd arn strongly against fthc re-zon- iug applicaioun tor this pioposal. If anytane's looking for valid con- cerns of' the previously discussed petilson. l'il explain. I svas an early homeosvner of Hawthorne Village souih, and dur- ing the lime of the purchase of my new home, one of the lhings I looked aI and considered was the zoning of surrounding areas. Up until now. ibis area was desig- nated as basîcally low densiiy wiîh townhouses. semi and delached homes, If that block bad been zoned high-densily. t wouldn'i have boughl where I did. Privacy is a big issue for me. A few backyards and friendly neigh- bours surrounding me isn'î a big deal. but hundreds of' potenial un- luukers 11110 iny backyard dues intrînge un tony pris acy nul lu menion the shaduss ibai apart- ints casi. For garclen lus ers svhu didn't expect Ibis pruosed build- ing. this cuuld prescrnt a drastic change. Wiîh respect Iu inftruncture. l'i enmployed in tie itfrastructure designt anid cuonstructiomn iiidustry and cati say tirst-baud that the plan- ning and design of' a comnmunily's infrastructure is nul due un-ihe- fly. The design ut the area's infra- structure. allhougb poorly laid out wiîh respect 10 timing, bas been designed with the current buuing iu mind and can't be constautly changed as re-zones take place. Esiimates were made and used for maximum traffic flow as well as waler and sewage use. Also, the infrastructure planning involves malerial life estimales. For examt- pIe, a road înay be buili large eunîugb i b andle a large volume tif traffic. bul the materials used can ouly handle so înucb siear bettire replacemtenti s îiecessarv. Thîe 401 is ait e\trelîte but primîe exanipte. Nul fi say that tIis ne apartimeul s ill 'break flic levy' per sa5'. but uther additiuna titipeui îîuued reLouiiigs may. I cati already say n itI certaiiiy iloat the eslablisbed loical Maîîany sîrels. ss'icb thal re-desigued zune ssould pour ontu. svereult baith\ý sth au apartiment in uoind. luni îlot une lu carry an elitist atti- tude toward my ueighbours. aud I don't oppose affordable housing. Bui if an aparlmeni complex is 10 be placed in Milton, place il in an area in which the proper planning cala be made tor il and potenlial sur- rounding residenîs eau be made aware of Ibis prior 10 the purchase of their homes. J. Oelseny Hawthorne Village E-mail ail your letters ta the editor ta miltoned@>hatonsearch.com. Pud by Steve Nease r The CanadianChampion -J

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