92-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 19, 2005 Weed free without pesticides (NC)-As the use of pesticides becames increas- ingiy restricted, gardeners need ta find new ways ta contrai weeds. Aithaugh getting rid of dandelions with- out chemicals is a mare enviranmentaliy friendly appraach ta a beautitul iawn and garden, it can be chaiienging. It's nat aiways necessary ta get down on your hands and knees ta pull up weeds," says Rab Dewar, spakesperson for Fiskars Garden Toals. "If you choase the proper tools and foilow a few simple techniques, you can easily contrai weeds withaut chemicai alterna- tives." As a first step, identify the weeds in your garden and learn about their lilecycles. Annuais spread by seed, 50 yau need ta pull them before their seeds set. To elimi- nate perennials, you'll need ta dîg out the entire roat. Use the praper toals that can make the job iess painful. "The new Fiskars Weeder lets you weed stand- ing up," comments Dewar. "To use the Weeder the gar- dener simply places the toal directiy over the weed, pushes the ciaws inta the ground with their foot and then draws the shaft back, puliing the weed out in one $1999 2II' om JOHN DEERE NOTHING RUNS LIKE A DEERE' vO0 0% FOR 36 MONTHS » 29 hp, 4WD, easy-drising X I I g eHydro option. VISIT US TODAY FOR THESE GREAT DEALS AND MORE! www.JohnDeere.com NEW LOCATION HALTO N TU RF & TRACTO RS, IN C. 15 STEELES AVE EAST MILTON (905> 878-2121 Or,d ia le-AMf 0120 eJM 30 20ýOfi ýoofya pa01,at p ea 1 3I Srolu John~ De,, Crrrifp -sapa r,,, i a oal a2% u ,rn Mt e siaCMrnfhny0ai, blaud a, il r, .1 13t8B5 0 $57855 00 l 0% p ,,oorPira ,f]sMah ,I o f 13 00t S5,55 00tu M, arcrd ta, t idos îh36 dynd, $580385 SiSO10SO 8atatjlS 13,885 90 $57 8555 a,, leln 0% APP ihaoo f ci $OiOM 0f, ahd 04/005 Mnu 3,05C/2005 ad 1 ul rlea u 1. 077,,ubec Io av,b y a aMa be , Mr ,onoffo ni, Pou, 0,îr , ain eay reht n ,7,,Joooo,,o charges 1 drd Susgqo, os W u onsJ, o, MM , Ji fo, ,ea D23bCA6-N0EL675150419 O41905 55840237 MMURIY l1I smooth, effortless action." Make sure you cover bare soil. Adding two ta four inches of organic mulch as a cover an bare sal can help prevent weeds from growing. Keep seeds buried. Sal can cantain as many as 80,000 weed seeds per square yard. When you dig down and turn the sal, those seeds are exposed ta sunlight and rain causing them ta sprout and grow. Caver your garden with an inch of weed-free and seed- free compost after turning the sal. Don't water your weeds. Event weeds can't graw withaut water, s0 use a water methad that applies water directly ta the plants yau want ta graw. For additianal gardening tips visit www.fiskars.ca or cali 1-800-488-5029. - News Canada What's in the Bagwcc* A& à Giant cubic yard bags delivered right ru your home. 9la Black Garden Soit ($119) for fanrastic growing resuits, o nurrient rich and blended te, perfection at our yard with black loam, pear luam, wveii-composredi manure and a touch of minerai soul. Iras great for use in your flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, and for over-seeding your lawn. Naturels Blend ($119) is an excellent soul designed for use under sud, filling in holes, levelling out sunken areas in your lawn or as a base for a new garden. It's a perfect blend of minerai soul for stability and nutrient value, and a black luamn / pear loam mixture for rase of use. Bark Mulch ($129) is perfect for the finishing touch! Use this Bark Mulch as an effective way ru reduce weeds, prevent soul and moisture loss, while at the same rime givra yorgadn htprfs:oa look I