-Pesticide V-irct XVeek declared This week is Pesticide Free Week and there's no better time than now for Miltonians to consider how t0 care for lawns in an environmentally-friendly way. "Me volunteer, non-profit group Pesticide Alternatives for Milton announced last week that Mayor Gord Krantz declared this week Pesticide Free Week 10 coincide with Earth Week. celebrated across Canada. The group urges residents 10 follow a few simple methods to create a healthy lawn, noting a healthy lawn resists weeds and grub attacks. First, top-dress with soit or compost, and water one inch each week and no more in dry weather. Leave the lawn longer - about three inches - to shade out weeds, and use organic fertilizers as directed. Pull or dig up weeds, and tty naturàl methods - like corn gluten or nematodes - to pre- vent weeds and insect attacks. Also, the group encourages Miltonians to look into alternatives to lawns, such as scree gar- dens, ground covers and other plantings. .-Correction Incorrect spelling of a naine appeared in information accompanying a photo published April 12 in conjuniction with the 100th snniversary of the Evening Star Rebekali Lodge No. 79. The correct spelling is Edna Waldie, who was photographed receiving; a cer- tificate for ber 67 years of service. Also, Shirley Hall is the groupas noble grand. We apologize for the errors. Ail the. clothes Ail the colours et JO'LEEN'S 224 UINSTE. mOTUN MALL GLIIZ * CASUAL CLASSIC~ D) ER loin the ray parala .h. g- n.1aq. drink aiooholrc basarree -andrIo irse _ruea ia thi, 8-~p h-rr rfaly. The Canadoan Champion Tuesday, ApnI 19 2005-11 job et Y*u Voc Be Hear'corne LSTARTIG RM m l1à a ' :l i gi: ïi i ï 14 iÀlýii :,l BIATIIPÀi à,A 28C pkg - 3.3L V6, auto O/D trans, air, 7 passenger seating, AM/FM/CD, dual sliding doors, floor mats, tilt steering, speed control, power windows, door locks, heated side mirrors & much more. St #348191. FINANCING PROVIDED BY .. Chrysler Financial ... VISIT US FOR MORE DETAILS!!! IFHIEHIE ES 1011UILV OMMIE Mq§ILTUEU CHffiVSILIER 905-878-8877 Aga ' IL One block CHRYSLER - DODGE - JEEP 81 ONTARIO S. fil, MILTON north of Visit us at wwvwmiltonchrysler.com Zellers based ort stock availabilityý 1perîi firanoelleaseid rates are mueraisy exclusive ard may rot be combinait ard are avallabe ir lieu 0f F55, Sreo derler for details. terse pryment based on terms as showr. tue at sitrnn 5irst pamenr, fre5it, iseur payrrrt as rboterr, applicable lmre & licerse teet 20,400 km pro year allerarce. Erceos km charge 154 per km. Closed end, Walkaray lerr, DAC. te dealer for deuails. L