Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Apr 2005, p. 7

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vAgricultural Society's new parade imet with skepticimï by many area horse owners The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 15, 2005-7 Ou? REA-DERiS -IRITE TI1E CANADIAN CNAMPlON 'Time Capsules' are gems of information extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Milton's past. Explanatorv comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. April 1905 The directors of the Halton Agricultural Society decided that instead of the ordinary spring stallion show they would hold what they called a parade which was to have taken place on Thursday; but judging from the way things turned out it will very like- ly be the first and last parade held in Milton. Owners of horses absolutely refused to put them on exhibition unless in open and fair competition and to be judged by properly qualified judges. While the inquest was in progress in the court house on Monday evening, Sheriff Clements, Jailer Vanallen and High Constable Frazer compared ages. Sheriff Clements said that he was born 79 years ago on the site of the horticultural gardens, Toronto, then known as "Muddy York." Mr. Vanallen said that he was also bom aI "Muddy York" and that he would be 78 years of age on the following day. Mr. Frazer said he was bom in Scotland 75 years ago. Canon Mackenzie was 88 years of age last week. He was bom aI Glasgow, Scotland. The Milton Brass and Reed Band bas been engaged to play ai the annual picnic of the House of Providence, Toronto, on 24th May. Tie band had the same engage- ment last year, and evidently gave satisfac- tion. May 1905 On Monday evening the town council granted leave to Messrs. Clements & Co. to erect a wooden building. covered with sheet iron, within the business district of Milton, "subject to the fire limit by-law." There is no fire limit by-law in force in Milton. That passed in 1889 has been found to be null and void on account of a blunder made by those who framed it. The building and warehouse is to be for hard- ware, and to be erected on Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, west of Martin St. and south of Benson's shop. Town Council: Chief Constable Mito1i %> on Opposition to the closing of Fourth Lne "0 doesn't make sense when facts are studied lime ; IP~ ~ Dear Editor: hour period on Fourth Line Detour roules dont have any ve read two letters 1 lise editor between Derry Road and Main homes facing direcîly osto tie Capsules aemoanîng tise cosure of Fourth Street increased seven-fold from roads. Bradley's salary was set ai $50 per year commencingJune 1, 1905. Mr. Hemstreet, at Milton town council, moved. seconded by Mr. Bews, that the light committee be instructed to make all arrangements with the light company to take over the light plant on June lst next; also to arrange for power from Mr. Stewart until the new plant is installed, and that the electrician continue in the service of the corporation. A lodge of Daughters of Rebekah has been formed. The lodge started with 19 charter members and is known as Evening Star Lodge No. 79. After the ceremony of institution, 14 candidates were initiated by a team of 24 lady officers of Galt Lodge, who exemplified the beautiful work of the degree in a most impressive manner. After the installations and the transactions of other business, the members spent some time very pleasantly in dancing. Those who arrived in the moming were treated to a drive through Milton and its neighbor- hood during the aftemoon. The new pipe organ for the Methodist Church bas arrived and workmen are busy installing it. Fred Wales will deliver ice to residents of Milton on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, during the summer months. Parties wishing ice, will please drop him a card. Call and see M. Jerome's Top Buggies, Carriages and Democrats. He will be pleased to show samples at his showroom on Main St. opposite the Bank of Hamilton. He is also agent for the Massey- Harris Co. This material is assembled on behalf of the Milton Historical Societs bv Jim Dills, wsho can be reached by e-mail at jdills@idirect.com. Line, which focus primarily on anger and frustration that a com- muter route has been closed. This letter fully supports the clo- sure. Here are my reasons for doing so: • Part of the planning for Fourth Line/James Snow Parkway includ- ed construction of an underpass ai the CP rail tracks. Fourth Line was to be designated as a cul de sac, which is the reason homeowners first starting buying homes on that street in 2001. • Fourth Line wasn't planned to be a through road after homes were constructed. • Fourth Line wasn't meant for the heavy volumes of traffic, and in the months leading up to its closure had begun to seriously deteriorate. * Traffic volumes within a 24- 2001 to 2004. • Safety was a major concern from the standpoint of the Region, the Town and the police, as serious accidents increased 10-fold between 2003 and 2004. • In order to begin construction of the underpass aI the CP rail tracks, Fourth Line had to be closed. Construction is expected t begin ibis spring. • When the underpass has been constructed and the new James Snow Parkway has been complet- ed, this road will lead traffic direct- ly t the 401. . Homes face directly onto Fourth Line (versus the other routes, which will be used term- porarily while the underpass is constructed), and the issue of gen- eral safety was ai hand. • Lights ai Thompson Road and Laurier Avenue are expected to be installed this spring to respond to traffic concers. • The speed limit on Derry Road between James Snow Parkway and Ontario'Street has been decreased to 60 km/h to address safety con- cems. This information can be found by visiting our Town's Web site or by contacting a representative of the Region or Town. To label the planners of the Town or Region as 'stupid and irresponsi- ble' is quite inappropriate. Now that the facts are known, these comments should be rescinded. Lesley Mansfleld Milton Less complaining and more problem solving needed Dear Editor: Like most people who've relocated to the great town of Milton, my family and i came here for many rea- sons, such as to reclaim a sense of community or just to purchase a modem house built by a reputable builder. With any growing community there will be issues, but what really shows a community's colours is how the greater number deal with these concems and adapt. With regard to the closing of Fourth Line from south of Main Street to just north of Derry Road, the com- munity should reflect on all the issues and not take them out of context. First, for CN to start the overpass for their rail-line caused by the redirection of James Snow Parkway, Fourth Line must be closed. The new redirected road can't be compleied without it. Secondly, the talk of stop signts and traffic calming curbs is great, but why as taxpayers would we want the Town to incur these expenses if only to be removed aI a later date? Lastly, these citizens who continue to berate the Region and Town for their supposed lack of fore- thought on the closing of Fourth Line are the same ones, I believe, who use to travel ai 70 to 80 km/h down this section, endangering ail the residents and especially the children. If you had purchased a bouse on ibis section of road, would you not have wanted the road closed? As this community continues to grow, instead of sit- ting on the sidelines and whining, get educated about the issues and provide viable solutions via town coun- cil. Put up or shut up. Glenn Corbett Fourth Line Comments on proposed development misinterpreted Dear Editor: In Chad Jackson's letter to the editor in the April 8 Champion, my views on the proposed apartment building development ai Fourth Line and Derry Road were misin- terpreted. He refers to my acknowledging that this development "should be placed on a more suitable plot of land. closer to the downtown core.- That's not what I said or meant. What i actually said, as quoted in a March 25 Champion article, was that -Although it would be ideal to have an apartment building in a more central location, it's a doable location for an apartment or condo- minium." I definitely didn't say that the development should go some- where else. The present proposed site is in accordance with Milton's Official Plan and would be well served by transit, which makes it a good loca- tion. This may not be ideal, but very few places are. Wendy Schau Ward 4 Councillor GET IT IN GEAR...WITH A Mazda3 From Achilles! This 2005 Mazda3 GX Includes: / Finance From:

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