6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 15, 2005 c *The Canadian Champion 91 Main St. E. The Canadien Champion. publisthed evnry Tuesday and Frîday at 191 )nt. L9T 4N9 Main St E Milton, Ont. LOT 4N9 (Box 248), s one of The Metroland Prit ing Potttishing & Oitrtibing t Od groop ot sobarban conîpanins which lu nttens Atax'Pickerinq News Advnntiser. Athiston HeratdCoorir Barrie Connoetion. East York Minror. Eriin AdvooateiCoote ROottoý Etobicoke x: 905-878-4943 Guandian Ftannoooog Rnoînw, Forevnr Yonq Georgetowun x: 0587-264 indpenno 'Acton Fret Prnss, Hatton Busineoss Timns, Huoonia Business x: 90-8762364 Taons, Lndsay This Wnotn, Mankham Econornist & Soin, Midtand/Pentalg- d: 905-875-3300 sîshone Mîrnor Mitton Shopping Nows, Mississauga Business Timens. Mîssissauga Nows, Napannn Gide, Nassagaweya Nnws, NnwmarkntîAuona s:905-878-5947 Era-Bannen Northumbertand News, North Yonk Miiror, Oakoitte Beaoer, Qakoîin Shopping Nnws, Otnois Hockey Newvs Tiangeoitte Bannon TiColla Publishier toilay, OshawaOdihitbyitaoioglon'Pont Periy This Woek Peterbnorough [tirs Wetk P ctoir Countoy Guide Rictirtootd Hit Thioroit) lVaugtian t ibena) Scar- .4 ouiote Pulituhno bonoogh'Mi Oro StoîtOîtU SoZýbuidgo Tribuneo Adonrtising is accoptnd on thn condition mot o n hueent of a typo- moalnroC/s iphiOoi 01101. tsar portion ot tie adoertisiog opaLe oLLopinO ho the toto- Nufiizll E dîrtc Fnh eer Oeitem, 041ee wîth a neasonabin alituoaîioti signaturet titiont On harged toi but liC hbalancue oft he aduerionoitt oui. ho paid for ai th appt eAi li c. ite, îî cabte loto Plie pubtiii 11001!e th Seight te cttdoie adiuteiiits or Poeodotoî uli zî on tyrdcoCiei Editooia a0d addoeisîog content o) The Lanadn LOariîîoî i protpoinO Clint, ~ ~ ~ 0 eBute, Beern copyright Ooaouttîoried use is peohibited Offit e Muiiiia .e The Milton Caoadiao Chrampion is a Recyntaioto Predutl Z Seize the moment? In every politiciant there's a bit ot a salesperson -an iner part of hirnself or berseif that they cao cal] on 10 seli a plan, oeil an ideal or oel[ themseives t0 the voter. For Conservative Party Leader Stephen Harper now is the lime for him to seli hirnocîf - and bis party -to the rest of the country. He needs to give Canadians the sense his party is a viable altemnative toi the scandal-plagued Liberals. Witb testirnony at the Gomery înquiry growing more damning 10 the Liberais cach day, the lime bas neyer been better -or will likely ever be - for the Conservatives 10 convince Canadians, and prirnarily Ontario voters, that Harper's party isn't rife with loose cannons. rcd- nccks and members of the lunatie fringe. In the past two cîcetions, the Conservatives have been unable to demonstrate they're the panty of ehoice or a reasonable alternative. Now. Adscarn bas handcd the Tories a golden opportunity, one they won't likely sec handcd 10 thcrni again on sucb a large platter. Wbile the stcncb of tbe sponsorship scandaI is sure to stick more 10 former Prime Minîster Jean Chretien since transt of the alleged impropricties occurred under bis watcb. current Prime Minister Paul Martin can't escape unscatbed. He osas. after al. Chrétien's finance minister. the man who osas supposed 10 know whcn, whcre and bow taxpayers' money should bave been spent. Dubbcd the PM-in-waiting wbile Chrétien spent years ditbering about retir- ing (ycs. ditbering). Martin osas seen as the second corning ot Lester B. Pearson. Howevcr. since landing the top job be bas oflen appeared remarkably unsure of him- self and casily buliied (sec Newfoundland on elqualization payments and Alberta and Quebec on tic 2004 bealtb accord). On other occasions be cornes across as stub- bornly intransigent (rc: rcfuising 10 even listen 10 fcllow Liberal and Ontario Premier Dalton MceG-uinty's request for equalization cash). To top il off. he nearly snatcbcd defeat frorn the jaws of certain victory in the last clection. Witb Adscamn testimony causing the Liberal Party more darnage each day, Martin often flummoxed and a sbaky Iminority govemrment in place, Ibis is Harper's lime 10 make political bay. * Our Readers Write Fourth LUne and Derry Road intersection îsn'-t suitable for proposed development Dear Editor: l'm writing in response 10 Joey H-enry's recent letter saying oppos- ing the proposed apartmenttovn- bouse dcveiopment ait Derry Road and Fourtb Line is appalling. Having rnoved to Milton ftom Toronto, I fully understand the importance of higb dcnsity. afford- able bousing - not oniy in Toronto, but across the entire GTA. Milton included. Witb ibis being said. lit doesn't mean sucb dcvclopmcnts need 10 bappen rigbt ai Derry Road and Fourtb Line. Wbhetber you're for or agaînst the closing of Fourtb Line and the left tum restrictions at the uame inter- section, one tbîng that lias 10 be agreed upon is that il adds traffic I0 streets thart osere neyer intended 10 cany ibat type of overfioso. Geîîîng around Milton from Hawtborne Village bas become a problern. Noos a 218-unit apartmeni build- ing and 550 townbouses are being proposed aI Ibis corner. In those 768 dwellings. the vasi majority of people will bave ai leasi one car, witb many owning two. So now wcre îalking about adding wcii over 1,000 cars 10 Ibis problcmt area. My question is. wbcre will ail] these cars go'! Iu my opinion, any direct acccss tbey bave 10 Derry Rnnad ovill be no safer iban the access froin Fourtb Line. It will bave to be labeled as unsafe. witb thousands of extra trips on Clarke, Thompson and Trudeau and many other resîdential streets evcry day. I believe the Town is creating problems wbere there sbould bave been îîoue in the first place. Had Fourtb Line been dealt witb proper- ly fromt the point of planning and zoniug. we wouldn't be baviug these discussions now. Higb density bousing may be nccded in Milton, but put Ibis pro- poscd developrnent soincwbere ibat bas the infrastructure 10 bandle il. Ric Jensen McOuffe Crescent Going to walk ail night long in memory of 'Papa' in just a couple short montbs, l'1l be staying up aIl nigbt -and walking for mucb of il - in the Canadian Cancer Society Rclay For Life thatîIl be bcld aI the Milton Fair Grounds. lIli admit. the tbougbt of takîng îurns witb my felloos co-workers walking or munning arouud a track over the course of 12 bours soundcd a bit daunting at fi. but the more I leamed about the event the more cxcited I became. One îhing that panticularly caugbt my interesti s the lumninary cercmony. wbicb is wben candies placed in special bags around the îrack ovili be lit up. Wbile that rnay not Bound especialiy excitiug on its own. I personally like the fact that the narnes of cancer survivor-, or those wbo'vc lost their battle against the disease will be written on the bags the candles are in. l'Il be lighting one for my 'Papa' - a close family fricnd and bonorary grandfatber 1 bost tIo cancer lasi ycar. It's bard for me flot 10 gel teary-eyed tbinking about bîm and the osouoderful person be was. Sînce I bost botb of my grandfatbcrs ai a young age, Papa was reaily the ouly 'granidfatber' I ever kneos. lu aIl my niemonies of bim, be's wearing bis îrademark fedora... somcîbing 1 used 10 steal off bis bead as a litile girl and oscar. tbînking, I oas pretty c lever. He bad a greai love of borses and contînued bis work aI a horse farrn just outside Orangevîlle almost until the day be died. Il was wbat kept birn going. lu recent years, my busband and I uscd to go over to visit witb Papa and 'Gram' 10 play cuchre -sometbîng so simple but sornething I trnly The view Sfrom here Papa osas tamous for puttng it ail on the line during these gamnes and taking risks, much to the dismay of bis partner Gramn, but it always resuit- cd in a few good laugbs. But. there's one rnemory that's stuck svith me in particular. Sitting on Papa and Gram's front porch last summrrer on his 83rd birthday. he just started sobbing uncontrollably because be knew tlie end was near for bim. I beld bis baud and mubbed bis back, trying 10 comfort bim. But sobat eau you say 10 a person in bis situation'? I feit so, lîcîpleso and sad. but willcd myseif not 10 cry in iront ou bim. ht oas ibat moment I kucos I îrnly ooanted to do someîbing 10 belp find a cure for cancer. 'Me Rclay For Life is going 10 raise money for research on ail types of cancer and also belp the Canadian Cancer Society provide information on cancer. nisk reduction and treatment and support for ibose living oviîb cancer and their family and friends. Event if my legs gel sore during the rclay. wbich l'm sure tbey will, I know tbinking of Papa and knowing that I'm belping others in the samne situ- ation will keep me going. I can't tbtnk of a better reason 10 stay up al night. 'w! Box 248. 1 Milton, (905) 8m Editoriai Fa Advertising Fa Classifie Circuiatio Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jli Davis Karen Smnila Wendy McNab Tin Coles Charlee Hall Teri Casas Nhqe-ý5J