Photos by GRAHAM PAINE The HoIy Rosary Hawks celebrate their North Halton Citholic Tier 1 championship win. lnset below, HoIy Rosary's Devan O'Connor manages ta keep control of the bail despite being on her knees against St. Brigid's Nicole Myronyk durlng Thursday's titie game. «Holy Rosary girls reigil supreme in North Halton By STEVE LeBLANC and reached the champîonship with decisive wins over The Champion St. Catharines and Si. Francis ol Georgetown. The Holy Rosary Hawks have once again soared to The Hawks dîdut corne asvay from the tille match North Halion Catholic championship honours. unscathed. however. as Fullerton -who accounted Fueled by top scorer Carly Ftîllerton and dependable lèor exactly hiall the scoring wiih nîne points. including playmnaker Alex Schroder. the Holy Rosary girls seven froru the free throsv lne - vent down svith a upstaged Georgelown's St. Brigid t18-13 Tbursday sprained ankle late in the third quarter. aftemnoon at Guardian Angels lu ber absense. Schroder and School 10 secure Iheir third title in 4 eaO'Connor stepped up ibeir five years. ,sdelènsive efforts to crnsh any lin- And witb absolutely no turnover gering hope of a conieback. expecied next year -at leasi not Kayla Michaelson also stood taîl from a graduation standpoint te with sorne key coverage and Oive future looks asvfully bright as well. -points. Other sotid contributions -My entîre starting line-up are aIl came troru Lauren Furîk and grade sevens. so we get everyone Cailey Robertson. back,- noted coach Cindy Johnston. Holy Rosary held uts opposition While the final score mighti mdi- scoreless for the entire third quar- cale otherwise. the Hawks' North ter afier surrendering jusi a single Halton triumph was thoroughly .basket in the second. convincing. in a much more offensive clash Up 18-6 with under two minutes remaining, for bronze, Guardian Angels was outdistanced 34-31 Johnston put in ber substitute players te, finish things by St. Catharines. out -allowing the essentially beaten Bears to sink TMe top three North Halton scbools now advance to seven points as lime expired. Thursday's Halton quarterfinals in Burlington. The "It was two well-matched teams out there. but we Hawks go in wiîh a four-gamne win streak but wilIl have dominated on defense as usual." said Holy Rosary's a tough lime matching offense wilh the region's south- skipper, whose girls went 8-I in regular season play end schools with Fullerton on the sidelines. -Hart back in the rignxtwe Malt Hart bas had some lengthy layoffs between fights since tuming pro. allhough that trend appears te, be over. Milton's 27-year-old svelterweight is set to put bis unheaten record on the tune n Grand Rapids, Michigan April 20 -a niere six sveeks after iînproving to 2-0 svîîh a unaninous decîsion over Halilax's Ted Renio ai the nearby Mississauga Grand Banquet Hall. Bis opposition this tinme around NvIll be Michiîtan's Dati Wallace, s' bo's also unde- feated at 3-0. This marks the first time that Hart hasn't been the hometown favourite. although he stressed that isn't much of con- cern. "'mr not too, worried about it. If's him who bas to fight mie in ihere. not the crosvd. It should be another good test:" he said. Froin there the local boxer returus 10 Mississauga Grand Banquet Hall for the third limie in eight-and-a-haîf înonths June 2. Those inîeresîed in purchasîng tickets for that shows are asked to caîl Hart at (416) 881-3944. Mat! art M 111BI4RM cL Yhe Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 12, 2005-25 Raiders trail 2-O Two rural Mîltonians and their G.eorgetown Jr. A teammnates fid theruselves behind the proverbial eight bail once again. The Raiders -who include locals Dan Rogers and Rob Sgarbossa -head int tonight's home game down two-games-to- none to St. Michaels in the Provincial Jr. A League championship finals, after a 4-2 loss in Georgetown Saturday and 3-2 overtime heartbreaker in Toronto Sunday. Game four is set for Thursday in Toronto, with game five, if nec- essary. slated for Saturday in Georgetown. Regardless of the series outcorne, both tearns will compele at the al-Ontario Dudley Hewitt Cup April 26 to 30 in Georgetown. (North Bur1ington),ý Kilbride c Kilbride invites you to join the North Burlington Tennis Club Lexington Street, Kilbride on Sunday, April 17, 2005 To meet Club Pro: Judith Pridham Millar Judith wiII be offering Adult & Junior Programs & Summer Camps For more information, call 905-332-9441 Let us teach you everything you ever wanted ta know about building a deck, at Cali store to reserve seat - Limited Seating Available. 700 Main Street East, Milton Store Houri S905=878-8171 Suaday .F....1003 m 0p I IITNLOCATION ONLY.