»PTarkin2! enforcement off'icer assauilted deba suk Math n h Police Blotter 8198JhPRr iig oe n 02Jh EHOWNED The icdnt o urred aabou 2:3 amn Der gnertr va d aatol i$6000. svas violating the three-hour parking bylaw while anoîher officer waited in the enforcement vehicle. Someone then came oui of a îîearby hanse and kicked the officers' truck three tîmes before strik- ing the oflicer waiting inside in the face. The victiot suffered a slighî irritation around hus eye. but was otherwise uninjured. Charged with assanît is a 25-year-old man of Irvings Terrace. Vehicles damaged A trio of cars were damnaged or broken into over two days last week. Ovemnight March 3 1, a car parked at GoodLife Fitness on Steeles Avenue was broken into and a Correo Notic Please note that on the April 1 / 05 Cancer page in the Dates to Remember section, the Spring Dance for Lite is i ncorrect. The correct date for The 5th Annual Spring Dance for Lite is April 30, 2005 at Thompson Arena Please contact Mrs. Faggion at 905-878-2759 for more information, to volunteer or purchase tickets. wallet was stolen. The same nighî ai Hunt Chrysier ou Bronte Street, a 2005 Dodge Ram had uts tailgate -worth about $1.500 - removed. The luexi day between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.., an unknown suspect forced open the lock of a 1999 Volkswagen Passat in the area of Main Street and Thompson Road. An Alpine stereo sysîem, including amplifiers and subwoofers was stolen. The estimaîed value of the sound system, was $1.900. Shed broken into A lawn mower and generator were stolen froot a garden shed sometime between March 25 and 27. Stolen car recovered A car stolen froot Peel was recovered lasi Friday ai Mohawk Inn on Guelph Line by Halion Regional Police. The 2000 Ford Escort, worth about $12,000. had been parked there since March 29. Window smasbed A window was smashed ai Omagh Church of Christ on Britannia Road sometime between March 30 and Saturday by unknown suspects. TMe estimaîed value of the shattered front win- dow was $700. Police are investigating. iCops promoted The promotions of four members oîf the H-lton Regional Police Service wîîh Muit connections were announced ai a recent meet- ing aI the police services board. The uewly prrimoted Superiiotendent Joe Taylor started with the service in 1979 aîud speut a brief lime in the Milton uniforot paîrols 10) years later. lu 1991 he was assîgued ta, District Criminal Investigations in Milton. Inspector Dave Gwillians, svho was pronooted earlîer this year, was Multon's crime prevetution sergeaut ito 1991. Inspector Marty Power, who was promoted last monih. worked in Milton from 1989 ta 1999, where he supervised the District Crime Prevention and Communîîy Direcîed Patrol nits, as well as the niforot platoon and the Criminal Investigations Bureau. And Staff Sgt. Carol Crowe. also promated lasi month, assîsted in the investigation of the homicide of Miltonian Murray Parrotti n 2001 as part of the Major Incident Respouse Team. Clarke"s Goli à. www.caresaol.com DRASTICALLY REDUCED " DRIVERS & FAIRWAY WOODS " CALLAWAY - WILSON - PING 1*ý TOMMY AMOUR MIZUNO IRONS 50% OFF MX20 e MP30 a MVXII5 a COMPCT REGRIPPING SPECIAL I *FROM $1 .50/GRIP 5 STYLES TO *KELMAC GRIP% - R GRIPS FOR %17 95 ==I.,. CHOOSE FRO T( IL -olf '96 PONTIAC GRAND AM V6 Auto, fal pwr eqa pment, 148,000 km. Oeil. & E tetd *L$3,995 VO0 GHEVSOINAMA STEP SI0E: V6, auto, air 3rd duoo 96,000 km, Cet:ted & E tested. s;'1 i,99 O00 NISSAN MAXIMA SE V6, auto. leatr ho adiO 80,000 km. CepS id & E oested sO$ 6,9995 O00 MERG. BENZ E430 4 MATIC Af wheel drive, auto, oaded, 1 owner, 149,000 km. 10L$239950 '02 NISSAN SENTRA OXE Auto, al power teatures, 25,000 km. «L$1 29995 '02 NISSAN ALTIMA Auto, ait power Meatures irci. alloy wheels, power teat, etc. 78,000 km. 0$17,495 810 MARIN STREEI, MILTON 905-878-4137 ww.mlssuJe SALEDEPT.HOURS SIF mon.-Tus. M1 - 9p00, l. 9:00- S:0O, Se~ 9:00 -501 I Usa 401 Ic -1~ Crime Stppr ofHl Two homes ransacked 1-lton Regional Police ai-e investi- I<iîhaie POPV ipîjorinition t/pip /euîds gating two residential break-ins. to ain arrest ini this or anro iler nPattet, Sometime between 8 and 10 arn. You mav be eligible for a cas/h reppa,-d. Monday. suspects entered a home on Yoîî n-i/I never haie ta giie vaiîr nine Highside Drive by cuîîîng asvay the ortsiytrcut screen froot an unlocked basement wjn- <rtetf dow and stole an undeîermined amount Crime Stoppers af Ha/ton does îPat of property. sui/raribe tî ci/ dispas-%. P/case tsi/I J- Around the samne time. a home on 800-222-TIPS <I 800-222-8477) or Woodward Avenue was broken into the c/heck out Cime Stappers' Web site (Pt same way. w/ia/t,4,ianotirirnestappers.eam. The Can ian Champion, Friday, April , 2005-9