The Canailian Chamnion Frieia Anril 8 2005-7 ~Hornby man serîously injured dut i9~ ~ eù ày~qjytî tIijI1d 'Time Capsules 'are geins o/ information extracted from past issues of The Chiampion and other publications mn order ta proside a windo-w into Milton s pas!. Explanatorcv comment is somtetimies pra- vided ta place the situation in conte ai. April 1905 Last Tliursday evening the Milton and Homby section gangs on their respective "jiggers" were returning from work which they had been doing on the C.PR. west of Milton. 'Me Hornby crew was leading and that of Milton was close behind. A Homby man named Cook felI off and was mun over by the Miltonians, who were unable to stop their machine. Cook had his collar bone broken, one leg burt and his head cut. His wounds were dressed and he was sent ta a Toronto hospital. At a meeting of the Mansewood Football Club held on Saturday evening the follow- ing officers were elected: President, G. R. Cottrelle; Manager and Treasurer, P. McGibbon, Captain. J. Elliot; Vice Captain, John Peddie; Secretary, A. McGibbon; Contee, F Chishohn, A. Adamson, P. Peddie and officers of the teamn. A by-law ta grant a boan of $20,000 ta Winn & Co.. boot and shoe manufacturera, of Milton, was carried at Perth on Monday by 473 ta 25. Winn & Ca. are ta build a two-storey factory and employ not lesa than seventy-five hands, and to pay out not lesa than $35,000 per year in wages. 'he corporation of Milton will oppose the bill ta validate the debentures for the boan, which was introduced in the Legialature a short time ago. (Oakville Star) Two enterprising fisher- men visited our river early Monday main- ing and succeeded in pulling out a large wagon-load of suckers. So weighty was the load that the wagon broke down opposite the Oakville House. The fishermen them- selves had also become pretty well loaded, and it was several bours before they mani- aged ta, get out of their dilemina, and clear the road under the direction of Chief Walsh. About 600 people left Toronto an Tuesday on the home-seekers excursion ta the Northwest. The party consisted mostly of Ontario farmers wba are seeking ta bel- ter their condition by taking up new farina Capsules on the praire. Amnong them were quite a number of women and children. James Houston, owner of the old roller skating rink on Main St., opposite the Methudist Church, lias had it tom down this week and will replace it shortly with a brick-veneered dwelling (McKersie- Kocher Funeral Home). Advertisement: Wanted. A girl for gener- aI housework in family of three. Wages $10 per month and no wasbing. M.iddle- aged woman preferred. None but a compe- tent person need apply. Mrs. J.R. W., James Street, Milton. The station building at Beaty, on the C.P.R. (Fourth Line) about two miles east of Milton, was bumt on Tuesday. It is said that the tire originated in the same manner as that at the terra cotta works and Peru yesterday, fromt a pile of discarded railway tics which had been ignited by section men. A stone tablet to the memory of Jasper BeIt is being put up in Grace Church to- day. It was made by Mr. Hill of Brantford. The new steel safe, weighing 6,300 pounds. bas arrived for the Bank of Hanmilton (CLBC) and is now in position in the front room. of the bank's premises where they will carry on their banking business during the building of their new bank (since demolished). A handsome lonic Cross of terra colla has been placed on Ail Saints' Cburch at the brick works (Milton Heiglita). The maker and donor was Wm. Lewis, who was assisted in placing it upon the church by several members of the congregation. The iron work was made by James Hamilton. This mnaterial is assembled on be/talf of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilla,' w/ta cani be reached Dear Editor: Please indulge me the apportuni- ty ta respond ta Martin Kay's recent letter criticizing the Hawthorne Village residents' peti- lion ta stop a nearby development. Although focused an Cliff Bawers and myself - because of aur abviaus involvemnent in the petitian - Mn. Kay actually calis inta question the motives of an entire cammumity, since 160 resi- dents have signed the petition againat the praposed apartment building at Faurth Line and Derry Road. Mr Kay bas mistakenly made asaumrptians and generalizatians with bis commenta. I would hope that in the future, he would do mare hamnework before presenting bis argumenta, as well as antacking the matives and character of bis neighbours in a public forum. I learned this lesson myself regarding public comment. My environinental concerna were miùs- represented due ta the brief quota- laon, and bave heen mnisunderatood by readers. Information pravided ta me via e-mail, a recent letter ta the editar and framn discussions with the Ministry of Natural Resaurces have proven saine of my concerna somewhat naive. Deapite this new information, the remaining concerna of my fellow petitianers and I do nat lack validi- ty. I'd like ta respond ta Mr. Kay'a question. "Haw wauld these gen- tlemen feel if Milton residents had appased the building of their Residents' opposition to devetopment rather ironic Dear Editor: I dan't feel strangly either way about the proposed mixed-density development at Derry Road and Fourth Line, but 1 do find the situation ironic. 1 don'î tbink that the new Hawthorne Village resi- denta wba are complaining about this proposed devel- opmnent - citing infrastructure problema and environ- ment concerna - realize that these were the same arguments put forth by the people wha opposed the Hawthorne Village developinent. Simon Humphries Mlton Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters 10 the editor. "We reserve the righl 10 edit, revise and reject letters. Lellers must lie signed and the address and telephone number of the wriler included. Letters can be e-mailed 10 miltoned@&, taxed 10 (905) 878-4943 or dropped off ait 191 Main St. E. GET IT IN GEAR..WITH A Mazda3 From Achilles! 501 9*5$ OO A CÀ hIeL L Finance From: This 2005 Mazda3 GX Includes: - V Powerful 2XO 4 Cyl Engin. VV Automatic Transmission *V Pouer Locks V Keyless Entry Vl 15"Wheels V Convenience Package V Air Condition V 60140 Rear Soas Y'V Sîelng WhWo Audio Conirols bVEnglne lnmoime V 4Wnoee Ind* enon Suspensio YTlWTel kScep lqn il4 WhbolDlsc Brsits V VAdmaced Air BqSystM * Pks uc0lMm LrtiP& t ~) 24 Mos. V AshQwn $18,90. affi tamaW me*n ea CS fw24 Mm o Miltonu f1% flme0&V Opposition to proposed de velopmen t valid haones?" We're sure there was oppositian ta thia and we hope lie vaiced his opinian at counicil. We naw choase ta exercise aur riglit ta appose something that we feel will affect the enjayment of aur homes. The perceived resentment taward us, Mr. Kay's new neigbaura, is far more hurtful and personal than any apposition ta a developers propos- ai. The concernis noted in the peti- tion article that Mr. Kay comment- ed on are not the only anes of the individuals wba've signed aur peti- lion. Ta question the conceins noted in the article, as Mr. Kay bas done is - I believe - uneducated. is true that we don't want an apartinent building acrasa the raad froin us. Althaugh we ail feel very passionately about aur individua opinions, the varying reasans as ta why we appose the planned apart- ment block aren't necessarily viable arguments for councillars' cancemn. The arguments presented with regard ta what many of us see as ta weak infrastructure are valid issues that affect the greater goad of the tawn, nat juat an elite few. Since Mr. Kay chose ta pravide bis opinian with regard ta praperty vaiue and what be cailed elitism, I feel it necessary ta share my own thaugbts an the marier. I was motivated ta boy a new home in Miltan due ta a combina- tion of things, including the fact that Haiton is gorgeaus because of ils conservation practices, the homes were affardable and Miltan had maintained a amaîlltawn atmaaphere. I did boy inta a sa called elitism -advertîsers depend upon il. My investment includes aIl of the charma that braught me ta Milton -the escarpmnent, a meandering atreamn and ald trees. I aiso lioped ta enjay the planned bike path that Mr. Kay bas asaociated me with. Fortunately, due ta the wisdam of tawn counicil and the input of cancemed residenta, safety bazarda were reveaied and the plans for the boulevard bike patb were can- ceiled. I wasn't innnediately affect- ed by the safety concerna, sa the change of plan was undesirable ta me. With that said, I'm glad the can- cemed citizens stapped a potentiai hazard. We petitioners, in opposition ta a zaning bylaw amendment that would ailow apartmenta ta be built at the camer of Denry Road and Fourtb Line, hope that aur con- cerna are taken seriaualy. We feel tbis bad ly-needed affard- able housing development shauîd lie placed an a more suitable plot af land, d oser ta the downtown care, as acknowledged by Cauncillor Wendy Schau in a front page article in the Mardi 25 Champion. Perliapa Yates Drive wauld lie a mare suitable location, Mr Kay. Chad Jackson Beaty Trail AV