Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprîl 8, 2005 * The Canadian Champion 91 Main SI. E., The Canadian Champion, published euery Tuesday and Fniday ai 191 Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St E. Milton. Ont.. L9T 4N9 (Iox 248), is one oi The MetruIand Print ng, Pnblishing & Distributing LId. group oi subunhan companies which 41 nludes Aax/Pickering News Aduertîsar, Ailiston Henaid/Courier, Barria 8 23 Advarion Bolton Entanyise, Brampn uarin un nlnPsBrigo Connection, hast York Mitronr Enn Advocate/Cnantny Roulas, Etohîcoka ax: 905-878-4943 Guandian, Fiamhutough Rauîaw, Funnunr 'Young, Genngntown ix: 95-8762364 Indepndnt/Actoî Free Prnns, Haltuii Business Times, Hurunia Businness ax: 95-8762364 Times, Lindsay This Wenk, Marksam Econannist & Sun, Midanit/Penntang- d: 05-75-300 uisheneior, Milton Shopping News, Mississauga Business Times i: 905-878-5947 Ena-tann,, Northumberland Naws, NorthYork Mitron. Gakuille Beaver. Oakuille Shopping News, Olatînnens Hnckey News. Onangeuîila tannan. Onillia Publisher Taaay, Oshawa/Whitby/Claningtun/Pnn Pnrny This Waek. Peterborough This Week, Pictan Cnunty Guida. Richmannd HiI/ThonitllNVaughan Lihenal, Scar- Asoaiate Publisher tsunuugh Mmirr StuIuiiia/Uxbnîdga Tibune, Aduerhisiog is accepted un the condition tial, in tha ruant of a typa- Ediar-it-Chief gnapsical arror. mhat portion oi the aauanisiag spaca nccuprad hy tha anna Mcaagmrtg Fdaaair naus daem, tugaîsat with a anasunabla aiînwanca Inn signatura, uili not ha nangaa foui bun tha balance af tha aduarhisamant wiii ba péni tua aI tha appi- Advertiorsi aean i cabla rata, Tha pulishanr nasaruas Ina nîglil lu catagunita adventisamaîIs ni Praoductiaon Maagaer daclina hutitanial ana adunitising contant oi The Canaitian Chamnpin is prnîrctut isitribtiont Miaîiîet- by copyright, diauthnnioad usa is pnousiîai Offic e Maariaîger The Milton Canadien Chramprin is a %cycliable Paduct F Bluff had no chance There's 11111e doubt the deal Ontario doctors struck with the provincial Liberal govemnment last week will benefit patients in Ontario. There's also no doubt in our minds that the Liberals had no way of win- ning the battle from the get-go - despite their intention to strong-arm the doctors. When the Liberals presented the doctors with an offer in November il was turned down by 59 per cent of physicians. Things then tumned ugly when the Liberals threatened to impose the deal, a threat that seemed hollow at the time and proved to, be just that. In the end the govemrment ponied Up another $120 million and removed billing caps on doctors, a move that will allow patients easier access 10 specialists who oflen hit the billing cap of $455,000 weIl before the year's end. Along with raises of 2.5 per cent for family doctors and 2 per cent for spe- cialisîs, bonuses and the right for doctors 10 incorporale (thus reaping tax benefits) were other highlights of the deal. With doctors leaving Ontario at alarming rates and the province in the midst of a doctor shortage, the McGuinty Liberals had no leverage toi play hardball with Ontario's physi- cians, who weren't asking for the world. - Ontario health ministry officiais use a ratio of one physician for every 1r380 residents. At a lime when communities are pulling out ail the stops tor attract new physicians, the provincial govern- ment wasn't exactly doing towns like Milton any favours. The deal the Liberals made last week could have been done months ago without the acrimony that was raised early in negotiations. Knowing when to pick your fights is a skill the Liberals apparenîly still haven't mastered. * Our Readers»paw. Write Support for Fourth LUne closure questionable Dear Editor: I'm writing in response 10 Katherine O'Heam's recent letter in support of the closure of Fourth Line. The problems associated wilh unsafe drivers are ones that aren't exclusive 10 Fourth Line by any means. People drive dangerously within my own subdivision con- slanlly. The lelter menlioned Ihat before the closure there was a danger thai the younger children living on Fourth Line could wander int the streel and be hit by a car. Again, ibis is a danger 10 ail children on ail sîreets - and remains a danger 10 the children living oit the now closed Fourth Line. The parents of the children on Fourlh Line were worried about their children's safely the saine way we ail worry about our children's safeîy on the roads in front of our homes. My children play in the backyard. l'm nol asking the Town to close my road se, lhey can have free mun of the sîreel. Children need 1e, leamn the dangers of traffic, as il will always be a part of their lives -be il aI school, ai a friend's house. ai the park or at the end of their osvt Iront lawn. But the real statement Ihat gol me svriting was what 1 found t0 be an insulting guill-îrip aI the end of Ms O'Hearn's letter - comparing peo- ple's complaints of increased cab fair due te, the detour 10 Ihat of a child's life Fim forced 10 ask if the lives of the children who live on Fourth LUne are more important than the ones who walk 10 school along the new detour roule'? Are they more important than the lives of the chil- dren who have the Fourth Line traf- fic 00W re-rouîed through their neighbourhoods? In granling a small number of children the ability 10 'play in snowbanks' and safely 'wander mbt the streets', the Region and Town have shut dosvn a major roule toi a large populaion of laxpayers and voters. Yes. there were issues wiîh Fourth Line's safely. but there were also more realistic solutions. Daniella Moloney Cooper Avenue So far su good, but I'm just starting to get into it 1 started my format training for the 2005 Ontario Women's Triathlon Series Tuesday. For those who missed first columnn on the sub- jecl. you should know 1've accepled a media challenge fromn the series organizers and will be taking part in the Milton triathlon September il. Il consista of a 375m. swim, 10 km bike and 2.5 km mun. 1 use the words ltaking part', nol 'competing' because l'Il really just be happy if I finish il. 0f course, I want 10 do my best. but t feel t svill only have failed if I quit part way through. The goal from the series* perspective ts 10 pro- mole physical fttness for women. My personal goal is 10 prove te, mysett that 1 can do it and hopefutty gel in prelty good shape in the proceirs. 1 also hope to show other svomen. who like myself don't consider themselves 10 be athletic. îhaî lhey indeed cao do a triatlon if îhey sel their minds -and bodies -10o il. So 1 have about five monîhs 10 prepare 10 do Ibis. inm being guided by series founder Tina Braamn. who's providing the training and check- ing in from lime 10 lime 10 see how l'in doing. On the first day of training Tuesday 1 biked for 25 minutes around my neighbourhood. In that lime t did someîhing called pick-ups. When you do a pick-up you increase your intensity for 20 10 40 seconds and then go back to your normal speed for the remainder of tItrer minutes. 1 dîd Ibis three tîmes. Then t did 15 mninutes of weight training. Oti Wednesday 1 swam aI the Milton Leisure Centre for t18 minutes and did a 15-minute mun on my îread miii ai home. Soon Fl be hilling the sîreels. though. edaito r 's desk Again, 1 did the pick-ups duning the mun. Ai press limie yesterday 1 was about to go homne and bike for 25 minutes and lift weighîs for 15 minutes, just like Tuesday. Today. 1 wiil repeal Wednesday's drili. Over the weekend, honvever, 1 wsiii be biking for 45 minutes Saturday and running for 30 min- utes Sunday. In my second week of training, the duration of workouîs will increase a hiale. For example, lthe Tuesday bike rises 10 30 minutes, lte Wednesday swim goes up 10 22- minutes and the Wednesday mun increases 10 18 minutes. As you can see, the training gradualiy gels tougher as lte week progresses wiîh the weekend being the most chatlenging. Then Monday is a rest day. Anyway. so far so good. 1 haven't found it 100 îough yel. but t'm only gelling started. If you sec me munning or cycling down the sîreet, please beep and uvave. t can use att the encouragement 1 can gel. If you wouid tike more training information, go 10 the series' Weh site ai svsv,.womens- triathion.com. Kaaren Smitht on h' teoacted nlîtiiilraaîîed@/aal- totnearch!.nast. Box 248, 1 Milton,i (905)8 Editorial Fs Adveflising Fs Classifie Circulatio Ian Oliver Nei Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wcndy McNab Tim Coles Charlene Hall Teri Casas

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