Police are taking another look at murder of Oakville woman 25 year old's body found in rural Milton in 1982 By ANGELA BLACKBURN Special to The Champion Halton Regional Police aren't closing the book on the unsolved murder of Oakville's Delia Adriano in 1982 -at least flot until it's solved. ln fact, they're taking another look ut the case. Last week, police issued a new appoal for public assistance in what Ohey deemed a review of the unsoived 1982 murder case complote with a Web site contuining details of the investigation, photos of Ms Adriano, maps of the abduction scene and other tnformation inciuding a composite sketch of the sought-after suspect. Visiting tho Web site ut www.hrps.on.ca/data/homicide/homi- cide.,5.asp. Ms Adriano's murder case no. 67034-82 notes the 25-year-old Wildwood Drive res- ident was last seen on Sunday, Sept. 26, 1982 walking toward the side entrance to ber home around 9:30 p.m. wbere she was Douia Adriano dropped off by a friend. About an hour later the samne evening. ut approximaooly 10:30 p.m.. wîtnesses reportod bearing a svoman screamning in the area of Wiidwood Drive and Stade Crescent. A young woman fatting Ms Adriano's description was observed being forced into a dark sub-compact vehicle by a maIe sus- pect. A strsaggle continued inside the vebicle before it lefa the area with driving lights tumned off. The two-doot vehicle was dark an colour, automatic transmission, possibly a Chevroiet Chevette, with tbroe saripes aiong ts aide and Ontaaio licence plates. The suspect was described as a white maie, five-foot-seven to five-foot-nîne, with a medium build and brown bair feath- ered back to the neck. More than a month later on Saturday, Nov. 6, 1982, Ms Adriano's body was found in a svooded area near Second Line and No. 3 Sideroad in Milton. "We are aware that it may be opening up a wound. Its something we have to bal- ance. Within ber famiiy. people may have doalt with it and thon ail of a sudden here we are banging on the door bringing up ail the omotions. 'We're very aware of abat and we're in contact witb the famiiy. who support our efforts," said Halton police homicide Det. Keith Woudstra. 'Her parents are aging, everyone is get- tang older. This bappened 23 years ago and it would be great to bring some closure,' said the detective. Wbile police say thore's no new infor- mation that prompted the review, Dot. Woudstra admaoted police hope time will make a diffèrence and also have timo cur- esee ALL on page 10 The Canadjan Champion, Friday, April 8, 2005-5 'tu l y o i e Io.l- t HALTON 4- 205EI.ATO *Campfire Coukmng *Field Crop/Forage : Model Croation *Ait. Farming *Ciuwning Fîrsi Aid F ishiso Scrapbooking *Photography Judgîso *Kniîmîng Vetorinarian 1ira easy to become part of 4-Hf Yt Ifou are betwen 1he eges oft10 & 21, catt:, Brenda Mathies 519-853-5587 or bmathies@sympatico.ca I :î I.dt S.. O e Hos PRE SPRINO CLEARANCÉ SALE! Drf ~ Strat.gkc ~* PfIM5~Plan M Thuirsday, April 21, 2005 6:30 - 9:3Opm Boardroom, Administration Centre 2596 Britannia Roed W., Burlington, Ontario 'Exhibits on Conservation Halton *Strategic Plan Presentation 7:3Opm *CommentslQuestions from Audience Idattierheated seas, ?oaded, 39,000 kms. Stk P2800 S 37, 822 4dr, auto, airà V6, pw, pi, Oit, beige, 50,000 km StkP2739 ý 3 2 4dr, air, auto, V8, tilt, pw pi, tilt, croise, leather, 47,000 kms SOk P2802 7$ 1 V8, auto, air, pw, pi, Oit, ltather, Ioaded, 29,000 km, SOk P2660, 134 9fib 4dr auto, air, V6, pw, pi, it, Ioated, 1 owner. Stk151219A l y 8 4dr acta air awpOt Ioarded, 1 k,000 km. SOk P270 s 5I Ex1ýd ~ pi %,Vlu it SOtk P2648 8 ; 4dr, V6, auto, air, pw, pi, leather, loaded, 7,000 kas SOk P2792 S g ý , 2fr auoair moonrofmpw, Stk P2796 4dr, VIS, PW, PL, ait, croisa, air 9,000 km Stk#P2760 4dr auto i VO pw, pi, tilt, ioaded d0 Èoôok SOtk P2 38 j 2dr, auto, ai mootrool, pw, pi, it, cruist black, 54,000 km StkP2793A-, 4dr, V6, air, SOtk P2773 pw, pi, tilt, ioadtd. VO, pw, air, autol?, leuther, moorruot, isadet, u71. 1 owntr 15,922 51 25A'25,976 4dr, V6, pw, pi, tt iather, hOd ut moroot, isadod, 79,000 km StkP281 1 4dr, auto. V8, pw, pi, lit, tealher, moorrotf, chrome, loadtd, 95,000 kms , Stk P2810 4x4, V8, autu, air, croise, lier. 33,000 km. Stk P2728A 4dr, auto, ai pwpl it, eaOher hOd seuls, usar louded, Sik P2762 9; 82 J 4dr, v6, air,.w pi, tii, croite tuadtd, 27,00 km. SItk P2746 V8, pw, pi, leother, isadtd SOk 201409A In Friday April 1,9 2005 issue of the Champion, an er ror occurred on page 10, Milton District Hospital Ad. Under Foundation, the heading should read "ReatIty", not Realty. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.