Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 2005, p. 33

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 8, 2005-Bl Afi 'Rertaînmentikâ Seven-yearmold plays young Trump in movie By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Seven-year-old Caleb Repchuk of Kilbride isa mature littie boy in many respects. When asked bow he landed a rote in an upcomning TV movie, bie reptied simply, &4t postulated it," alluding to bis Scientology- based beliefs. But no matter bow grown-up be may seemn at fsrst, be's stili a littie boy at beart - one wbose most exciting moment dur- ing a recent day's work on a movie set camne wben be realized he bad bis own traiter. "It was 50 awesome for bim," said bis mom, Tracy. "He juat Ioved it. He coutd've just bung out in tbe traiter (tbe wbole time)." Calebas daim to faine is a sbort - but pivotai - rote in a movie calted Ambition, a film about tbe life of Donald Tmump, set to air on ABC in September. "It feit reatty good being in a movie," was wbat Caleb bad to say. The opening scene features a six-year- otd Donald tistening to bis dad tatk on tbe pbone in bis office. In tbe background stretcbes tbe New York akytine. As bie lis- tens, tbe boy builds two towers witb ltter btocks, one reading 'Donald' and tbe otbcr 'Trump.' "Already be's wrapping bis head around reat estate," Ms Repchuk exptained. Altbougb the scene is juat seconds tong, it took a nine-bour day of taping to comn- ptete - bard work for a seven-year-otd. Neyer one to be sby, Cateb did fabutous- ty. Ms Repcbuk said. Atbougb be's previ- ously starred in a coupte of comrmerciats, tbis was Calebas firat movie rote - an exciting event for the Repcbuk famity, known around Mitton for tbeir invotve- ment in tbe arts community. Ms Repcbuk is president of the Canadian Federation of Pocts, and ber busband, Dave. is president of tbe Fine Arts Society of Mitton. Getting tbe kids insu acting ivas fairty easy, Ms Repcbuk said. Ifs tbe cnsuing comiinent tbat basn't bcen, particutarty since eitber Mr. or Ms Repcbuk bas to be witb tbe kids on the set for eacb audition or day of fitmning. Now open in le, Mi1toà- Tbe dream of making it big is somnetbing botb Catebas sisters sbare, and the eigbt- and nine-year-otd girts can't betp but bope Caleb's big break witt rub off on tbem, Ms Repcbuk said, taugbing. Tbe catatyss bebind Cateb getting tbe rote in Ambition was reatty bis otdest ais- ter, Kennedy. Ms Repcbuk said Kennedy decided sbe wanted tu be a famous actress and sibe, along witb bier sister, Ceteste, joined a dramna ctub. At tbat point, Caleb bad no interest in juining bis sisters, bis mom saal and decided swimming tessons were more up bis aitey. But wbiie tagging aiong witb bis sisters at an acting symposium in Burlington, Caieb was noticed. "As t was signing up tbe two girts, an agent tooka at Caleb and says, 'He's got tbe took casting agents are going for."' 'Me agency took on ail tbrez Repcbuk kids, and su far sbey've eacb dune a coupte of American commuerciais. Caleb's parents are doing everytbing in tbeir power to make sure tbeir timetigbt- toving trio makes tbe moat of ait tbe oppor- tunities avaitable tu tbem, Ms Repcbuk sal. Sbe's not kidding. tn June, the family is set tu teave tbe Mitton area, tu move to tbe Beacbes district in Toronto wbere tbey'tt be ctoscr to TV studios for those ait-important auditions. Driving back and forth from Kilbride cas be draining, Ms Repcbuk said, adding abe's fortunate to be setf emptoyed so ber scbedute's flexibte. Eventuaty, Ms Repcbuk saal tbe famnily witt probabty re-tocase to Lus Angetes, tbe movie bub of Nortb America. "If you'd bave said a year ago tbat we'd teave our ifi-acre bome, I'd bave saa 'No way.' But wben tbey (tbe kids) started, tbe upportunities kept comaing and we fett it was rigbt su muve," sbe said. It's going tu be bard un tbe entire famitly, sbe said, but il's suînetbing sbey fet tbey need tu du. 'We're dune wbat we needed tu do bere and it's been wunderfut. But att of a sudden we fet tbat this part of the jurey's over, and it's timne tu muve su a different tevet." Stephanie Thiessen can be reuched at sthiessen@emiltoncanadianchampion.com. 0 o t ;--et www. Peekabookid. com a Fully Licenced Child Caoe SArts, Crafts, Computers Caring ECE Staff Ages 6 weeks to 6 Years ýQekoel Child Care Cent a Care Available 2-5 Days/eek Caleb Repchuk shows the script and building bloc"w from a made- for-TV movie *bout Donald Trump. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Spring If you suifer from seasonal allergies, tension headaches and migraises, golfer's elbow, Iower back or neck pais, 1 CAN HELP. 1 arn Irained tu fînd the SOURCE and CAUSE of yosr health problem, alluwing your body tu heal itseif naturally. Cali today tu achieve COMPLETE WELLNESS open house~ SaturdAy " Field Trips, Special EventsA " Nutritious Meals and Snacks 1 " Ministry Recogmzei Kindergarten Pruorams Ip rilth20 ai9am -2pm 30h20 wte lime. MILTON LOCATION 1120e5v Mo Aeu "Si. 905«693.4873 10 Other Locations to Serve You Dine-In & Take-Out Daily fresh SushiSashimi & Various Special Roils Sushi Tempura, Teriyaki & Noodles Fully Licensed Japanese Restaurant (905) 878-9666 ovt9Èý 8 Martin St., Milton sptc%.101/oOFF 1 (Corner of Main & Martin) LUNCH & DINNE re

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