Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 2005, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Friday April 8, 2005-25 * * A, : :Index: Real Estate 100-135 *Business 140-169 - aRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-2 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.coM a Merchandise 300-38 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanied 500-5 Mon. to Fni. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classfied ads aiso appear on www.hatonsearch.com: e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION oeil: 905-878-594 Ad submmosion by mail or in person: The Canadiar Champion, 191 Main St. E., Milton, ON L91 4N9 eofllnes: Mon. il arn. for lues. publication, Titars, il arn. for Fri. publication. Special Feata e & Hiday deadi nos ilnaylr Palm.nt: We accept cash, chetqae, lnterac, Visa, MasterCard, Americao Express. Basiness accoants Cao be apened with an approved credif application aoailable froid yoar Sales Consaltant. CHECK YOUA AD THE FIAST DAY ET RUS ta ensare the information 10 correct. Contact yoar Sales Consaltant witin 24-Hours fi an erre appears. An error in a Fni. publication mastite repanted no later titan Mon. il arn. BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY i/e ous BIRTHDAY UN"pp W lrlhay leaiw If Mi.ssfs Wlhladetof kW MWdklssaldwalu MMMy.Paddy &Maya MILTON 3 it drn/etacbed GEORGETOWN HOME- bome sn desralie Bronte BUYERS. Find ont bow la Meadees. Zero doten pey- sexe Ibouande of dollars mient, $1678.79 mecrtgage wben peu bey. Titis FREE payments. Oeail for yon rpr eel ia ou free repart 1-877-617-1275 reedrttel wnaw wbn pur ID# f3023. i oko hnpr cilrsoar can l cbaaing a bome. TetI Frlei Recorded Message. I - TOWNHOUSE, 3-bdrme, 877-617-1275 ID# 014 garage, finisbedl nec. room, Pîaa use et potl, fIne appliances, m.d"7 e t Realy is/ote blinde. Oei 905- "HOUSE ton sala - Milin, 878-0456. JNew Greenpark semi-de- tacite/t 1600el Il, 3-bton, Fer an additenal 2 1/2 beftns, 5 appttaaoee, $1.0,___fr h fi C/A garage wfdit esSeance, lowing temaleyour ad cVonO lasst! C1aOll Rickt or stand out Frances @8 905-854-3435. BOXED *REVERSE BLACK CENTERING Cali 905-978-2340 Mortg tominquloe Residontial ani INDUSTRIAL Uni, l25sOq. fi, zoeed MIl neo utox, $1133.25/nn. + atilities & inaurunce. Immedite agas d Commercial irdMortgagea meinnietcng-Miomte Equîty Loaits Bank Tors Dosons-Credii Repair Pre Approvals-Private MIle Available No Legals Cali Steve 905-341-0441 REASONABLE Industrel Modes for renL. Hwy 25 & 401, 1,600 - 3,200 sqi IL Lading docks & tnve-in.i Pbone 1-905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-6834. $MONEYS$0111l 100% 1sf,,i 2nd and 3nd Mortgags Be/t cre/ti 0 K. Oei Onta/to Wl/te 1-888-307-T799. A 5-yr @ 4.75%. Atso eqli ty mertgage pmognars re-1 Jgardiens et incomne or cne/t- il0. Cali Obus @8 1-800-328- 7887 et vieil us aIýsn declit banlsr CAMPBELLVILLE 3-borrn renidenîxi traîler in quiet lo- cation, propane iteatîng, 4 apyliancen, ample parking, S8OOJmtit v utîlîties, ltt/un avoulable Ma/ tnt, cai 905- 854-9957. spacieus 1-bdrie apt. fri/tge, stole laandry bful ap, parking; nu pets. 9649/mt + utlies. Cali 418-781-9410 or 416-787- 1125. MILTON 2-bdrm modern basement apL. aeaitasie iln rnediatey. let/lant/reler- ences, ne smoking/pets 9900/mth includen aitîfiies. Oei 805-875-4002 aller 5pm. NEW Milton - specious brand nec, 1-be/trxor basernient apatnnent. Sep- araIe enitrace. No smok- ing/pets. Availabi May tnt. 9875/mentt autes incl ed. Pieuse cai alter 6:3Oprn 809-893-8684 DOWNTOWN MILTON Milide Towers 82 Mîliside Drive. 1&2 Be/trxar Apîs. Close lx Oxotown. Bus ntop et Front Doxr 905-876- 1249 cwrealar.ca GLEN EDEN COURT APARTIMENTS 122 Brn Streel Soth,. Mfftan We are nec acceping applications for: t b/trm apî's Fer mars Informalfen anile to mail an a= lmefnt PIsasoIl 905_878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny eoailuble. Prom 9845/montit Clean and qaiet building. Cali Jaso 416-723-4801 Avaîlable May t. ACTON i -bedroom apaxt- ment. S7itOlmoott Aval- able immediately. 200 Chturchill Road, Soauth No pets. Cali 519-853-0087. ACTON 2-bedtoom. Aval- able May 1tsi wîith bailcy SagOlmontt alîlities inlit ed Quiet Building. No-pets. Cl 519-853-1281, ACTON latge 2-bedroom apartmrrent, ground Javel, $900/montt plas. Aiso t- bedroam api. $600/montit plus. Cali 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352. ACTON large 3-bedom apartment, $850/monlh plus. Aino a 1-bedroorn apartment, $.550/Imonlh plus. Caei 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352 ACTON Il apartrnents, 7 brand new large 2-bed room unîls, Jo îenuvaled building downon. A/C' iaandry, iul kîlciens, oat filr and large etarage rooms. Frorn $800 la $t,300montt. May lt oc- cupancy. Oei 416-888- 9164. ACTON, 2, t-bedroom, $790/mxnth and 1, 2-bed- rxom, 890/month al sncie- sive. Availate Aprl 1lot. Oei 519-853-3309 or 519-853- 0719. APARTUENTS 2-bedreom suites in Action $800 and 5850/mnit. Pnxvate yerde. Gas fielt Aeeilable imme- diately. Cai Lîz Deel, Jeit- axe Aaeeciutes Realter 905-877-516. DOWNTOWN Georgeton, 2-bedrosm, exuileble im- rnediutefy. 9800/mentt atili- l ies incladed, firotln Ne dogs, reterences. Adalîs onl 909-877-7461. GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- 1roern apartmrrent. Fridge and steve, 1l-parkting. New calpein L/RfandDCl 905- 565-0033. GEORGETOWN 1-bed- mrd nil realte brigitt apantrntent. Fenced yard, padking & laundry ol cild $7501me. Avail. Apnil ftl. Cui 519-856- GEORGETOWN dlown- town 2 & 3 bedreern nemi Nenst renexated c/a, ap- piances, large kiten and backyard ili dect, park- ing, no pets. $1190 + atili- tes. 905-873-8085 GEORGETOWN immacu- laIe country borne. 2 plant1- bedroom, C/A, launof peat s /smio kilng . 51 .200/monith plus. 905- 873-7758. GEORGETOWN spacoan, 2-bedrxxm apartment, close 10 Higit Scitov Ap- pitances, great neigitiours. No pets/smoking Sggoîmth ail inclusive. Availuble Fe- bruary ls. 050873-1174, i UtUKUtUWN, OcW ty lan Crescntlrecia 2-bedroorn, itardwaad fixer lnidge/stxxe, 2-parking, alîli- tien inciuded. $998/month Jane ltt Cal 905-451- 7618 MILTON 3-bdtm Maotary nemi, CAC, tireplace, 2.5 itxths, $1500/mIt + abilîties, flxt vo smxkernpen avalable April 28. 905-693- 4845. COUNTRY Home jutanth of Acln modern 2-bed- toxrn on active farim, cate- drai eiln tIl deco, appliancen avaîlable. $1 .400/mentth plan aiitien. Ora S. Gales, Real Enlate Broker. 519-806-2526 art1- 877-288-8812. STONE Farrn Hanse, 4- bedraorn, lireptace, new itciten. St 800/mentt po- lenlia bats space extra. Gaelph Lise and Higbway #7 are Orna S. Gales, Real Enlate Brolter. 519- 856-2526 or 1-877-288- 8812. MILTON 3-bdrn Ilwn boase, 2 bath, finisited basernent, tnidge, stole Reterences, o pets, ltt/ant, $11950/rot + alîli- lies. Cal 805-878-0071. MILTON 3-bdrn laun- bouse finisited rec raom garage, 4-appliancen. Wil- son/Woodward are $1250/nth + aities. Avait- able May 151/09 Cali 905- 876-4499. MILTON Anadeable immedi- ateiy itrand new 4-bed- ornes 1741 sq. 5t., 5 ap- pliancen, mein fil bard- woad. 91450/mnit + atili lies Oei 647-220-8062. BUAUNGTON Orciturd 1 year sec, quiet street, large 3-itdrrns, 2-1/1 bafthn, 5 lp pliances, A/C, garage, tenced backyard, 91490/mth + aSltSes. 905- 335-2075. IMMACULATE Milton tpe- cru 2-Ilt 4-itedroom, lemebasse. Frelt decl raiel new carpells, C/A, 5- appliancen, 1 1/2 bahs. Garage, prinate fencen yard writh dect. Avaitubla immediately. $1,400 Imentt plan utilities. Firsittant. Celi 919-893-9499. Oaketite 2, 3&4 bedroon laobnouses available iln mnal Ibîxugi Apol. 4 appliancen, -opedale Mai area. Laitenitre Manage- ment, 805-878-3336 OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 Bed- rvvm tocnouves avaîlable Jmmedîately thîvugr June. 4 aypliances. Hopedale Mai ale Lakesitore Mav- agement, 905-876-3336 WANTED lr 2 bdrn or fil wanled by single pro- fessienel ternale in Mii- txn/C-ampbellixiie eral country settîng pre- ferredOl 519-22-0614. BEAUTIFUL, sunniy couv- try apartment lv nitare. Large 2-itedrxom gatlen tîrepiace, lernale preterres, May tnt. 9500/mentt 905- 693-1129. FOUND keyn on Thornas St. Please oei 905-875- 0137 LOST pair xl prescripion snngiasses, deoîin M/l- Ion oni Marcit 22. 2005. Pieuse cetl 805-339-5400. MAJOR Catestropbic Ia- des Oniy. We'Ii gel you lte neOlement you deserne. Free case evaixaln. Onet 25 years esperience. We dent gel peid unS yau de. Col1 sent lot lesso Cai Gari aI Heling Hand, 905- 464-3800 Tralftl Ticket? Figitt fi i Ais for teos. Axoîd o- suranc premiurn increase. Ceitfied Court Agent. Free consulation. 905-257-1789 (Oettile FULL & Part-lime cure availubte in my boern (Tbxmpse./Derry) 18 mOres + pretemed. Nartsning envi- momnent c/l indear & eut- dean play. FilI Aid/CP treinet, pet/ce & CAS chteckt & receipa. Cali Jante @8 905-875-1670. i LICIENCIED daycare le MY borne axailable for ose 1 cild. Fan laning ensime ment naîniteus meul snacks Creaiee & cincl Ume. Dîily auldear play. Cali îjttuu 905-878-2289. 3 pli brown lautiter bran/t nec sola set. Asbîng 9 2,300. Cai 905-878- 2880 MOVING SALE, EVERYTIIING MUST GO, FumOiure ard effect, sxrne antiques, iawn tractr ap- piances, pocer tl o x nameroan la lînt, wîre leed celder, mecitancn toxîs, citent and roll cabinet, Il wool carpets, tropical plants, camp traiter. 2002 F150 Ford, stîlîty traîlet, 905-693-0356. FREE Qaîcit 0569 THE-NET Home Evaluatîon Visît www.hitonbomesinto.com Aànth 'l'il'shae h

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