8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 5, 2005 Visit us at www.karensfloweiihop.com ommy Pg 487 Laurier Ave. 878-2881 Teacher of the Month vMrs. Houli*han willi 'always believe in you' Grade 4 educator lassaid tobe a special teacher By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Her nominator's words are enough to meit the hardest of hearts. "She listens and responds and svill always beIieve in you.' wrote Guardian Angels Catholic School student Connor Brodie in his nomination letter to The Champion's Teacher of the Month contest. "When 1 didn't get chosen for the speech con- test she called me at home t0 see if 1 was okay and say how proud she was of me." Just who is this special teacher? Ifs Leslie Houlihan, this month's winner. Stili recovering from the surprise of finding out she'd been chosen, Ms Houlihan attempted to put into words how she feels about teaching. I'm hontoured to be in this profession. It's hard to explain, but when 1 see a student struggling and wben a ligbt bulb goes off and I see that shining ligbt in their eyes. ifs sucb a thrill," Ms Houliban said, adding being a teacher is a responsibility she doesn't take lightly. Connor and bis classmates are a great bunch of students, she said. explaining she has somne stu- dents with special needa in her class, and the stu- dents are more than happy to help them out. 'Ive taught them thst Godas given thero ail a special talent. We're aIl created different, but we work together as a tearo." Teacbing at a brand new school - tbis is Guardian Angels' fn-st year open - brings ils own challenges and joys, Ms Houlihan ssid. Since the achool's located in a new ares of îown - near DenTy Road and Fourth Line - Ms Houlihan said sometbing unique is having new students join the class in the middle of the school year as homes are completed. IV's positive tbnugh, since il provides ber stuldents witb opportunities to look out for tse new students and show tbem around the school, Ms Houlihan sasd. But no school - even one with glesmning new floors and freshly painted walls - is perfect. Ms Houlihan recounted Use disappointmnent ber class felt when they bad 10, leave their rom in Use scbool 10, re-locate in s portable becsuse of an încreased school enroilment. Ms Houlihan said she handled Use situation by creating a 'pros' and 'cons' list with the students Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Guardian Angels School grade 4 teacher Leslie Houlihan goes over morne work wlth Connor Brodie, who nornlnated Ms Houlhan for Teacher of the Month, whille the rest of the clame looks onl. Usat included Use obvions negatives of moving bo a portable as well as Use benefits - for example, sbe remninded Use students Usey'd have more recess lime since Usey didn't have to waste lime walkdng tbrough Use halls to gel outside. Her well-timed optimism seemed 10 have worked. Connor included Use incident in bis nomnination letter. "She cas make bad things seero good like wben our class had to, move froin Use brand new school 10, an old portable," he wrote. Ms Houlihan said she knows first hand wbat a great influence teachers cas bave. She saa shelI neyer forget ber grade six teacher, Mrs. Robinson, wbo patiently belped ber day after day until she got Use bang of long division. She said sbe bopes ber students take away from ber a lifelong passion for learning. If Useres one Using Ms Houliban saa she bopes bo leave wiUs ber students eacb year, it's to believe in Useroselves -no malter wbat Useir academiùc capabilities or social status. 'Il always remnind Usemn 10 be Use besl Usey can be," sbe saal adding, "If's rewarding te, sec Usero become successful individuals." Stephanie Thiesaen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncanadianchampion.com. 71VCOGECQ Cogeco Cable Channel 14 Programming Schedule - Tuesday, April 5 - Monday, April 11, 2005 www.cogeco.ca 1a M,51M M'ic- M' 3 M.O .1G0G. 0,OuFI NORTH HALTON STDI aH5 M56l GC6M 8 M~1 5 -,,FMar2. ODH'j'li 65n sLaurier Plaza Jo Hum51 5651m5 3ii 80P. M.LàU baM 500 Laurier Avenue 165 6 Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 Litée.AHI. HoMy Milwaukeevs HanYton - Friday, 7:30 p.m.