6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 5, 2005 Fourth Line solution on the way shortly [n the recent days and weeks, wve've received many letters on the contentious Foui-th Line closure - some for it, but rnany more against the move. While we know closing this section of road from Deny Road to south of Main Street East has caused inconvenience for those trying to get from the new subdivisions to Hwy. 401 and the newv Crossroads shopping centre, and has potentially increased traffic in other areas of town, we need to keep in mind that with pain cornes progress. Within about 18 to 24 months, a new portion of James Snow Parkway is scheduled to open and wilI fill the void for the much-need- ed north-south connection from the Derry RoadlFourth Line area. As Halton Transportation Services Manager Ed Soldo prevîously explained in Milton Council Chambers, the Fourth Line closure is nec- essary for a CP Rail underpass to be constructed at James Snow Parkway. So. to those impatient or angry with the Region's move - which the Town supported - to close the section of Fourtb Line, wve say hang in there and try to be patient. A solution to the situation is on its way. - " se /ii/ k 'z * Our Readers Write Thanks toi ail who supported 30-Hour Famine Closing Fourth LUne wIlI increase traffîc Dear EdiUw: On Friday and Saturday the Youth Group froin Knox Preshyterian Church completed the 30-Hour Famine. Young people go 30 hours without food in order to raise awareness and money for somte of the world's poorest children. Duning the 30-hour time period, ail paricipants were able toi consume was rice and drinks, which were supplied by Lohlaws. Afterward, we finished with a special meal donated by Quinzo's Subs. On Saturday we 'went door-to-door collecting non-perishable food items, stuffed animaIs, personal care products and monetary donations Ibat we deliv- ered to the Salvation Army. We're pleased to report that we collect- ed 375 items, or about $300 worth of mierchandise. Ail of Milton helped make this a suc- cess. tLn particular, we'd like to thank our adult supervisors, Maria Grobler andi Jim Langese, as well as organizer and super- visor Mike Luyckx, without whose efforts the event wouldn't have heen pos- sible. Jennifer Allore and Jesalca Gordon 30-Hour Famine Organlzlng Commite *The CanadianChampion Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Ft Advertising F Classifie Circulatio Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNah Tim Coles Charlene Hall Teri Casas ax: 905-878-4943 ix: 905-876-2364 ~d: 905-875-3300 in: 905-878-5947 Publisher A."siiuiaie Puialinrer Fidiieir-iri-Ciiiej Manaeîiie Edîîîar Ad!îertismee Drreuiiîr Prîîduîaioîn Maînager Disirîiuiii Manere Office Manager The Canadien Champion, published eoery Tuesday and Fsiday ai 191 Mais SI. E_ Milton. Ontl, [T 4N9 (Box 248), is sne ai The Meirsiand Psiîuig, Pabiislînî & istibuiu Ltd group ai saburlan comparues wic snciades. AîaiPîckering Nes Siiaeriiser, Allis15e Herald/Cssrier. Barrie Advance, eBolon Enleeprîse, Brampton Guardian, Burlilsîos Post, turiegise Shoppiing News, Ciiy Parent, City oi York Guarilian. Coliigwood/Wasaga Conneciion. East Yark Mires,, Erin siivocale/Csaniry Raules, Eisbicsiie G uardian. Fiamboraugl testew. Forever Yoang, Georgetown 1 ndependeni/Acos Free Press, tsiion Business limes. Huamnia Business limes, Lindsay This Week, Markham Ecanomîsi & San, Midiand/Peeang- uislese Minrou. Milton Shopping News, Mississauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napasen luide, Nassagaweya News, NewmaeeiAurora Ena-Banner, Northumberland News, North York Mîrror, Oakaîlie Beaver Oakailie Shopping Nes, Oiiiiimens Hockey News, Onangevîlie Basse, Orillia lolay, OshawaA5bîitby/Claringiss/Port Perry Tis Week. Peterbionough This Week, Pîclan Cousis Guide, Richmond HiilhsenhliiNauglan tisera, Scan- bnnoual Mînsor, Stsuiivîiie/iiahnige Tribune. Advert(5îl is accepied on the condtion tIai n île esent 01 a typo- guaplica erros lhai poutin of île aiiuerising siiace occupied ly tle enno- neous item, ogetier wil a neasonale aliowance for signature wiii soi le clangea ion, lai île balance oi the aCoertsemeni wîii be paid for ai the appi- cale rate, Tle publisler reserues île sigîl to caiegoize aduertîsemenls on incline, Eioriai aod aduenlîslna cointeni oflTe Caoacias Chamepios is proiected ho copyright Unautlorized use is prohîhîled.w The Milieu Cauadiae Cleupsei is a Reoieîieidn Pendaci ý ana sarety concerns in surrounding as Deair Editor: l'm writing in response t0 the Match 29 letter 10 the editor entitled 'Closing Fourth Line a good thing'. In mny opinion, closîng Fourth Line won't etîminate safety con- cerns in the area. only reassign theni 10 another pant of' Bown namely, t0 residents in the Thompson Road area. Closing Fourth Line mnay make that particular stretch of road calmer, but children in the new developments crossing Thompson Road will now have toi contenri with heavier traffic with a serious lack of crossings. Cars rrying to merge with traffle on Thompson Road from side streets will have to take more chances trying to pull out, which may lead 10 more accidents. Furthermiore. increased pollution - sith motorisîs needing 10 travel further 10 and from iheir homes svill affect the air quality in the area. A smarter decision ssould have been 10 keep Fourth Lîne open and make il a 'Community Safety Zone'. like many other areas in Milton, where police radar lraps and over- head barriers 10 elîminate heavy transport traffic could be installed. Then once Thompson Road was widened and traffic lights were installed. Fourth Line could be safely closed. Once again, 1 believe. Milton's îraffic co-ordinators have shown their lack of intelligence in termis of traffic planning. "Mis 'Not In My Backyard' solu- lion from those that were affecîed hy Fourth Line traffic won'l make the area safer tor anyone other than those on Fourth Line. If anything. tis voll make every- day travel hy car and foot more dangerous for îhe multitudes of people in other areas. 1 believe Fourth Line should be reopened until such lime as proper trattic planning can be implement- ed, making aIl residents safe in aIl traveling corridors of îown. The longer planners sit on this issue, the more dangerous il will be for resi- dents forced toi deal with another ares s concems. Daniel Rehburg-Larrivee Randail Crescent Make sure to include your name, address and telephone number when submitting a letter toi the editor for publication. Pud by Steve Nease ýýM ___