Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 2005, p. 26

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26--The Canadian Champion, Tueaday April 5, 2005 m E D I A GR rlL The Burtingeon Pont, a division 0f Halton Media Croup, ia aeeking an experienced: Advertising Sales Representative The qualifîed candidate will be a motîvated, independent, self-starter witb a proven tracti record in sales. 'ou wilt posuesu excellent wiitten and verbal com- munication xkitts and be famîhiar with Microsoft computer applications. n this rote, you witl bu customer tocxsed and wilt build utrong relatiseshipu witb new and existing clients by ennnring that their advettining needx are met. '<ou will be goal-oiienîed and capable of meeting regular mxnthly budgets and upe- cial section targetx. If yxs wxuld like to wxrh for a leader in the media industry this xpportunity m..aY buffle iight ose for pou. We sUfer a competitîve compensation and benefit pack- age as wel as possibilties for future career grxwth. A reliable vehicle is reqsired. If intereuted pleaxe torward pour resume lx: tanderaon@haItonssarch.com or fax: (905)632-0508 We appreciate the inferent of ail applicants however only thoxe selecfed for un interview will bu contacte. No phone catis or agencies pleaxe. ASSISTANT MANAGERS SALES COUNSELORS LA Wslght Lamais the tusîxul grxwing csmpany in tho wxight iss field eilh mxrx than 650) Contrs wurîdeido. Wx six sooking xnlhssislic salxs prxlessixnuls Ixxhing lui more lrsm their cateor If yxu'd like lx mskx s difxir- unco ANDI a living, wx xx guI the sppstnity ut any vus of sur nxw Toronto urxa contres lxcatod in: MISSISSAIMA, SCAROROI MARK"A, THfORUHI, BURUINOTON, NEWMARKET, RICHUON NU, OSHAWA, NOWNSVIEW, ETOUICOKE, WOOOBIME, GAIVLLE& *RAMPTM! Ns ultor a tus & gratitying wxrking almosphoîx, uppuitu- nily for adoaxcument & gîtai eaîxing putenhual. Tuku the lirul stop Ixeurds psur neai carexi, Coli 1-801-M9-8101, Fax 1 -80011899-1 591, lil KIunhsryS@Iawsbghtlsu.csm EQE Athlotlc Porsonal Ausitt (15-35 h1m11 As energetic psung max with a=s un But inglxn) s look- ing for joxfitu energetic and xnthosiastic inividuals lu prxvidx respecttul support with persunal cote inclusion taciitutiun, f inens luaining, running, exrk and udult lt acy. Yxu arex * Pusonate ubout netwxrkivg, xxx ng (min. 7.30 paco>, hiking (ahle tx ak uts ut vy fust paco), ex king sut ut the gym. " Sentît, compuusiunatt, flexible, cîoahivx thinktî, value hxntsty & integrity * Rolatoil University educoltun andl toptîlonco pro- Itîroil; 2-3 poplx lx harx 60 htslwk Mss lhîxugh Sut. 7:3llam-5.3Opm andl Mon. or Thurs. xvoxingx. luxe van car 620/ht start MusI commit for a miximum of xxe yxur, Emuil resumo andl coxxi bIbie dolailing yxuî ixialot intorostu, oxpotitoco undt ukîllu hy April 15, 2005 tox gentle.options@sympatuco.ca Please nule. Wv are a famîly, nul au uyxxcy. We thuvk ail ayylicoulx, lruwovvr uuly ihos selvcied fur an interview wIl bu cunlactvd. W is. en-tre Assant Monids xx Fnday for orentieîg Chnersco trin Mixgtpion. If yo love wix pepl, arel loalaeteofc and conscientiosienus Apro ime22hs per *5-0-544 'Iu1@ rxquirxs QUALIFIEO *LIRE COUKS *kITCHEN SUPERVISOR Top $$$ Paid fa qxalified pplicants Appty in prsox 3315 Faîrvew SI., Buri The F 0hal1 Hing *LINECOOKSl Min. 2-ysars exp. F/T P/T sain up tu $15/tisur F/T WAIT STAFF Fsx 905-827-2026 deseOtet ixeai cu Childrmnl's Citoice Childlcu'rqires PUUL-lIME ECE Now Grads Welcaine! Cail. 905-849-4769 Fax: 905-849-7456 MILTON 13 GROWUING AGARI... Ex iT DWVIM THE MIILTOU HAPMU 4 Explore nomore! Maple Ane. As watt as: Busch As.. Waters Iel I@'Vuttidtowdiioils-u'a séhteiolvcsd ed rcfssîocl Woodward Ave. Carimer Croc. 1111111u1 s w0 M *fila*g raWi N fer mer osi ste epseicg in Million. 1McDaw:iliCrss. 8:10::s Drive4 ho e. Se-U CeWhoeier Drive Cosligan Ra Gel anme exercise and enjoy WIestlodxpgrau.*lie on Ussel, it's yowfsxipuripsr svylcs the oprias weather. poile a"uso saddkgag.s t tmrk thot int us. Plese - Deliveries Toesday's and Frlday's door la door. pi mis t te *v*qlu Aduit Carriers welcsme, Wa ffwl mpku erst ow fwky Contact JMm or Saody 4 Naitionalt Volianteer We--ek us an annuial cgeleabra.tion 0f the- s-par-it aindJ eniergy 0f Ca-naiian volDunteDeDrs. 1=,Eer-y induivcual voiluntoeer miakes ia diffýereqnce in theD lives of thos-eD he- or shýe se3rvges, ;and theD co)mbinedc ýeflýect 0f Ca.-nîada's 6.5 million volunteBers is a force- that shapes ouir sociiety- - Ca.-nad1ian voluntieers giv-e aipproximately oneD billion hours aà yea.-r theD equivaleDnt 0f 549,000 fili-time- jobs. - Thge contribution 0f vo>lunte--ers is vialued_ et $1 7 billion docllaàrs per yea«r (using na-tio)nal iavearage wvage>, Natio>na-l Votunteier WVee*k îalso- provideos aàn opportuAnity to> thank theD pe-ople- who hetlp to shapie the gexpgerieDnce*s of volduntgeers. Acros thde speactrum 0f i180,000 non-profit îandl chiaritaible o>rga-niziatio>ns atre thousatnds 0f pýeo:ple - both vo>luntee-drs a nd paidi p4ersonnel - wvho piarticipatée in rýecruiting, tra-eining, smapportin-g a-ndi rBcocg- nizing volunt-eers. I n comm-un itiýes a-croa_-s Ca.-nada, ma-ny 0f theB i180.000 not-for-profis o>rgan iza-tio>ns thîat meake up C«an«adla's voluntîary sýector s-et asidet Neationa-l Vo>lunteaer Wfeýek ias aI timeB to holild eve3nts« thatt rBco)gnize, honor andi c-elebriate- voluntieers. Ntoa Voluntieer VVeek is ax prýoj3cx 0f the3 Cîanada1« Volunteegrism Initiaýtive3 fundIed1 by theB GýoveBrnm-nens 0f C:ýan.aa through theB Commr-unity Rartne*rships Progra-m 0f Ca-nadci«an HeBritaàge. If you are int-ereDssedc in reDcog£nizing votuànteeý-rs wvho contributýe their time atnd ene3r- gy to> your organizastion Tlhe- C-hamr-pion is- publishing ia spiecia-l ection on TFuesda.-y April i 9. 2005. e - s e - - e - t- - tan *,r~mu *0 ~ eGST YAIRD SALE SME -~cfr~des 5'gns mo~-~ey ap,-cn & T.ps Shee ;ei w' - - -i s s 'e s . -.

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