Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 2005, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday April 5, 2005-23 M r- e eM Index: Real Estate 100-135 o Business 140-169 a Rentais 170-196 o Leisure 200-239 a Community 240-29' Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.COM o Merchandise 300-385 o Auto 400-470 o HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon t r.9m5mBNS l lsiidasas pero w.atnechcom: o Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-59479 LAld s,,, so oî nî y m ail or in pers ani The Canadian Cham pion, 191 M ai o S f. E., M ilton, ON L T N9 D adline : M on. if a. rm for Tues. publication , Thur , If a.m ., for Fri pu hlication . Specia i Feat re & Holiday dea li e n M ay ary. CHECK n .r accept cash, choque. loferac, V/isa, Masferl2ard. Amorîcan Eoprrss..Business accoants cao ho oprned wîth an approoed credif application avaîlahie trom pour Salon Consultant, CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS f0 eosure fhu information is correct. Contuct yoar Solos Consalfant wifhîo 24-Hours if an errer appearo. An erron in a tri. publication mustI bu reponfed no lafer than Mon. .11 arn. ANNIVERSARY Happy 6Oth Anniversary Ed & Eileen Jones 4 Love front your family AI(Heather), Pam(Ken) GrandchiIdren: Angie(Rob), 4 Kyie(Jen), Leigh, Great Grandchiidren: Tristen, Courtneyý Quinn and Ty ENGAGEMENT W Pafricke and Bonita Batty tf Mîtton are thrrtted to (iOnCi? cthe aengagement of l heîr deuuglier, Loliffn Michael ohno Christopher Lab son of Peter Labo of Whîthy, and Sot/y Loba and David 1/doit of Southompton. Ms. Batty works in Software Business Devetopment for RSS Solutions and Mr. Loba iv the Director of Speciat Events for The Brick Bcewing Ca. Bath are graduates of Wilfrid Laurier Univemsity. Ttreir wedding iv ptanned for 0î March 2006, in Coco Beach Ftorida. tor an aCiCltionat $10 .(0, wu offe thu fol- Iowing te makre pour ad stand out: *BOXED * BOLD * EVERSE BLACK *CENTERING Cali 905.878-2341 go Inqutre FREE Qaice OVER-THE-NET Home Eatuation. Vîsît wwhulttmbomesinfo. om HOUSE for sale -Milton. New Greenipark semi-de- tuctred 1600 sq. Il., 35tdrm, 2 1/2 batho, 5 apptiances, C/A, garage witr entnance, close to schomis, shopping. Won'I tant l Cati Rice or Prances 0 905-804-3435." 8., zmned M2A, nu auto, $11133.25tmo. + uflities, & insurance. Immediale. Broca 905-875-2182. REASONABLE Iedustriel Units fot rent. Hwp 25 & 40f, 1,600 - 3,200 sq. 9t. Loading doces & dtive-in. Pbone 1-905-277-9347 or f1-905-275-6834. OFFICE Spece for nease aoaitabte May f/OS. Up f0 950 sq.ft. $1495.0O/mmnth. Can ho dîvîdei mb 3-srouti- er offices. Carnage Square. Cuit Kerr Realty Manage- ment Ltd. 905-876-0407. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mms George Gonno are pmoud to onnounce the graduarion and engagement of their daaghter Natasha Anne Gunn. Natasha recenrty compteted hier Master ai Business Administration at Wutfrid Larier University and is parsamng a career in Marketing with a major Consumer Packnged Goods fîrm. Wr are atso pleased fa annolonce Nafasha ' engagerrent to Gregory John Codez, son tif Mr. and Mrs. Janho Codez otf Ookvifte. L O n aio . T he w edd ing w tt taire p la c r a N ew Life Churchiîn Mil ton during Jsfy 2005. UPCOMING MARRIAGE 510 ~ ~ ~ Immmm gardlusth s othcmin ormae o r opotsiy f0 over s ilon & il aîl hes -0038 Gd eofdersy eNrma lln- Jaheretne eer % %oliok s m radmmon iy s3p200so pers uc wtt hh merho ca Cal amod tofor n nrtario Po OT wkyora Pusi ug mrgg porm e ed)runt 41-9310 o eut 4 66 million VII~ 3-tls o' oredi ww.relnerd.o re uideinSothC - i al' Imite inquie0-8 applincs amplen paring apaiahs Math tof, mil.5 ond andkl 3rd Mdoragag- ead crned sifn C ilutao Wd 416-49-300 7799 8;CMBELILE3bn ww elnldentmla esndomenaral ue o cettnanipro-pome Esity Lou 4 nanppom ions Ceif ameparkig PreAprovlsPrvail My Av, aîfuhle- $$OaY$ L00 agls5-957 Cmland ir Sotgaee QO-34- APAHI1MtrI61S 2-oeuroum suites in Acton $800 and $850/month. Pnivate yards. Gos heur. Aoailuble imme- diafey. Culi Lîz Dm11, John- son Associates Reulfar 905-877-5165, DOWNTOWN Georgetown, 2-bedrooro Aprl It. $800/mmfth otiiaes înciad- ed, hirst/fast. No dogo, refer- ences. Aduifo only. 905- 87-7461. GEORGETOWN f bed- rooro uparfmenf. Pridge and steve, 1-parking. New ourpef in U/l and 0/R. 905- 565-0033. GEORGETOWN baisement apaetmienl, vers specrous and dlean. In quiet neigh- bourhood, near George- town Hospital. Na smok- ing/pels. Cai 905-873- 868. « GEORGETOWN spacious, 2-bedrooo apurtmant, dlosa f0 l-igh Schoo. Ap- ptiances, greaf neighboams. No pets/smoking 5980/mOi utl inclusive. Avaîtable Fe- 5muar s t. 905-873-1174. GEORGETOWN, 1 hed- room apaifment + sfudy. Parking, close f0 "G0O", firstilast, $50/month. Steve 905-877-5760 GEORGETOWN, 60 Ray- luen Crescen, uarge, clean 2-bedrooro, hurdwovd floor, fnidge/stooe, 2-parking, ut ii fies incladed. $998/monh. June flt Cuil 905-451- 7618 MILTON touse for reof, $1300/oth plus ufilîfies, avaîtabie May 1t. Main & James Snow Parfmuy. Coli John 905-875-1706. 4-BEDROOM bouse tu rent in Acton, quiet neîghbour- hood nieur Lake' 5-up- pliances, non-smohero, o pets. Pirstfast/referencou. $1 ,350/month plus utilibes. Avaifable immedîately. Cal 5l9-53-5251. ACTON one bedrooro apartinent. $650/monOi plus hydro, fîrstlasf, fridge/stove. May lst. No pets. Cai 519-853-4721. GEORGETOWN large 3- bedroom taim bouse, gamage. $f,200/mmont pou; utiliies. Anaiiable May f st. Credit check/references. 905-8T7-3539. rent in a quiet home. Bed- room, living-room, pnrime bathroom, and kitchenette. Close lv the Milton Maill This cozy non-smoking home is ideal for a mature workîng auaif Sf S/week ofîlifies, satellite TV and parking inciaded. Col 059 876-2869. GUELPH Ln. N. of 401, spucîoos 1 -5dmn upt fnidge, slave, laundry hardi up, parking, ne pets. 5645/mOi +- utilities. Coli 416-781-9410 or 41e-787- 11 25. MILTON api. for rent, 1 - 5dm, downtswe, f0 smiro- ingipefs. Suif abie for single persan. A/C, free parkinrg. Avuilable May 1sf $675/mfh firotiast. Cai 905-875-8081 DOWNTOWN MILTON Milinide Temero 82 Mil iside Drive. f &2 Bedrooo Apta. Cloue te Downlewn. Bus stop ut Front Door 905-876- 1 249 www,realsfar.ca GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street South, Milton We are oa uccepting applications for: -1 5drm aptos For more information andine tu maire an appointirrent, Pleane cati 90"-78-W375 Bualding Managers Leonard & Penny MILTON f & 2 bedroorn avoulable. Prom $845/moeth. Clean and quiet building. Cai Jasa 4-7234D Availuble May 1 sf. 1-BEDROOM bnighf, spa- cous basemieut aparsnen in Georgetown eoecsfioe home. i-tge wrndows, lots of light. No sorotero, pets. Credot chece. $875/ronOi utihtes încluded. Cati 905- 866-2693, leeve message. ACTON tsosry apertmnents, 7 brandi nuw large 2-beif- room anuts, in renevafed building downtown. A/C, laandry, maple kîtchens, oaS floors and large stoauge oins. Prom $800 fa $1,300/monh. May 1sf oc- cupascy. Coul 416-888- 9164. ACTON, 2, 1 -bedromm, $790/month and I1, 2-bef- rooro, 890/month ail indu- sive. AvaiiableApnil tsf. Coul 519-853-3309 or 519-853- 0719. ACTON, 2, 1-bedraoom, $710/month and 1,- 2-bed- rmi, 890/month al inclu- sive' Aoailabie Apni sf. Coul Sf19-853-3309 or 519-853- 07f19. MILTON J Ourro, fOwn- house, finîshed roc rouro garage, 4-uppliances. Wl- son/Woodward orna $1250/mth v utiliSies. Aoal abie May fou/OS Coul 905- 876-4499. TOWNHOUS;E, 3-bdrms garage, fînîshed rec. rom use of pool, hone upplîaeces window blinds. Coul 905- 878-0456. OAKVILLE- 2,3&4 Bed- room fownhouses availuble Immedaely through Jone. 4 uppliances. Hopedale S Mal urss. Lakeshore Man- aaemen, 905-876-3336 in TH, 5600/mOi, at inclu- sive. Digital box, parking, iaundrs, inlume. -905-299- 2614. MAJOR Culusfropiitc mbj nus Onl. We'ii gel yoo Oie suttiement pou deseve. Pree case evauton. Over 25 yeurs expenience. 60e don't gel paîd avril pou do. Don't soSile for tess. Cuit Gary ut Heling tond, 905- 464-3600 Traffic Ticket? Pîghf il 1 rein for less. Avoid iv- surancu premiuro încrease.Cerfled Court Agent. Free consultation. 905-257-1789 (Oakville) BD for 3 kids. Must have eaiid dnever's licence. PîrsI AidCCPR, references, Pilîp- ne speaking. Cai 905-693- 8951 aller 5pn". RAINBOW VILLAGE DAY- CARE. Gsalify chitelcare for yoar chilifran 18 monfhs f0 5 yeoms sisce 1989. Cai (905) 878-7552 or vrsit sat rainbowvilagedayeate.m 3 pince brswn teather bronit new sofa set. Asking $2,300. Cai 905-878- 2860. COLORADO Blue andl Green Spruce Trees for sale, vanous sizes. Cuit 905-854-9969. A Dinîng Rooro, Cherry- amil, double pedesiat table, 8 chairs, botft, hulcir, dovelal construc- tion. New stiu 1i boxes. Cost 511,000. Sacrifice $2.600. 905-567-9459 A King Pitiowtop Muttres Set. New in plastic' Cour $f600. mil for 5450. 905- 567-9459 Craft Show Qualified Exhibitors Tintun Internationail Centre Oshawa Cim Auditium Ayt IC 10 0N ,,s 11-13.205 (M.i 14 -1f, 2;K.15 Richmond Hill Sports Centre Broolin Vipond Aena Ma -O 2005&0c1 22-23. 2101 Jul 1(>17. 2(05 For more information cali 905-426-4676 ext.22, or vieit www.theheartofcountry.com GABORA, Deannat& Kelly Of Milton are excite f0 announce the birir of their daughter Ryane Reid weighing 7 hos. 10 ozo at Milton Distnict Hiospital on Match 23rd, 2005. fipane is also, welcomed by her tam- ip in Calgary, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba, Verl speoi thanrs to Dr. Coetic, Jadie and eupecially Leann for their wonderful support before, daung and after the dehivery of our htte girl. Andrew and Jennifer Jackson are thrilled fa, announce the hirfh of Lucy Brook. Jackson, bom Safurday March lhth, 2005 aI 9:17 pm, weîghing 6 hos 1f oz. Big sîster Claire, aîong wîth her wonderfol grand- parents, aunts, oncles and coosios, are ail escîteil about the oew addition f0 003 family. KOCHERI Andrew and Caroline wetcome wifh love and joy mheir precious son Colin Andrew. Bom on Toesday, March 251h 2005 weighing 6 lbs 14 oz aithOe Oahsille Trafalgar Memnonal Hmspit al. Grandparenfs Doug and Jady Kocher are onerJoyed as are Aunts, Un- des and Cousins. qaeen orthopedic tnllowfop set, new in plastic, wurranty Sf50 905-567-4042 ai de- tîoer. Bedroore Cherrywood, 904, chesl, dresser, 2 nîohiotando. Dovefal Con- struction. Nover opened Cool $8,000. Sacrifice Sf,900. 905-567-4042 1,000 yrds. of new Staîn- master & f100% nylom cor- pet. Wîtt do liingroom & huit for $389. maclades car pet, pud & insftlation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 IThllvou ~rf rr ensl Lnflir nnoiu:l2~ able immediaey 4-bdvvms, 5appliances, ma/n floon hardware. Cuit 647-220- 8062. MILTON 3-bdnm Iown- hoase, 2 bath, fînîshed baisement, frîdge, stove. Referevces, vo pets, labluast, 51150/mt + aStili fien. Cui 905-87660071. 170_ __ , ýM M , 'ý ý MI-111- l-, !ý"1t îîiptýf - îýrýý ý ý;ý

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