2-Tse Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Aprîl 5, 2005 He ' Àus , Àam le o*f ove 250 used vehicles we have in stock. ECONOMY CARS YEAR MMKE MODEL MILEAGE 2005 Pontiac Vibe (Lealhor, Moon Raof) 7,953 2005 Toyota Cornîla CES, Plîg 28,762 2005 Toyota Coroila CE 25,857 2005 Toyota Echo 16,359 2005 Toyota MaItri 16,705 2005 Toyota Matrix 25,000 2005 Toyota Maîrix 26,432 2004 Mazda 3 GO 36,577 2004 Toyota Mataix ORS 49,522 2004 Toyota Maîria 25,026 2003 Mazda Protégés5 (Leather, Moon Roof) 60,983 2003 Toyota Cornîla CE 86,820 2003 Toyota Coroita Sport"Pkg 89,851 2003 Toyota Matrix XIR 69,977 2002 Fard Focua SE 62,297 2002 Ford Focos Wagon SE 51,981 2002 Mazda Protégé 5 60,135 2002 Oidsmobito Atoro O 21,830 2002 Pontiac Grand AM SE 74,857 2002 Satura S12 33,111 2002 Toyota Coralta CE Plus 77,729 2001 Hoada Cieic O 74,009 2001 Hyundai Elantra VE 79,025 2001 Ninuan Sontra GXE 58,225 2001 Pontiac Grand AM SE 63,361 2001 Pontiac Suotiro 44,632 2001 Satura L200 08,08 2001 Satura SCi 23,956 2001 Saturo SCi 56,459 2000 Chayalor Noa LE 92,417 1999 Hoada Cii EO-G 122,653 1999 Toyota Corolla CE 145,368 1998 Ford Escoat ZX2 115,623 MILEAGE 48,961 48,588 17,784 39,574 27,448 24,582 44,396 20,693 75,498 97,958 62,999 60,754 78,163 67,333 53,340 48,112 121,376 80,425 52,01 1 66,193 99,341 90,535 PASSENGR YEAR MAKE 2005 Oodgn 2005 Outile 2005 Toyota 2004 Pontiac 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2003 Ford 2002 Chnvolnt 2002 Duége 2002 Dodgn 2002 Pontiac 2002 Pontiac 2002 Pontiac 2001 Chnvroltt 2001 Chrysler 2001 Oodge 2001 Pontiac 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2000 Chevrofel PRICE $22,995 $16995 $17,995 $15,9%5 619,9%5 $19,995 $19,995 $17,995 $19,995 $18,9 $19,995 $14,995 $15,995 $17,995 $8,995 $11,995 $16,995 $12,995 $9,995 $0,995 $12,995 $12,995 $9,995 $10,995 $9,995 $8,995 $9'995 $10,995 60,995 $5,995 $9,995 $7,995 $5,95 PRICE $19,995 $1 9,995 $35,995 $1 8,995 $27,995 $27,995 $30,995 $27,995 $60,995 $1 0,995 $12,995 $14,995 $15,995 $17,995 $16,995 $13,995 $15,995 $11,995 $17,995 $20,995 $17,995 $16,995 TRUCKS & CARGO VANS YEAR MMK MODEL MILEAGE PRICE 2005 Chevlet Express 2500 HO Ext Cargo 34,856 626,995 2003 Chenroiet Silverado 1S 1500Z71 4x4 68,524 620,99 203 Ford F-150 XIT X-Cab 404 OTR 39,000 $25,M9 2003 GMC Safari Cargo Van 70,000 Comm;g Son 2003 GMC Savana 314 Ton Cargo Van 54,270 $21,9%5 2002 Cbevrnlet Silverado LS 1500 X-Cab4x4 28,717 $26,995 2002 oadge Dakota Onad Cab Spnrt 102,142 $15,995 2002 Ford E-350 Cube Van 100,393 $21,99% 2002 Ford F-150 OIT Cana Cab 89,082 $23,995 GMC Sierra SIT O-Cab 4x4 Choornot Sitoorado 1500 Ford E-150 Cargo Van Toyota Tondra O-Cab 4x4 Toyota Tundra O-Cab 4x4 69,500 $26,8995 100,042 $14995 07,910 $14,995 90,599 $25,995 138,712 $23,995 CONVERTIBLES VEAR MAKE MODEL MILEAGE PRICE 2005 Toynta Solara Converitible 1,000 $6,495 2001 Toyota Solara Convertible 61,100 $24,995 1990 Chrysier Sebring JXI Convertible 93,793 $12,M9 Suvos YEAR MAKE 2004 Ford 2004 GMC 2004 Hyundai 2004 Jeep 2004 Loana 2004 Loaus 2003 Ford 2003 Ford 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2003 Toyota 2002 Fard 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2002 Toyota 2001 Choorolot 2001 Jeep 2001 Lexus 2001 Niosat 2001 Nissan 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2001 Toyota 2000 Ford 1998 Toyota MUDSIE &i YEAR MAKE 2005 Niaaan 2005 Toyota 2005 Toyota 2004 Cadillac 2004 Chayalor 2004 Chryslor 2004 Nissan 2004 Pontiac 2004 Pontiac 2004 Toyota 2004 Toyota 2003 tatindi 2003 Pontiac 2002 Sulch 2002 Snick 2002 Cadiltat 2002 Nissan 2002 Nisuan 2002 Oldomobio 2002 Pontiac 2001 Snick 2001 Soick 2001 Jaguar 2000 Audi 1999 Morcury MODEL MILEAGE ExploarrLUI. 22,500 Jinmmy SLS 4x4 (Inathor) 35,470 Santa Fn GL 890 .59,421 Grand Chorokon Laredo Trait Ratori 39,614 GX470 Ultra Prnmiom Pkg 21,000 00330 Ultra Premiom Pkg 12,500 Escape OIT 4x4 63,424 Expédition Eddie Sauna 4x4 36,505 4Runner Liînitnd 83,149 Rav4 'S' Pkg 66,769 tiav4 VS Pkg 8960 24,475 Explorer Eddie Sauna 4x4 131,743 Highlaoder'A' Pkg AWI 68,496 Rao4 'O' Pkg 105,29 Rao4 'B' Pkg 66,741 Tabou LT 97,472 Grand Chnroken LM. 99,679 9X300 AW5 99,319 Patittindor LE 4x4 99,056 Pathîlader XE 4x4 89,238 Highlander 2960 114,158 Highlander 'A' Pkg V6 AWO 86,80 Highlandnr V6 AWD 84,958 Explorer Sport Xit 135,166 4000nr Ltd. 189,847 WXURY MODEL MILEACE Attima 2.55 49,737 Camay LE Vii 25,444 Camry SE 24,354 CTS (Leathnr, Moan Roof) 32,246 Paîlilca 2960 26,170 Sebning Toaning 35,322 Maxima SL (Leather, Moon Roof) 57,704 Grand Pria GT2 (Leather, 9600 Roat) 41,279 Grand Pria GT1 36,719 Camry LE 42,554 Camry LE Vil 35,756 G35 Premiom (Leather, Mon RooI) 92,240 Grand Prix GT 120,002 Century Cestum 50,041 Régai 15 90,044 Sevitie 66 84,66 Aflma 2.551L 78,381 Maxima SE 03,121 Alean GIS <Leather, Muon Roof) 50,883 Grand Prix GT 93,058 Century Customt 93,405 Rgl iS (Leatiter, Muon Roof) 102,0U4 S-Type 4.0 65,931 A6 2.8 QOafiro 79,741 Sable Wagon LS 105,848 PRICE $34,995 $21,995 $24,995 626,888 65995 $5595 $22,995 $33,995 $34,M9 $21,995 $23,995 $16,995 $26,995 $18,995 $19,995 $24,995 $19,995 $29,995 $20,995 $18,995 $19,995 $20,995 $20,995 $11,995 $15,995 RICE $20,995 $26,995 $27,995 $35,995 $24,995 $13,M9 $30,995 $21,995 $18,995 $20,599 $29,995 $25,991 $12,991 $13,9n $13,90 $22,91 $219 $108,911 6113,11911 612,91 $10,91i $13,99i $27,90 $22,91 $7,91 "lYou Simply Can't Find Better Value"l Free 30 dayl/ 2500 km Exchange Policy 6 month I 10,000 km Power flrain Warranty (no upper limit) è0. ýs~k m-~"méhné~ uwtrDmnhi 1eaà" dl%nIr fnr d0 !Numerous awards handed out from CITIZENS on page 1 Mr. Joyce spoke simply and briefly, humbly thanking the chamber for the award. Mr. Curtis said Rita Ward. recîpient of tise second President's Award, was described aptly by her nomninator. "Rita is a bright and positive gem who's devoted her entire life lu iselping others," Mr. Curtis quoted. He spoke of her leadershsip qualities, demonstrated clearly îhrougs ber 16 years serving on tise Milton District Hospital Auxiliary -of which she's currently pres- ident. Ms Ward is a member of the Halton Hulis H-ealtis Care board of directors, and bas volunteered in numerous capacities as Grace Anglican Church. She's also worked svith the Red Cross. "its sucb a hurnbling experience tsi have received ibis, bccause there arc su rssany 555 desersin,,," Ms Ward said upon acccptîng her plaque. Mr. Curtis alluded tus the personal trials Sharni Bhimiji -tss uer oiite Ramada Is and Conterence Ceintre and namied Business Person ft tie Year -bas faced iu her lifetimne. aiid sîxîke uof lier perse\serance to issercorise. A relugee frois Ugatida. Mr. CuIrtis, Said Ms Bhir-nji is "a self-msade ss elan" knessn l'or liser kindness and compassion. Ms Bhimji provsided the msst eîsetiotsat acceptance. speakiisg ots the verge o) tears. "Miltons s isot only îrty place o) business. 1 consider it home. I've becs treated suell by the consnuniîy aîsd everyosie." she said. Teresa Fay, svhose lïirily is one otf the osvners otf Granite Ridge Golf' Club, accepled the assard for Business osf the Year (26 empînyces or more) and spoke otf the club's contînuing joumney. Iu 1996 it opened with 18 holes. In 2001, it added 18 more. Sise toid tise crowd to watch for more changes in tise next two to îhree years. "For some otf us our homes may be in Mississauga, but ur isearts reaily do belong 10 Milton." sise said. Stepisen Baker, owner of lise Halton o Compass, accepted tise award for Business of tise Year (25 employees or less) and spoke otf tise strength otf ils employees. "i've only owned the Compass for the past year. but the team 1 iniserited is great," ise said. "It's a famifly and we have great fun. Yeah. we've doue nice tisings for the community. but we've doue it because we gel out more tisan we give." AIl nominees for the business awards were fonnaliy presented with certificates of recognition încluding tise Milton Springers Gymnasties Club and Parkway Auto Trade in tise category otf Business of the Year (25 employees or less), Milton District Hospital for Business otf the Year (26 employees or more), and, for Business Person otf tise Year, Donna Danîcîli otf Tise Vacuum Shop and Angelo De Medicis o) Milton Home Hardware Building Centre. PasI chamber president Douglas Francis presented Howard Mort -a lawyer wits Hutchinson Tisompson Henderson and MoIt witis thse award for Chamiser Volunteer Member of tise Year. "He's iseen an invaluable source 10 lise cisamiber pertaining 10 ail issues of devel- opmenl," Mr. Francis said, adding Mr. Mole ba been a cisamber volunteer since 1993 and is ieen particularly active witis the chambers governiment relations corn- mittee. Stephanie Tliessen can be reached at sîhiessen@nultoncaxadanchampon.com. a è. j, e. 4- #, Ot C . 1 4 #j e) f #. f # î 4. i # O& VANS MODEL Grand Curavan Grand Caraoan Sienne CE 8960 Montana (Extnndod) Sienae CE Sieona CE Sienox LE Sienna CE Windalar Sport (TV, 8CR) Venture Caraoan SE Grand Coraoao Sport Montana Extendné Montana Extended Montana Exiended Venture Exlended Toma & Country Ltd. 8960 Caranan SE Montana Extenderi Sienna LE Sienne LE Astre LT 8960 F 1M