18-Champion Country, Tuesday, April 5, 2005 MMUE ~±±EEEE~~colon, Fiffed UUMIUM LMTE ERtMtuc 81811ré Ako ryin81SWopSfft Fasdead Cl87-5383between 9am le9pm Lkey, & Mis Bandits Inc. HMom Improvemonts since 1992 *Basements *Bathrooms *Custom Decks *Ceramie Tiling Wo wili tum 'Honey do lat "into your"Honey, tnt done uit" Cali Dave: 905-864-6501 For a free estimnai. Dw* Residential and Commercial Docks Il Fonces Dan Nadalmn Millton 9054674M.4 Àd& Emrimm ,.W.mrlwdvman.cç _9%r -W 77. Co50ncep&mt;Caiet Oceosories 5tSo Fstift WbS a tac kicluen cGtea MalI 1M ÉâSt.Eas,UiM#3 878-917 Floodsg 0 net Rooma 0Steel Stàs# .Ocks # Batrameaodelis Il Drap Cîilings (905) 876-4023 SUI AT IE DELE I SEARS* SAuthorized Deale, Major Appliances, Homo Eloctronics, Latan là Gardon inan Wilfn Lnrally uwned & nperated by John tampson Dealer Jonr tampsnn and Juan Wilfon Dealer 100 Nipisning Road. Unit 1, Milton no,.e 905-878-4107 cenre Professional Ceaning Service Residential & Small Commercial Cali toil fre 866-327-5522 or cell: 416&575-6243 [MAIDI 905 85DC SUNSHINE -DECK & FENCE Bobcat Services SSpeciaflzang la repalrs renoilaflons 10 tour home or noriplace Handylleli Enterprises * Bathrooasllliog 8 Odd Jobs * Basements 0 Home Offices * Home Offices 8 l'u make the Ilst lti Insured é Refereoces asallble a w et 5.9387U4731 METRO REC YCLIIVE g 20DnnRoad Guelph 11-8020-9803* 5l9-OSOOeO C A$H]-I FuR YOME SCRA flW1 We bay We uffer Coppen, Atominani, Ilos COMPETITIVE PRICING Radiators, Load, Innutated a ond ssu unpostE RVE SES ES tairen. Staintens Steel, HOUeS OF OPERAnîse Nickel and Steel. Mon-Fr! 7:30an-5:tOpm J~ A DY N Fou Honi & Soil Blnooo nuecoyno H oett " Carnontry -pentino Efflnite n ntit - MedioteJobi D rywall repair - Ptumbing "l Setosm 4onn -Electnical- Butnroomn Ail SorC couIii la ro U Kitcliens-Oeu Dok ej atsljmsnU o Exhaust Fan Installations Irae Se-caulrlun Windnws Fene & OEthe tianuoman Jobus M ButnuomRa&nIU Oudnuna TELO51-85-214 ACTUI 0FIIII:NDHhEOIITO -ag Dor -JlcieOee Sales Serviceand ntllto WmdSm * oantal/CDomoi Sto Donteio DExemors da spa lit nucenphufirgnufo... [ MEMEUS, SANS & KITCHENS 1 À Core's Pump Service &l Well Drilling WelRehab iitation Water Troulment WeIIClea ngUV Ster iization Syntoms Flow Raton Reverne Onmon n Drinking Water Completo Pumping Syntems Syntomns Wator Softonors L oeCeli: (905) 691-6118 Tel: (905) 854-4515 LEAKCY BAEMENT? ,~No Nsed Io Digi Il il Ieaks, ce fix il! S Professional Repairs W Expert Advice Residential and Commercial 25 YR NO LEAN< GUARANTEE mocal (905) 878-,146 800-856-5899 Guaranteed Dry Waterproofing ALPINE DECK Family Business with 19 years experrence. Photos &references available.Cedar, arsenic free pressure treated & synthetic materials asailable. atpinedeck.com FREE ESTIMATES 905-257-7058 BRAERIDGE CONSTRUCTION INC. RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTORS ~ Baisement Renovations Deckn & Fencen Concrete Work Carpentry & Trim Work FULL SERVICE CONTRACTORS CAIL BOB... Tel:905-864-4788 Celi: 416-678-4434 FLATINIUM RETAIL SHOWROOM Fuit Installation Complete Renovations _______ Custom Work 18 offmpson Road, Milton 905-878-6666 www.platnumhomiuprovenut.com Leonard Eckert PAINTING Interior & Exterior For a FREE estimate and quality work cali. L(905) 875-9560 Nomma