14-Champton Country, Tuesday, April 5, 2005 Residents set to dlean up Hornby Many hands make laght work, or su they say. Why not put that saying to the test and joits the flfth-annual Clean-Up Homby Day? 'Me event, sponsored by the Homby Association of Rate Payers (HARP), is set t0 take place Saturday, Apr. 23 and includes a free barbecue uit noon at the Homnby Park. Participants can either decide themselves what ares they'd like to dlean, or can have HARP assign thein a section. Or, residents can simply dlean up the areas in front of their homes and then tum out for the barbecue. Caîl HARP president Erik Kowal, and HARP will supply the bags and arrange for garbage collection. Participants are reminded 10 wear old clothing and waterproof footwear. Gloves, safety vests and collection baga will be provîded. Students helping with the dlean-up can put the turne tossard thett required school volunteer hours. If's hoped there will be a supervised recreation ares for kids. The day will go ahead unless it rains hard. In that case, the dlean-up will be postponed 10 the following Saturday, Apr. 30. For more information or to confarmn your participation, cati Mr. Kowal uit (905) 876- 1582. j~jJŽJibW~pI\j*~j 4% - e, UNl 47à MILTON 400 Main St. E. HOME DECOR 95639f OPEN 7 DAYS e SUN 12-4 SMOKINIG.. 1Vhat'à the point? Smday. youl be otered a cgaretteor be lempted tosmoke. pson sartsi becomes extemely tous o quit An dd we heor ou star, think about t every drag hou tke screws up mntion ai that cash hour body. youl he owt in the prscess? Smoking can cause permanet damage o your body. OnÇe a Stýi psu're tempt aho start, ask yoursel "What's the paiet?" This massage broaght to yoa by: Ilbe Canahaan (biampiun Photo by GRAHAM PAINE iAl's ducky Ducks Unllmfle zone chair Don Taylor shows a hand-carved woodan decoy and a John Erenhardi painting entitled 'More than a Friand'. These were two of the many allant auction Items Up for grabe et the i 9th annual Ducks Unllmlted fundralslng dinner and auctIon held at Granite Ridge Golf Cours Frlday evaning. Invasive species workshop Sat., You cas leamn more -about species invading the province's forests, wetlands and lakes during an Invasive Species Workshop at Country Heritage Park Saturday. The event will feature six guest speakers: Francine MacDonald, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, overview of invasive species pathways; Howard Stanley, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Asian long-horned beetle; Cars Webster, City of Toronto, terrestrial invasive species; Donna Mackenzie, Ontario beeties, purple loosestrife and success of biological control; Kelly Bowen, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, impacts of aquatic invasive apecies on Lake Ontario; and Dawn Hutchinson, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, water garden/aquariumr invaders. The workshop will mun front 9 arn. to 2:20 p.m. ini the Niagara Room on the second floor at Country Heritage Park, located at 8560 Tremaine Rd. For more information or to registea' cali 1-800-563-7711. Registration costa $10 and can also be paid at the door. CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR TAXES? FAST TAX KEFUND_ s~.o or Lovl 1 LOCTIOITOSElVE TO1 WITUM THtIS SEVENq COUPON1 1-866-TAXWIDE DATS Milton Mail 905-875-3726 RI-A sONAI-1L-1 R AT ES] 84 X 84 . 345 gallons 6 persori 40 physio-therapy jets 2 Built in head cushions 5,0 HPR jet pumps idual speecJ,ý Was ý-,7z13 t4ow s 0 7500