Golf range proposed -,Pre-tria1 to drug case The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Aprnl 1, 2005-9 FAMVILY CHIROPRACTIC CANE under mV roof A golf driving range lias been proposed for land at the cor-, net of Britannia Road and Firat Line. lhe Town's administration ami plannng cornsnittee looked ovOr tise plana for tise rural faciity at its meeting last week Ana application for a temporaey use bylaw to, make way for th ag n t soildfcltshsb uufdt h Town by Carl Hadfield of Oakville. David Faye, wiso represened Mr. Hadfield attse meeting, told tihe coannittee bis client bas operated a driving range in Oakville for tise past 16 years. "He (Me. Ha4field> bas con- sîderable experience." Town Director of Planning ami Development Mel Iovio saisi if approvesi, the temnporaay use bylaw would apply for tbree years, after wbich counicil would review it andi have tise option of renewing it on a three-year basia. The landi is currently zonesi as future development and greenlansis and would have to be changesi to a site-specific future developments pecial zone to shlow for thse golf facility. While the property la 100. acres, only 38 acres locatesi out- aide thse greenlansis ares would lie usesi for the faciity A teclinical report ami staff recommendation on tihe pro- posed temporary use bylaw will be brought forward soon once ail commenta have been received andi evaluatesi. to continue next month Thre men charged in connection with a marijuana growing operation on the Milton/Acton border will retum to court May 3 to continue a pre-trial that startesi last week. The pre-trial - helsi to work out legal issues before trial - began March 22 at Superior Court of Justice in Milton. Halton Regional Police raided a grow operation in a barn on a Hwy. 7 property between Fourth and Fifth lines in June of last year. They seiascd 259 marijuana plants in var- ious stages of growth with a potential street value of $259.000. Also seized was about $2,000 in growing equipment. Two Milton men Robert Popp, 36, and Troy Burton, 23 -were charged by Halton police with production of a con- trolîrd substance, possession of a con- trolled substance for the purpose rof traf- ficking and theft of electricity under $5,000. Rockwood resident Wesley Whitford, 43, faces the samne charges. Dr. , 4i qeli 'kae 311 Martin Street, Milton (905) 878-5165 Cranial Sacrai - For A utism New car dealership could corne to east-end Steeles Avenue lands Local residents may once again see a car dealership open on Steeles Avenue between Esquesing Line and Lawson Road. A proposai to add a motor velu- dle dealership to the list of permit- ted uses for the east-end landis was received by the Town's administra- tion and planning commiÙttee last week. "The site lias historically been used for a motor vehicle dealer- slip.' said Town Development Review Planner Christian Lupis. The three-acre site has more recently been used as an equipment sales and rentaI dealership. To permit a car dealership. a zou- ing bylaw amensimeut would be required to change the subject property fromn a business park zone to a site-specific business park spe- ciai zone. A technical report and staff rec- ommendation on the proposesi amendment will be brought for- ward soon once ail commeuts have becîs receivesi and evaluatesi. *Ann Kovudmevj<h n0awe -Moro Miller O.r. Yui maId bave the WINNIN NMBER! 141 MO1W P'TIFO KMOF$ 0n OTHE&qo JUEU5U.5Po 011 fIA N if I IETTIO f Dmi0«M Madm wirnnn imn*m 0 90OI3 65 01093ft CMUU&UIiERI 3I EJENN-AIR. ELECTRIC RANGES CAS RANCES TiO ffl SAVEpo S ASDYER 1220 TOpi MOUNT 189RFIERT BO0 O MON iRM S'AILES STEL ' I 0 U .0 Rules and rguat ion available tspo reques CALL YOUR METROLAND BONUS PAK REPRESENTATIVE TODAY MARIE GALLGHER 1@905-845-3824 ext 273 JOIN THESE MAJOR ADVERTISERS WHO HAVES AIREADY TAIREN AOVANTAGE OF THE SARJINGS OFREIN THE BONUS PAR VOU isible ChagsfI I N R ~~ HYUfDm k uewdNt dFMo "a t5Ooff~~ *Cash and carry only please, "Deiisery and taxes extra. Quanttes and coou seleco o fmie- SOCOME RARLY Aaiabl fo personal purchases made April 2-3. Ecludes door cahers Hooer podut smal applanes hood fans and OR micnouaes CLAAC CENTRE 9-e6p., Î & 263 Queen Street East, Brampton ,Su.dar Dale sn MW Julil. Bird (o,& 1449 1 - im r--- $599 L à ENERGY SAVING WASHER $499