Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2005, p. 8

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8-The Cariadian Champion, Fniday, April 1, 2005 HiGH SCHOOL RPORT H Li0 He W11 have Iess than a second to rnake a decbson, Prepore for the road ahead with Young Drivers' Colîxsionfree! Approach 10, DrivingT0! It's the only driver training progran ta offer threshold and ABS emergency braking, swerving techniques, rear crash and head-on collision avoidance. Cali us or visit vww.youngdrlvers.com for more dotals. The genuine YD prograe is noS ovoiloble in nny high school. 905-875480 %YOUNG DRIVERSIof Canada < Your licence to survive. ISU 9001:2000 www.youngdriverS.COM Reginîered MVTO APPROVED BEGINNER DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER "'TUE ROYAL6 REPORT"I Katie Nadalin SlbanDorce DISIGP REDINI MISE SCIDOL Welcorae to . Who Wati to he a Mîltionaire! The Bishop Reding Editios' With your hast ..SIOBHAN! Siobhun: Hello, hello. and wetcome to mîllionaire' Our firsi contestant is Katie Nadalin! Kalie... tell us a bit about yoursolf. Katie: Weil... ail I have ta say is that I'm a grade 12 student front Bishop Reding, atnd Ira ready ta mis! Siobhan: ts that youc FINAL ansmer? Haha.. Okay Ihes, let's gel stanled. For 100 dollars, when is the deadline for Bishop Reding's Easler Food Drive? a) Wednesday h) Thursday c) Fniday or dl) neyer? Katie: Ummm... l'Il go wtth h), Thursday, final ansmer. Siobhan: CORRECT! Now. for 200 dollars, mhich BR sports tramn has jusi heen mode, and 5s preparing for the aproming seavon? a) juntor girls vollybaîl h) senior hoys haskethall c) junior and senior bad- minton or d) Senior dodgehall9 Katie: Weil definiiely 001 dodgeball... hahat. I really don't know though, I think I'm gaing la use a lifelîne, l'il go mat 50/50. Siobhan: 50/50 il iv. Yos're lefI wtth h) senior hoys baskelball or c) junior and senior hadminton. Katie: Okay III go milh... c) junior and senior badmtnton. Final answer I think... umm yes, final auswer. Siobban: Wel lin sonry Kahne.... BUT1 YOU'VE G01 Il'! Those leachers ai Bishop Redîug muni he doiuf someihiug righi, you're doîng fea! Lot's go for the 300 dollars. Wltich re-enacimesi did Bishap Redîng siodenîs waich in the piarza luot Thursday, ta celeltrale Easier? a) the Stations of the Cross h) the hirih of Jesus c) the Last Sapper or d) the story of the Easier Buuy? Katie: Oh mora ihis 00evs iough... I hale ta do ihis..u hiîk lilI hase ta ose another Mifline. I'd like ta cal) my fniend Julie. Siobhan: Okay. Loi's foi Jlte on the line. Julie? Hi tis iv Siohhan frora Who Wants ta ho A Mîllionaire. I've gai your friend here. and she's doisg quite well. She needs a ltlle help fromt yoa thoogh; you've gai thiriy seconds.. Kalie: Okay, mhich te-enacimnent did llishop Reding studenis match last Thursday ta celehra... Julie: The Stations of the Cross'! Katie: 0k you sound prenty positive. lil go mih a> iben, the Stations of the Cross. Fiual aser. Sinirban: Wr)) Katio you've dose il agais' Nom, bore's the 500 dollar question: Toats for mhîch highly rogardod toamt mi)) ho siariing in the sent fera weeks, headed by Me. Juras" I lv a) the dance tram b> junior boys football c) boys basebaîl or dl) the choscluh? Katie: Weil Mr. Juras iv quite the dancer... hut t tbînk ho strikes me more as chovs player. Hom about l) chess clsb, final ansmer... Ira preoty sure about Ibis Siobban: Oooh... soery Katio. that iv sot the correct ansmor. The ansmor iv ci boys hasehall. Thanks for joining us ibougb, and mo'l sec, yoa sent meek! Kim Hester Katie Bnagy Prashont Naikwoidi E.C. DRURT RiloU SCMGGL -Welomobak frontyourEastLong Weknd! Prashant said oKimand Katie .i-boar youuys mie i ome Eater EggHnt osr bherarekond Wba' tho doal mtth that?" "Wel, P-Damg." Kim said. "Wr found ibis tisy purple egg as the groand mhen me more malking home from vcbool. Thora mas a lutle hnny raside il ibot taid us ta, go bock te, the schml inm loo fo more ooov." mal uso scai' Wr gai ta tho froi doar and thor a maianter egg an fia foos- hall table.I hbal uathor banny but ibis ose aidi os logo ta the drains crram." Katte enpWaned. "Somoestarted off to thedranaram ith the bunny inmyband"-Kim sid. "He said in a quby voicehat Dury'ihspans m remaeigadit rheais, fondraisers and pmeparaians 1or ibir apeann Cabaret. He raid us ta, supprt Derai atoDrury ineir hapes of mabing il paut the Seasitegionaiin Bradford" "Wbon me gai thfe drama room. thore mas aeotbereogg"'* Kaiersclaimod. "Ohmwora.ibis saunsvike qatte theadsentum"*Prbast sadmiba joaotln. Yeatt it mai' Sa, fie noni ogg bad yoi unaibor liste hosny in i. This ose tatd as to boad ta the Sports Building ta find the rosi egg. "This hossy mas qotowlodgoabe aboat atiia ai Donry. Shb olad os aout theanomosiinteamual actisiy. Hey P-Damg.doayau ausnuhon my tedoosocr train' Sîgo aps arai te tcker hay'- Kima suîd. "*Okay bui rabat dîd the bonsy vay? i masi ta nom"' Pleaded Pembunrt. "Oh rîgbt' The bansy osplaîsed bora ,he sa(ins on soe of tbe badminton pros- ticss Thoy'me toasta1g ferfthe apomief Volp tornanitnostraantb. Ove alsovsaid bhal sho mont ta tbe airport ia molcame basb the esiees raba bad musoelîrd ta Namibia Africa.Tbrey wntoa afanr, rstled inr e qoaentiandbad plnty of adseniares"- "War,Iraisbi1saaldbhavegonomwitbfea" Prasbant said. -lmouidbhavelikodtin rmit some animal frinds"- "'Ub. PDamgOh nesar mind" Kaiie sau.id S "ahen cgoiitufte Sports uaiting. mc foardi aethoaagg. This one. josî i thefofiors. bad a liite hanny insîdo." "Wherm dîd ibis sire take yoa"' Prushant avad. -Thtvasoneildaus tagohback tate oickorbay. Theotoony banny cand tîaudi- tion for fie Dm0r Idot talent sbhiw thai Student Gasarmaent is holding" Kîim vaîd "Bui anfartanatoty for oar ltila rabhîî brd, bannies aran't altamad on Drury idat"' " eTbbanycasapsai, butimaimokber tothe taskray anyhi We'sure marnnt enpecsingcwhaiwe sam nasti«'Kim said exitdly. "Whai"! Wbai cas t'" Prashari askait mafi w bth Super Bueey' Thora cuas giastit rab obin s a0îîmng green and gatd capa ptayîng pîeg pong sn tha tacher tray"' Kotia saîdý "Sa avc asbad bâr bti ha bcawu daîng thora. and ha vaîd bhat ho casoa aiso toaspread Drury prda."Kimsaid. "Wor." Pravbani satdtran aama et "Soaadd yaado thn" "We mort homo' tl cas tho long raakord ahea.l1cman' abaat ta spend ray tuneai sshm." Katie sid wit a smirk. Sac. bar Daietîna Drary's. "Whemc ara thay nom0"* Our goosi is Mai Derma tnec Hephnra/. Years atDrary: 1991-1996 Pattaraing Drsry:- tyoaaitMarveat0oiy ShSml. appreniicasbips ta aon raap ad OZI l2 years) dyars woaking ai GtacWith Spa 1 fies aponad ame salon. Studia 14 Caarontty -Mamad. Omnor/Oporutar of Studia 14, Espectiegfbinsi chîtd Fasasnito Drery Memari Hargisg aat cîîh aihor fronds in tacher ha. and taadaer ship csin grade 9 How did Drary pmpae oua?'Mn. Lao's Cosmasaourse(5 yaistaght ying Md people shîtîs. Mo. Iarpee's scienceocoss tangbt discipline ard aosponsîbiltiy "11MUSTANG MESSENUER", Delinda Aliier Ashiey Clerici Joua PyPer M1ILON DISTRICT 519H SCEGOL Happy March, Mustangs! February passing means that second semester iv finally in full swing. So many thingv have bers hap- pening around the ochool... .where ID ev05 start? How about with MD sports and activities? Yes, that soundo like a good place 10 begin this week's article. BDIh boys and girls hockey iv still going on, and the girls are participating in a tournamnent on March 1tsI and 2nd. Good luck girls! Also, any- ose mishing 10, j0in ony of the badminton trams iv welcome 10 corne ouI. Listes 10 the announcemnenîs for exact dates and loca- tions. A huge congratulation gors Dut Ici MD's own lmprov team! This rookir team atîended the regional compotition lant Wedsesday and mont certainly gave aIl of us reason 10 ho proud Mustangs. Pretly much every other tram that attendrd this pres- tigious Improvivational competition wr wel establishrd, vo oves being among themn wav an honour for our young tram. Homever, just makisg il mas sot rnough for Ibis mighîy term- thry put on ose hock of a show as woll!1 Thankv 10 ail who came ouI 10 support the lmprov tram: MD was ose of the movt rrp- resesîrd schoolv there! So, yrv. .. round of applause for aIl! Hmm. ..now what? There iv still voi much! Oh, yes. .. .MDHS Music! Both the senior concert bond and senior jazz band more awardrd Silver aI the recent Musicfrsî competition! The jazz group received an invitation 10, Nationals. Which ivs awesor! Hopefully rvrryone in Cleveland iv rrady for theve two hot bonds' arrivaI in May. Project Grenada iv mdll os ils way 10 becomisg a succrss. The group worked last week wiîh theo bols and vuch, and spont Friday afîrmoon and aIl day Salurday building a "model-home" of what milI ho hoing built in Grenada. PAYPAL nom workv on the projocî mebvite (mww.mdhshelpsgrrnada.org) vo, if onyone iv willing 10 donaîr, that mould be the place 10 go Ici do il! In order te, raise money for the relief effort. studenîs have gol numerous items donaîrd for a raffle, mhich tickets wilI be on sale for Ibis meek. Prizes include 2 Plaîinum Raptors vs. Magic tickets, Basion Synergy hockey stick, a Spa package and a Shoppors Dmug Mort gifi package. Locok out for these sales around toms and in the vchool. Ah yrv. .. .vaving the best, moisi royal annouscomont for lasI. MDHS' oms Royal BaI iv hoing hrld Ibis Friday March 4 aI 6pm. (Yeah, il's also ksows as Somni-Formal!) Music courtrvy of Clavvic Wavr wilI be played hofore and during dinner, mhich viarIs aI 7pm. Thon, aI g, il iv lime for evrryone 10 shed thosr shors mhich are probably too big/loo small/too highlrealy uncomfortablr and gel their groooove on. Tickets are $25 and milI ho vold up ustil the event. A portion of Ibis money iv alvo going 10 Hurricone relief. Hope 10 see rvery last senior Mustang there! Thaî'v aIl for Ibis mreks editios of Mustang Messenger. Esjoy your week. and I shaîl beave you mith a randomt inspirational quotr: 'When rvrrythisg's coming your may. you'rr in the wrong lone." - Strphen Wrighi.

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