Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apntl 1, 2005 14PRo RATE.S AR E D1EEFICrr 1* The Canadian Champion IS UNPER) Box 248,191 Main Si. E. Milton, Ont. L91 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifted: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Asnnncnie Pshblisher Jitl Davis Fdînne-in-Chief Karen Smithn Mcitinngnng Îndinnr Wendy McNab Adn ertisnng Dineî nnnr Tim Cibles Prnndsotsnn Manannger Charlene Hall Distrnbiiitinn Manacger Teri Casas Offitce Manager The Canadian Champion. puolishnd every Tuesday anid Poday ni 191 Maie St, E ,Milton. Ont .L9 4N9 (Bon 248) s onie nf The Meirniand Printing, Putiiisiiing & histnhatning HOd croup nf sulbnnhati comp~are ns cl ondces Aax/Pickering SNs Advnrtisnn Alistoti Head/Cnnnntr Bannie Advance Bolton Eninîptise, Bramnptn uardian Btiingtnn Post, Btiiington Shnppfond News, City Panent City ni York Giandiani Ccîljiitgînnnn WVasaga Con fiectin, East Yonnk Mitent, Enin Advncatttc ýConhy o utnes F100 rnkn Ginandiaitý FiatîtOornigh B cocu. Fnloee ori. Gegntin InîtepeneentActon Frnn Press Hattnn Businesns tunes Fitnnnnia Businss Times, Lindsay Thtis Week, Mankliani Enonounist & Son Midhod /Peneiang- uishnte Mîrnnr Milton Sitnppinig Sens, Mississaufla Business Timnns Mississanga Sews, Sapanen Gide, Nassagawnya Nws, Snwmarkeh/Aurnia Ena-Bannen, Nonrtnumbnrland Seins, Nnrth York Mitron, Sakile Beanne. Oakile Shopping Sens, Sidliits Hockey Soens, nantgeîîiie Bannît Trittia Today, Osiiaa/WithoCannngtniiont Perty This Week, Peterborougin Ohis Wnnk, Picton Couny Guide, Ricitmond HilfihonnuitiiVaughan tOnnrai Scan- honogh Mîtnnn, StousîtinleUnhendge Tribune Adienising ns accepted on lte condntion titati te Ovoent ni a typo- gnaphicai etnon, tiat poton ni use adveniising space occupied Oy the enno- neous item, togethen nit a neasonabie aiinwance ton signatune, wii not ne changeS ion. bittite balance ni tee adienîisennent wii be paîd ion ai the appli- cable rate. The pîblîsiten nesennes tho ight te, categnie adienisenienis on declîne. Edîtoniai and adoentisinq content ni Te Caitadiait Chtampiote s pnoiecied Sp copynigt. Unaninnoniond nse is pnnsîbited.W The Miton Caeadîae Cinampin is a Reopotable Peadoot L m Costly political pasture Prime Minister Paul Martin's fine appoinîments to the Senate last week once again reafflrmn the belief the uapper chamber has outlived its useful- ness - if it ever had any. While claiming to be a propontent of Senate reform, Martin followed the tried, true and abhorrent method of past PMs to use Senate appointments as a way of giving a pat on the back to party friends - sort.of like Adscam, just without the secrecy. Most galling of Martin's appoint- ments was that of former defence min- ister Art Eggleton who was forced toi step down in 2002 when it, was revealed he gave an untendered $36,500 govemnment contract toi an ex-girlfriend. Likely more important to landing a comfy Senate seat, however, was the fact Eggleton didnnt mun in his Toronto riding in the last election, allowing star candidate Ken Dryden to, mn instead. Eggleton now gets to sit with other political dinosaurs until the age of 75 and will pocket a tidy yearly salaiy of $1 16,000, plus benefits. Taxpayers' money, of course. Martin's other appointeles included two who will sit as Conservatives and one (Lilliasi Dyck) as an NDPer. To his credit NDP leader Jack Layton immediately distanced his party from Dyck saying she's "not a New Democrat. " nnWe believe you need... to be elect- cd by the citizens," said Layton. nnThatns how you become a legisla- tor. n" Exactly. Senate reform bas neyer been a sexy election issue and with a minority govemrment in place it bas an even iower pniorîty now. However, Canadians should recog- nize the Senate for the sham it bas become and voice their displeasure at this cavalier waste of tax dollars with their local MP That is, before their MP becomes a sitting member of this retrement home for politicians. * Our Readers Write Champion'"s edîtorial about dysfunctînon among school board trustees mîsleadî»ng Dear Editor: Couid The Champion's March 22 editoriai ciaiming dysfunction among the trustees of the Haiton District Scbool Board he any more one-sided and misieselingi Unfortunaîeiy I believe. for stu- dents, parents and staff of the regionts public schooi systim. the answer is prohably no. Its one thing for an editorial writer t0 forcefuiiy presenit argu- ments supporting personal views on controversiai issues, hut it's quite another toi let - what is in nîy opin- ion -pensons! feelings or agendas cioud the prescnatation of facts. 'Me editoriai writer hases bis or ber case for ndysfunction on what are calied nia series of bizarre inci- dents ai this board." However, of the tbree unrelated incidents cited. 1 helieve only the latest. involving alieged assault charges. could be characterized as bizarre. The îsvo other incidents involved elected officiais disagreeing on issues criticai to the deiivery of public education in our community -the provision of a formai pro- gram for gifted studenîs and the process govemning school closure and new schooi construction deci- siotîs. Is il bizarre that our trustees would voice strong opinions on sucb issues'? The editorial tben goes 0n te, make two inferences, that the inter- ests of ail public education are somehow competing against per- sona] and political agendas. and that said competition is somebow pre- venting work, as a group. ai the board room table. These dlaims are, in my opinion, purposely vague and, not surpris- iisgly. totally unsubstantiated. lnformed debate and dissent are necessary ingredients te, a healthy democracy. We demand no more froru our elected representatives and we sbould expect no iess. And less appears 10 be what The Champion's editorial was comnmu- nicating. Casey Kalvaitis OskviIIe Students' efforts prove inspiratinal to rest of us Ank any of the students fromn Milton District Higb Schooi who îravelled lant montb to Grenada, and tbey'ii tell you il was an eye-open- ing experience. Ask any of the students' parents. and they'll most likeiy say il was one of the bent thingn their sons and daughtern could have done. Ask their principal, and he'll say il was thse best student venture he's ever had the priviiege of see- ing to fruition. &4it was absolutely. unbelievabiy great," said Ian Jones, principal of Milton District High School (MDHS). 14I've been doing Ibis (organiz- ing such trips) for 36 years and Ibis is by far the mont impressive venture we've sent the kidn on." One of the things that made il impressive, he said, wan the fact it was dune from start 1oi fininh by the group of 32 students. six staff membera and four volunteers. They didn't junt come along- side a humanitarian group, they did il tbemselves. Kudos 10 each student who traveiled to Grenada for two weeks lant month to build and re-buiid homes ravaged in last September's hur- ricane. Tbey devoted selflessiy of their lime, effort and finances 10 heip others, and tbe memories of those two weeks wiil serve as a continuai reward for their actions, l'm sure. Kudos as well 10, the Miltonians who dug deep mbt their pockets 10 support the students. According to Mr. Jones, the group raised about $55,000 in cash donations and about $90,000 in materiai and lolis. It seems the group's goal of raising $120,000 wasn't s0 lofty after ail, whicb should teach us ail a lesson about the importance of aimiùng high. The team was able toi build six compiete homes and leave tihe isianders with four pre-fabricated homes they can put together themnseives. Here at The Champion. we've been able to, watch the project progress from start to finish, and it seems a fitting conclusion îo offer you, our readers, a photo feature (on page B 12) compnised of snapshots taken by the students during their trip. The looks on the faces of somne of the recipients of the new homes are priceless -no written story couid do il justice. The way 1 see il. the MDHS team, bas given Miltonians a gift - the chance 10 tatke part in the trip tbrougs tinancial support. On thse Web site designed by the team are iisted the individuals and companies- who contributed. Each of those namres deserves te, take somte credit for the smiies depicted in the photo feature. For those who for whatever reason didn't jump on board. there's stili a chance. The group is stili iooking te, raise about $2,000 te, cover the expenses of the trip. Wouldn't heiping them raine that last littie bit be a great way for Miltonians 10 show our admi- ration for them? For information on the varioun ways 10 make a donation, visit wvww.mdhshelpsgrenada.org.

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