-,,Police are investigating man 's suspicious behaviour toward girl Halion Regionat Police are invesîigaîing afier a Milton girl complained a man dis- played suopicious behaviour toward ber on two occasions. The complainant, a grade 6 student, told police a man in a silver, single cab, newer model pick-up truck pulled up beside ber and a friend Monday ai 1:30 p.m. as she was walking in tbe area of Ontario Street and Laurier Avenue. Sbe said tbe man used a camera pbone to take a photo of tbem. Tueoday ai about 8:30 ar.. the same man approacbed one of the girls in the Police Blotter pick-up ai Martin and Mill streets, she told police. She said the man waved, passed ber and pulled a U3-tum. waving again. He repeaied ibis several trnes. Police are Iooking for a white maie between 45 and 50 years old wiih a wrin- kled face, short grey bair sprinkled wiib some black hair and a short beard. Tbe pick-up either bad no tailgate ai the back or it was down during the incidents, police said. Anyone with information is asked to caîl police ai (905) 825-4777. Cash stolen in break-in A Mountainview Drive home was bro- keir into Monday. Sometime between 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., unknown suspects eniered the bouse ahrougb the unlocked back door and took an undisclosed amounit of cash. Barn broken int A barn on Firsi Line was broken into ear- lier lasi montb. Police said untknown suspects entered the barn ovemighî Match Il and stole a black horse saddle. The esîimaîed value of the stolen saddle ta $2,200. Tires stolen A vehicle parked ai the GO Transit loi on Main Street bad uts tires siolen lasi week. On Match 22, the owner of the 2001 Jeep rettamed to tbe parking lot to find ibe vebi- le's tires and rims - valued ai $800 - bad been siolen. Police are inveoiigating. PRE §PINO CLAAC SAE M i: 1 A : I ,1: u 4 door, V6, air, heated seats memors ests, loadeti 89,000km S*200l52 1598 4d V, auto, air, pw Pli tii leather heated seats, oadîd, St90P2800 3900k$37, 822 4dr, auto. air, V6, pw, pi, ait, beige. 50,000 km StkP2739 1 a ?jq1, 922 4da, air auto, V8, tilt, pw, pi, tilt, cruise. leather, 47,000 kmo Stk P2002 $11,76 V8, auto, air pw, pl tit, tather ioadîd, 29,000 km, Stk P2660 $34, 966 14NI AC GRN RI X G1' 4d, auto, air, V6, pw, pi, tilt, 2dr auto air mooriroot, pw, ioaded, 1 owner pi, lt. ioaded, 62,000 kms Stkl15l219A Stk P2796 $12,98OU7 ~10,876 4dr, autu, air 8Wm Pi, tit, 4dr, V6, PW, PL, tit, croise, air. ioaded, 19,0(5 kmr. 9,000 km Stk P2780 Stk#P2760 $15 922 - 23,j982 Etend cab VO auto ai po pl tit cd, 4x4. odd 31 (0km Sik P2648 4dr, V6, auto, air, pw, pi, ieather, ioaded, 7 '000 kms Stk P2792 $39,0827 4dr auo, ir V& pw pl tt isadîd, 69000km Sik P2738 1 5--- 2dr, auto, air moonrosi, pw, pi, tit, croise, black, 54,000 km StkP2793A$10937 4dr V6, air pw, pi, tilt, loded. Stk P2773 Il16, 922 4dr, auto. aiPl koyle000 W, beige, 720 ZU km StkP2681O y g 4dr 4 cyl, auto, air, 06,000 kms Stk P2737 4x4, V8, auto, air, cruise, lier. 33,000 km. Stk P2728A $275 982 VO, pw, air autoip leather moo oif loade , 7l 1 owno lb Stk P2752A l 'Ï1 7 4d auto a p , il 5 eaiher htd seots, sont oaded, 9000km S k P2762 $4 , 8 4a. o a7r ompltit cruise, ioaaled 270k0kmn Stk P2746 $ 9 a V8, pw, pi. leather, ioaded Stk 201409A $39y, 983 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 1, 2005-5 *Laser Hair Removal *Laser Vein Removal *Photo Skin Rejuvenat ion *Laser Pigmented Lesion Removal *Medical Microdermabrasion *Acne Treatment & Prevention FDA pprovd Laer frMen &Women à 45 Bruce Street Milton, Ontario J1ý L9T 2L5 www.mpl.on.ca 18-5_-20-0---, 905-875-2665 MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 150 Reasons f0 (Celebrate Milon Public Llbrary Story Project What is your fondest, funniest or earliest memnory of the Library? Tell us your stories. The collected stories wiII be collated into a Story Binder. Drop by the Llbrary or visit our webslte for detail. *Y w MM aOf oWINe 342 BtO SL S. #2, PItm House ransacked Beîween 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Ieads to an arrear in t/ais or ant" <>other January 26, a door was forced open and marrer, vou may be eligible for ai cash $1,000O worib of properiy was siolen reward. You will neyer have to gise from aillisoti Crescen borne. vour name or testîfyý in court. Crime The siolen items included a Pballips Stoppera of Halton doesn t subscribe to fai screen Tiwo Paradigm speakers call display. Cati 1-800-222-8477 or and jeweloy. chaeck out Crime Stoppers' Web site or If you have any information that www.haltoncrimestoppers.com. IVE ON ILLO IVTrY