B12-The Canadien Champion, Fniday, April 1, 2005 Tee.ns rebulld Hurricane-ravaged Grenada Thirty-two Milton District High School students - sme of whom are pictured at top right - plus six staff and four volunteers spent their two-weec Ma rch Break building six homes and providlng another four com- plete home kits in the village of St. David's Perish in Corinth, Grenada. The ares was hard hit by Hurricane Ivan back In September. Top left, Nicole Death plays to the camera as she heeda down the embankment to where her team members are busy constructing a new home. Bottom lait, isiand resident Mr. Grant and hlm wife sit on the steps of their old house, whiie insets show their oid home and the progression of their new one. The project Is stili in need of donations. Those wishing to make e contribution can do so et www.mdhsheips- grenada.org. r-M,