LThe Canadian Champion, Friday Apni 1, 2005-B' Group rewardinu, saiv Plavers ;~ <fr lui f rom PLAYERS on page Bi He added although he performs rnostly at independeno clubs, fundraisers - like the gig for the Milton Players -tend to have an added sense of fuifilîment. Altbough the upcoming event is an anniversary celebration, it's aiso important that il raise money for the group, as ticket sales from its tbree shows eacb year don't cover ail the costs, said Players president Susan Cranford. The group aise, enosets mnurder mysteries as fundraisers. Ms Cranford bas been involved ssitb, the theatre grou f'or the past 16 years and saed Mlton's graeup is uoce ut the friendiiest atrouind. 'It's a lriendly. social atilos- phere. Wye g'o out of our ssay tu miake item mnemtbers feel sc corne, she said, adding the group's always lookiug for fresh talent be it people who can sesv cos- tumes, build sets, apply makeup or gather props. "It's for anyone wbo likes o bave Sues. and duesu't ioind a bit ut baid work," Ms Cranfeerd said, adding il weas always her gocal Ou, direct, but she tirst wanted o leam every behind-tbe-scenes job so, she knew svbat she was doing. As always. the Milton Players conitinues tu sveicomne new mern- bers regardless of tbeir experience. Over tice past decade-and-a-haif. Ms Crauford satd une of' the bîggest changes boas been that directers now corne from svithin the group su it doesn't bave tu recruit guess directurs. The years have also seen the crc oltio ufthe puoular direner theatre perfeomaneces, in ss ich attendees enJvoy a8 catered eneai belore the shuov, Ms Ctatford said. ictdiiig they're ulteit suid out. The group is governied by ae seven-rosember huard of directors. and et Slow rents an industrial unit on Alliance Road so props and sets don't have o be stored in vanious basemnents. Ms Hamilton said she remem- bers thc days svbcn tlîe Players per- forrned at Halton His Place and later the Masonic Lodge oto Regional Road 25. In fact, there were a number of locations before the group settied into the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre. Somneohing that hasu't cbanged from day one bas been the Players' loyal foliowers - potrticularly those svbo purchoîse subscriptions year otîter year. In tact, that's svbat makes ail the effort svorttosvtiie. Ms Hamnillun said. adding shec bas no plans to stop ber invielvernenit svtb the grvn«up. -'l'Il never -vei p the Playaiis. Msaybe lIlI be less invols'ed, but l'il alsvays be tbere f'or tbe Players. YOsî can't put 26r years ilete et and just svalk 0955 oîy." For mure informnationî un tbe Players, visit tbem at www.milton- players.coin, or cati (905) 875- 0629. Stephaiîie Thiessee (Eci 7e reached at sihieaaen@eniltncanlia- dieanchamepie> in winter -from TRIPS on page B2 the forsf time t coul d actually take one. Sometimei, t think a cruise would be lnice. But then 1tOhink about the Titanic or wor-y that if alt the hooze was free 1 migh drink Oa much and fail clver- board and get eaten by sharks. t dont wano ta get eaten by sharks. If t com- ptetely etiminate the possibiity of get- ting esten by sharks in any way, shape or formi Ohen t think Ohat's a fairly smart move. Anywbere in tihe United States is appealing, espccially Las Vegas and Hawaii, and for somne reason I'd lîke o oye wbere O.J. Simpson lived. But real- ly, t go ail over the wortd when I watcb rny favourite reality show, The Amnazing Race, and I'm, one click away froru going anywhere t t ike with ail the Intemnet Webcams. And 1 dont have ta teave home. Just die wsy I tike it. 2-4 ru; 290 SiexarCe, . 900 R'ave Mayoaî Ro val LePage Meadotow ree ally 05 8, 8101 1-,pm881 Lancaster, 939,900 Barb KCeg xea Real Estate Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 tar, 837 Childs Or., $399.00 Andrea Reventikidis, Prudentia Town Centre Realty 905-878-9100 1-4pund 35 Ielcer Gien Niefllsmit, sb1900 Susac Recosie, Royal LePage Meadoaelowne 905-U7881 01 109Cooper Ave., 319.900 Deaîe MayraeefeoçaiR5age Meadowtowee Elty 905878-101 2-4 nor, 365 Saverstouk Crs., $M,4900 Hooter Obee. Royal LePage Meadonowvo Really 905987899101 2-4 tar, 262 Couke, $329,900 Adina trnesý Royal LePage Mcadoctowne Realty 905-878 8101 2-4 omný340 Satok Cres., $26400 Sad Kinsae loyal LePaoc Meadoevtowne 905878 9701 2-4 prem 281 Satok Cres., $264.000 Rave Howden, loyal LePage Meadolowne 909987998101 2-4 oor 1 Paiamiro Or, Carlislr, $539 00 Jce RageaSk Royal LePage Meadowoene%-908 8 101 2-4 pom, i355 Childs Dr., $192.900 Karen Cîeroy Royal eRao Meadonlocre 905-878581 il 2-4 prim, 1387 Hall $t., $429.00 > le Se Biid,, ll Poya 1 ePoge Meadovlsvee 905 878 81r 2-4 pmn, 881 Lancaster, $399 900 Bine v. e, urav Revl EsLle Centre, 90P798 W7, 2-4eom. 35 Maryý SI., $265.000 Be,, FeRros v x9eal Esyate Cenre 905 7 2 z 5em 52 Cavetevîl Crs. 'nov 97, týis l Reav Real Es atv Centre, 905-878-77 1-4 eo,100Macire Lace,$202 900 AndrevwCasae Min Coin Solons Reiay, 94010-1100 2-4e 1r,434 Higbside Dr., 99900 KIm Scot. oyal LePage Meadowone 905-878-8101 2-4 eor, 741 Laurier Ave. $26400 Bri8,0v RSmith, Royal CePage Mvadowiowne §0s 878-8101 2-4 parm, 570 Moorelants Cr00. Chris Nesel Coîdwel Barder 90598844 iliongemr, 611 [tenait Bini. 9339 900 Saavgrve i leRv e max Really Specalists 965-858-3434 rThe Regional Mw4icipa'lity of Halton A Portnuvrship That WorksI HALTON REGION 74511 s NOIE OF SUYCMENCMN Regional Rond 25 Transportation Corridor Highway 401 f0 north of Campbeîlville Rond, Town of Milton Cîass Environmental Assessment Study The Regional Municipality of Halton is initiating a Class Environmental Assessment ta consider a wide range of options for transportation corridor impravements ta satisty future travel demands on Regional Road 25, t ram Highway 401 ta just narth of Campbellville Road, in the Town of Milton (refer ta map below). The need ta satisfy narth-sauth capacity requirements in this transportation corridor has been identified in previaus sttJdies including the Halton Transportation Mester Plan (2004). In arder ta best address operafianai deticiencies assaciated with this segment cof Regional Road 25, a number 0f road improvement alternatives wiii be examined as part of the sfudy inciuding widening the roadway, cross-sectional elements, intersection improvements, averaf i traffic aperafians and the impact of such impravements an the social and nafural enviranmunts. This notice signais the commencement of the Ciass Environmental Assessment - a study which wiii detine the prablem, identity and evaluate alternative solutions, and determine a preterred design in consultation with regulatory agencies, and the public. This sfudy is being conducted in compliance wifh Scheduie C of the Municipa/ Class Environmenfa/ Assessment (June 2000), which is appraved undur the Ontario Environmentai Assessmenf Act. A key component of the sfudy wiil be consultation with interestend stakeholders (public and regulafary agencies) at two Public Information Centres <PIC). The PiCs wiil pravide stakehaiders with an oppartunify ta meet wifh the Project Team, review the sfudy scope and discuss issues related ta the praject inciuding alternative solutions, enviranmenta considerations and evaluation criferia. if is anticipated that the tirsf public meeting will be held in June 2005. Details regarding the torfhcaming PICs wiii be advertised as the study progresses. Information requesfs or questions may b. directed f0: Lisa Zinkewich, B.E.S The Regional Munlicipaify of Haiton Tel: 905-825-6000, ext. 7556 Fax: 905-825-8822 Email: zinkeveichi @ Scott Thorburn, P.Eng Consultant - Praject Manager URS Canada Inc. 75 Commerce Valley Drive East, Markham, Ontario L3T 7N9 Tel: 905-882-4401, ext. 534 Fax: 905-882-4399 Email: scott This notice first issued on April 1, 2005 The map below shows the approximate limita of the atudy ares. wwvv.reglon.halfon.o>n.cs.lppw/planningroads REUS FO TENDE Bid documents for the services listed below, addressed ta the Manager of Purchasing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00 p.m. Oakville time on the specified closing date. Bld documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Division of the Corporate Services Department, same address as above, telephone 905-825-6000, extension 7011. If long distance charges apply, dial toîl free 1 -866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866). Documents will be available for pick up on and atter Tuesday March 29, 2005. There las a nan-refundable depasit oaf $26.75 (includes GST). Bidders wha request documents ta be shipped tram the Purchasing Department must include a handling tee of $1 0.70 (includes GST) for this service. Bids will be apened in public at 2:15 p.m. on the clasing date specified in the Nelson Room at the aboya address. Those submitting bids are invited ta attend. Under no circumstances will tacsimile or sate bids be accepted or considered. Lawest or any bid nat necessarily accepted. Halton Region relies on this advertisement ta provide public notice of this business opportunity and is not obligated ta notity any potential bidders in any other manner. T-i 69-05 ALL LABOUR AND MATERIALS REOUIRED FOR THE SUPPLY, DELIVERY, ASSSEMBLY AND FINAL PLACEMENT 0F UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE FOR CREEK WAY VILLAGE LONG TERM CARE FACILITY IN BURLINGTON, ONTARIO CLOSING: TUESDAY, APRIL 12,2005 A.' Urbanski Commissioner 0f Social & Cammunity Services A. Mindenhal, CPPO Manager of Purchasing Services We want your feedback on our website As part of our commitment to serving aur custamers, Halton Region is conducting an anime survey to measure satisfaction with our website. The survey resuits will help us determine who is visiting the website, what information visitors are looking for and how we can make our website a more effective communication f001. The survey will run from Monday, April 4 to, Friday, April 29. Each visitar to Halton Region's website will have the opportunity ta f iii ouf a questionnaire. Ail information callected will be kept confidiential. Visit us at Yaur opinion is important f0 us and we look forward f0 your comments. Halton Regionsi Meeting Sciiedule: A. BSent marahait CAO Tuesday, April 12 - 9:30 a.m. - Health & Social Services Committee Wednesdlay, April 13 - 9:30 a.m. - Planning & Public Works Committee Wednesday, April 13 - 1:30 p.m. - Adminstration & Finance Committee 111Bot oai avle ON L*M 31-I 905 82-60 To - fre 1-6 -H LO ±86-4 -