B12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnl 1, 2005 T rips greai' fors omle, blit if, home~ çwpptf home for m Il 1 ciiuld go anyier u hccI anted li a vacation, I'd have a tough lime deciding. I'd have a harder lime deciding if I even wanîed 10 lie decided bc'd uvaîl lui go, he'd j st go. We goi eoused 10 il afier a while. (ý I like being home. Fin a homehody, a person wlîo likes being I ottly werit on one home, and when Fin flot, lin glad when I fmnally gel there. Il's flot vacation of any note as 4 as if I don't like going places, I jaus like il better when inm back an aduit, and only one home. I don'î have any phohias or anyîhing about il. Noî like sorte limne oui of' NorthO n t people l've known. I have one family acquainlance, who was very America. I went 10 nice and very uociable, but who didt leave her apartmenî for 10 Venezuela about 20 o s years. Honesîly. This person had even bought a nice house. whîch years ago and had a sal empty for the whole 10 years. She recenîly left thai aparlmnent. greai lime. But 1Ive S E s0 good for her. neser had any bumning A frîeîîd of mine while growing up used 10 leave parties and bars desire t0 go back or any burnîng desire 10 gui anywhere. and îlot tell anybody. The first couple times we Iooked everywhere Then Ihere's the dilemma about when to go even if I wanîed 10. for him., even in the back seats of cars in the parking loi. Whenever Most people wouldnît complain about a trip bo a warmn soulhera location durîîîg the winier. But I like winîer. I like the snow and I like il when il's cold. And this lime of year I uvouldn'l want 10 go becanue spring uveather is coming and I don't wanl 10 miss il. I ceriainly wouldn'î wanl 10 go in the summer because that would seemn a wasle 10 go somnewhere svarm when il's already warm here. And I enjoy the faîl so I wouldn'î uvanl lu go Ihen. either. I guess if I had lo pin il down, mayhe Id go beîween March 1 and March 8. That's ai the end oU Ihe uvinter and hefore spring. Mmnd you. this is the first winler in about 20 years thal I wasnlt busy workîng svith hockey. You don't lake winier vacations svhen hockey is your main source uitincomne. This year of'course. there was no NI-L hockey but hecause there uvas no hockey there uvas also no income from hockey which meani no uvinier vacation for - ee NO on page Bll Cr- smticAcpu -ur 0 Reduce/eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, puffy eyes, double chin, droopy eyelids o Acne rtmn o C Lift sogging skin o Reduce/eliminote dork circles under the eyes Cleor ond bnighteen your complexion 10 Susan Coulter, A HBSc, ND % e Doctor of Naturopaithic Zq. M«> iMedicine I500 Laurier Ave. 1 <A&P Plaza) cw ;w 905-876-0048 The WarAmps the dea"ms of child amputees. The Winn.r's philosophy of the CHAMP Program helps make their dreams corne true. E-EcASS:-1101 1-118&2§84M FAX, 1411UU - Omo @@ma l s- g MM m AOOWÀ%ý,