30-The Canadjan Champion, Friday, April 1, 2005 ~e ~ OPE 110115 $ AT. AMt 2 2 - 4 ,11 8us CRUOS OR. 532 CAVINIU CR. * -MMl LOUS OF MMN MRBYeEUuM M 1M Spacleus 5 Mv, 5 hedenudae hre splht Pouvle fully tened landacaped propeel, W/0 heom large tam un ade lp, - Connut decke ofeelmg 16x34 uegr pool, Eat-inet h with lea utof uad counitees Ceranic tar et Cfoyer & necit, Large lra'ian rm oucnm ouei COME FOR A VISIIT.. olay a lifetime la Chia darlîng 3 k ManIer hdrm enute & wAne doset Ma M lauridr r tn & dervoltce SaeCe bedraem Lyndsay madel halt hy Mattamy, Sanken Camily leeds in 4 locatins, Lamer L- enttc. on wAamimate fleea, Separate nide entdalioe to mleweM aste, 2 car wageewAoCCastorage ameThishaoehashee raam, Creplace, Ceniced yard, decarator ahadesand mare. apeteted thruue tlual tour @ www.Wakvan.com 1-86-JACKcVAN~ Do camne in -yeu'II he delighted. ~ ~ -,----ROYAL LUPAGI 1P SUNNY DECK AND POOL. This weil car«ee Cor 4 hed- room home on a quiet crescent has had a receet kitchen Supgrade and heautilel hardweod au the entire maie floor. Great home Cor a grawing family with main Cloar family reom, large rec. raom and worknhap. WOW SUMS IT ALL UP! Arnazirlg 4 bdrm executive home set on a pie lot 81 x 12l'with a huge side yard, inground pool, Simply-stunning gourmet kitchen open onto dining room and living room. Finished rec. room, main floor family room with gas fireplace, upgrades galore. See Winter & Summer pictures in the Visuel Tour at AJIMiRon Homes.com. Call Chris for ait the details. M M- OIPEN leu SAT. An& 2 2 - 4 PM LA»CAIM ELVDý 'l3 bedroamn tawnhamne, appran. 1,920 sq. ft. et living space, finished basemnent. Upgraded kitchen cabinets, 'àceramics la kitchen & foyer. Hardwaod floors ia a Iivieg/dieieg roams. Central air conditioning. Spacioaa bright deiached home on Bennett blnd bout by Mattamy. SHardwood Ina rs and staircase. Upgraded leitchen and appliances. Main Cioo famiy room with Creplace. 3 large bedrooms with 4pc Ensuit Co manIer. Second floor laandry, Central air, proloasional- ly pt nted aed mech mare. Mi q#Wel7Q9t ba eN M24PU ii~iENtEGAj MASTERPIECE This heauWlt executve hoee - STNIGMATIAMY Stnig2400 square foot Mattamy e oat magniticent architectural design and tepý-ut-line quutty Ioaded w/upgrades & backing onto greenbelt/pond. Dark- Làthreughaut. t aCtersaun abundance ut Cattuleut living urea, an eie- stained hrdwd firs, upgraded ceramtcs, gourmet kit, 16' guet gut tireplace. decerutive catumes, 2nd lear laundin rener amd ceilings & more! Enjoy sunsets over the pond! Better than cterlcîîgWtt4hdem ahalreetngu new at $409,500. me ice i reitbe 9M DIRNN!LL0Y Lesu Chae 1.5 yas New. NI Crnck detacte 4 bedrucen HminMlinMtrsntmerousurades, cuve moldlng, cellieg rostte, pgr(W ermic, ok rail& somdleslarge eat-in kiCchee w/tantry & alkeut te yard. Mate fluer tamlty ont Spaoes eesuile. rntrai vac & mach. mach ma7re lIt av ACROSS FROM PARK! Charming *Pilgrim« model 'n papalar Hawthame Village. Four spaciaus bedroama, mater witlt full ensuite, berber breadlaam, tresly painted medem decar, garage entry, Cully Cenced wilh weot-facing rear yard. Mave en fer summer! nana W a0henaen ua uan lad inrdhi 3 ua.alaepee I SPRNG INTO AMTON G3reat~ h drm. Camdy, hom eat.n ofheunonTattutalt tTsuaIn l Thp noonItla kîtchen with mpecabinets, mi l amily rim candyi o tuiouaspectacalar 20 acres niah franage haninoonal trou r ail p - lacated an the second Sauor, are eust a lew oC the Celatures oC Chisn ane, 'nar.na marr tns tla e nuwl a erie h Mrpaan d unh al ta home. Frna the inndieg front psrch ta the whiripoul tah, Chia hume 0eour .M plna 2200 tl, knal fra tant ianess»w noercn s ready and waitieg fer yna and yaur Camdty. Cal DIANE n far yeur emnaanou dmwnr .prt mt fe persana tur. aucommaum 4 PMi U PAUEC il UNfl lUE SU. -4PM 2 - 4 PMi 1119C"-M Ain" Offl BME M. Z4 in