Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Apr 2005, p. 27

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IS Cunreilp seeling tx fli the I ~~ - taing psitians. Responsibilities Loai salîcîfefior, baokîng snd coordination. Coordînele and dîsputch drivers. Qualifications A minimum of 2 pears retated esperierce ix transportation. Sfrong organîzalîvnat/commsnîcaîion ekîlls Understaodîng regultfions of Hoarso0f Service, Teum Ptayer. Multi Punctions, computer skîlls. Tire dextre ta ssccxad. For verîsus OppiiCants any, pleuve vend in confidence pour resame ao faxs 416-675-7976 DRIVERS New Truck Oelivery We datîver axa truckrs from faCtary ta dealer- slips lhraughaut tho US aod raisin w/oiea trucks tram U S. plants .42 par mile Matai pravîdef rightli Must hava AZ tiCaasa & tyr. t/t 058 Exp. I AIS Casada FRESH FACES NEEDED Ages infants to 75 years for catalogue work, TV, fashion events. $15 - $90/hr. Please cali 905-336-5455 Garden Centre, Requires: DRIVER'D' OR'A LICENCE YARD PE-RSON App>' in person: Taylor Nurse'> 7429 5tm Lisse, Milton or im treisune ta: 905-875-0698 Canada s largest daity is lookîng for: SALES CREW MANAGERS (Circulation) Barllngton & OakIIo " Succesefu candidate musf have a reliabie van to transport sales crew. " Direct sales aupenience preferred. *Muet have abiiity f0i motivatle and train youths f0i sali subscriptions door 10 door. *Highest commissions paid for hard worldng individuels. 2004 average commissions peid $80,000. *Full & Part tins. For personal interview cati: Steve Gjorfees Office 905-850-5240, cati: 905-815-5385 Email: sgjorke@thestar.ca F - , r 2 staW FIJLL-TIME CANVASSERS Naaded immediatll irOifhour plus bonius (aerage $1510o $l5itrour. No seiîro Pesse cail M. Shulmen aI: 310-TRUE(8783) ext #6637 Or sand resumnelu: mehulmantruestreah.cam Residential Garden Care Service localed in Milton is lvvking for pans-lime heip for the 2005 gardening season. Ideal hvsrs wvrking heimeen 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Mvnday iv Fniday. Please mail resame etating experlence ta. Box 14R, c/o The Canad ion Champion, 191 Moin St., Milton, ON, L9T4N9 SMilton area horse farm requirea N1gtwatck.eeasn. Foalîng expe- rience preferred. Fax reateme to: 905-878-0713 ***Acto>ra#fifteIs** Sptil Filming Beason se hauer. The agancia thet we acoaut for are loatdcng for new faces and talent - att totr, ahapes and aizes - fot TV Movtes, Cammerciats, Magazines nd mxesie videca. Caltdraen, Wans and adulte naeded - no expedaenca raqoitadf MLfl - amyAprit st laeos hWborkeDri e SNaiokAni f0 Sepfmber Muet be a ile tis st5 u Senw d resu» me a:-8pi agaydn@vdeIf bus che.comw Lamdscap Mantenc ebrer resrdîmaeyfor fuito ist imb ostion s foran Spngsmer work Ssccessfu aplitm sst he s hadwohn abl el o lialed tha 50 watt. Pleas Fx Resu e f0 t0584064o Fax.: 905-854-4501 Pin. £ t.1Mai wien inhe hOtiaboh frqie mit for ail im positions onAnforra lm-p ariocatrned aIrk 1550 ernu Rd. W (At mudest the piaza arosganth stelf rotia thetwr Mall dna tear pee fvrward raes comesrablel wiexperience d wtiueekn.ep EperienceU il with shw/ae hosesn ano fahefo smme poiifn o desired. on la-pm Cailm-pm Candonl 9o-Fnm :00-4:00,vir Bahe Cre Ifdey arequtibe PTr ehep Hour prectfmaue studth1 ient Sales experience ant asowt horses xain ah nec ei sie Phn(905) 87-8880o Fax resumrie: (905) 878-0190 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS (Carlisle) Reqaires eoperienced persans tv tilt positions uf Forepernons and Labourer. We fe an eocellent wage and benefit packiage wirth appurtunitiex fer adoancemexl. Pieuse formard nesame. Afin. Nlck Fax 905-889-0432 or by solil: nick@envirodetign.ca SUMMER EMPLOYMENT PRODUCTION ASSEMBLERS Hapward Pouf Prxducls Canada, toc. a teadiog manu- facturer af ssimmiog pool accenoory eqaîpmxol, has sverai opevîngu for production asoamblers (Aprîl- Auguot). Wegeo- $9/tir Hoaro 8:3Oam-5 OOpm. lnterested appicanto please appty in persan or contact- Allen 905-829-2880 eut 241 2M70 111a01t Brille, OallIe (Wlnston CharchilUOEW) BUILDING SUPIS., Burlingion 23 soit spurfoxof building ix Bartingtsn. near lakeohore and Guet h Lîve. Excellent nppxrtsnify for mature or refired Ç9ýL. Saccexofat applicanfo muxI heauble fa handie renfaix, renewelo and collections. Maintenance datiex inctode piambing, heatirg, etecîrical & mio repaîro. Remaneration sutl include a 2-hedroom +$50. 1 spouse can have fltlime emptaîment oatxîde of the bidg. Apply 10 Nîck Verrecchia, Jordan & Wilîuamo Mgmt. Lld, f25 Forest Ave., L8N 107 Fax: 905-5II 27-383 111.111111 il @ESITIEL E N* 7 Jet e fresh foods assefj4nse chosest cumnnunîf y! We invite you toi our JOB FAIR Thurs., Mer. 31, 4 - 8 p.m. Set., April 2, 1 - 5 p.m. et the Holiday Inn Oakville Centre 590 Argus Rd., Oakville If you are pasoionate about f004 Iuow how lu delicer great cusiomer oereice, and lookingfor an exeiiing work e,,ca-onmenL.. we art looldng for yoit! We are hiring clerks for the fottowing deperiments: Bakery - Prepered Foodx.- Specialtv Seafood - Grocery - Nutrition Produce - Ceshiers * M-eat Canada's Leading Photo, Video & Digital Imaging Retailer is currently seeking: Experienced Staff for ai Locations Applicants must have relevant industry experience and be committed to exceptional Customer Service. If you are interested in a rewarding Retail Sales career, email your resume to: careers@henrys.com or fax to: (416) 868-0243 or visit www.henrys.com/careers DONIT miss OUT! Great Opportunhly in Burlîngtan! Profit of $600-$800 Geeranteed Moxthly-Plus Gis Sebsîdy Eaniy msrning dssr toi duor Dalivery of the Hamilton Spactatar & Toronto Star Must Have Reliable Vehicle. 7 Osys e Week CALI NOW 905-639-7700 ASSISTANT TRAFFIC TECHNICIAN ($12.89 TO $14.75 HoURLY) Seasonai position offoning full-time work from Apnîl 10 June and agaîn from Sept- ember to Novembor. Reoponsîbie for installation, oporation and retniosat of traffic Coaaling equîpment. MusI posseas slrong computer skitta, eacellent înterpersona skîlls and tire ahîlty io work on roadways wîth moaîng traffic. Vlid drivers licence required. 0Pieuse fao or ornait resume by 04/13/2005 to: 905-338-4159 Attn: Adam Bell or emaîl Adam aI abeii@oakaîiie.Ca The Town is an equai opportunilp employer Laidiw EduStion Service DRI VERS STILI NEEDED Free Training School Bus Drivers Wanted Cali 905-877-444 Laidase s an equai oppxnfunrff Company Burlingion Manufacturer hiring Production Lead Nand Aoxembly/ packaging/ iight manufucluriog Shlpping Lead Hand Shipping/ receixing dulies, ssmt lifting toth tati-lime deyx. Forklîht experience reqaired. Fax smie 905-332-0783 NWsed f5 help wbMitsx sites. Must be tnergebc and wiIIing to soie. Caîl Jeniter: 905-702-1980 Lawn Maintenance& Gardening Positions Avallable $10/hr f0, start Fax resume ta 905-878-8163 HENRY'S LAWN & GARDEN Requires Fuit-lime Maintenance Worker's Evp. preterred but wîii train the right peopleý Wageo Ici refiect exp. ow transportatior lu yard rxquîred More inoa requîîed cuit 905-878-2488 Pieaox fax or emait rexame tai 905-878-1098/ hlgmspolt@obxer Com MORIGAGE AGENTS We're growingt Coma join our teamt No exp. necessary. Mlasse tax femmen ta Katie 905-864-4564 Cleanera for office in the enenînge naadad in MILTON ara, 310o4 hoars, Monday lx Fridey. Espanience needed. Please cuit Maria at 416-742-2566 X 25 or ornait foi Marioti aauperm.int-n-nce.cmm Automotive Jobber Countterpersont Prefer 5 yrs experience Fax Rlesumne ta: 905-878-1390 drpa Adai In tii clasaiflde have ii oantI to be »Ma by 40,00pop I a Thre Cansdien Champion, Fridsay, Aprif 1, 2005-27 i GnK . " s'à jiieaîssp lie, e ifaka sikP a 8 17-89-3-2066 510 Sie 510 11 ACS Canada 1 Ga"Mi Neip 001,1101111W 81III11P GWMW 14etp Geo" fielp Seasonai Retail Sales Position in Narval Afternmons and Weekends Must enjoy interactirg wilh the public and have a knowledge of plants. Pleaae forward reaumne f0: Fax:905-457-7519 Offers opporfanity lv hîghly motivated experienced fulitlime employees, able bodied with excellent * refererces, 10 teed, muck ouf, groom, turnout aandmîscellaneous barn chores.I Iilfr Interview 8:OOam - 4:3Opm 905-873-1899 4:3Opm - 9:OOpm 905-873-8501 Or fax resume lv: 905-873-1919 Fuil-time VOnHorse Farm Monday ta Friday Cali Peter at 905-877-0545 SEARS CARRIERS rRehiahe individuels needed for door lv dooor catalogue delivery cGeorgetawn/ A Atan area Cali 905-873-2925 leave message ait h narre, phone and 7address 905-78-7789 Srn y lif ntigc woyork rebue d MI ust mals be orao

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